To do list

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Message from God - I want to reveal something to you

My child. Don't feel weary because I care4 about you. Ask yourself - How would God feel in this situation? What would God do in this situation. How would Jesus handle this situation? Ask yourself that Linh.

I know there's been many things that's causing you stress right now. But what I want you to know is that I've always been with you every step of the way. Now first of all, in terms of the vardering course. I know that the delay of the course made you doubt my great plan for you, but believe me that I had to do it for your benefit. Remember that my ways are higher than your ways. Your understanding is limited and you only sees what's best based on YOUR judgements and understanding, but I see it all. I've created the earth, this universe, the whole mankind, and what makes you think that I don't want the best for you? What you think is best is still not good enough under my term. So can you please put your trust in me and let me demonstrate the wonders of my work. I will show you what I can do and believe me, it will be amazingly great. Trust in me that the previous Friday wasn't a coincidence that you didn't pass your assessments. The models that you THOUGHT were the wrong models were actually people who I wanted you to meet and learn from. I want you to take time with everything that you do. I want you to be well prepared for where I will be placing you. There will be certain techniques that will surely benefit you in the long run. You will learn a lot from doing all of these advance techniques and by not allowing those "right" models to turn up, I've made you think outside of the box to ultimately help develop your skills. Monday will be fine, you will pass both of them on Monday. Believe me. Everything is almost done. But remember, put me first in everything you do. Everything you do. Absolutely everything you do. Watch out for that little voice inside your heart telling you to "do it" or "stop it" or "don't eat it" or "it's okay"...ect Those are the instincts that I've placed in your heart to warn you of what's right and what's wrong. You've asked for wisdom and good judgment so I've given you just that. You just have to sesitise yourself to those voice within you because they are my voice. It is me who is speaking to you and I will only tell you what is best. If you do ignore it, you will learn from your mistake and YOU will have to take up the consequences. You know that full well. You've experienced it many times recently with food haven't you? I've always told you not to eat those processed food but you didn't listen. You still went on and ate it even when you were full, especially when you are TIRED. You know it's not good for you but your flesh does the total opposite of what your spirit tells you. Consequently, you've experienced those painful stomach aches, that HORRIBLE feeling on the bus, as though you wanted to vomit. LINH, MY BELOVED DAUGHTER, the reason why you feel that is because your body doesn't want it! It doesn't need it and your body is not made to process those type of food. I made you so you can enjoy the abudance of the living food readily available around you. Think of how amazing the fresh fruits and vegetables taste compare to the after-feeling of having those sweet breads, oily food in your stomach. You definitely don't want to live with that for the rest of your life.

You think too much, and that is why there are times when I rather not reveal things to you. I feel like the more things I do show you, you will not use it for a long period of time. You get excited and start it, but you are not able to finish it off. You get the hype for it quickly, you have lots of energy for the first few steps but lack that consistency and motivation to take yourself to the end. And as more informations are revealed to you, you start getting confused and not knowing which one is right or is wrong. They are all quite right, to an extent. Linh, all of them DO work, but there are one thing that will ALWAYS be the best out of them all. Learn the basic, go back to the simple thing. You get frustrated too much about your physical appearance. You need to let that go COMPLETELY before you can start on this new journey long term. You don't want to start a diet, you want to have a newly changed lifestyle. You want to adopt a BETTER way of life than you are living. You are not happy with your life, your image, but if you choose to seek me first, I will demonstrate my power to you. I will work miracles in your life. I always know you inside out, and have planned the date of your wedding, your death, your first child, your countless getaway holidays, the day your mum will be saved, the day your sister will truly know how much you care for her, the day your family will finally have peace. I know it all Linh, do you believe that? Understand that I am the God of all gods and no one is greater than I am. By having me, you will be co-heir with Christ and that means, everything YOU do will have extra favours because you are mine. I love you and want the best for you, and because you have faith in me, you believe in me, I will go out of my way to do what I need to do for your calling to be fulfilled. I will move people's life's situation, I will alter the environment so this world will have to conform to YOU and your LIFE/PURPOSE/CALLING. I need you and had I not need you, I wouldn't have died for you. You are apart of an amazing kingdom and plan. Don't ever underestimate the position you are holding right now. You may think it is not much, that it is small, that it's unimportant but you are wrong if you think so. Your life will bring about countless of blessings to people. You have already done that and I'm very glad to be witnessing such Godly and kind attitudes from you towards people around you, whether it'd be strangers, the homeless, the people on the street, bus drivers, the clients you have at work, the people who criticise you, your work colleagues, your mum, your friends, your sister ect. I'm very proud of you and keep up with the positive attitude. That's what I want you to see. And I want to congratulate you on giving extra effort on decide to think extra long before you talk. It's good to take time and consider. Also good to know what you want to avoid to think so that wouldn't affect your emotion, mood, actions and behaviour.

As I said about your new lifestyle. You seem to be struggling a lot right now. You want to start but you can't start because you dont' have a strong enough foundation. You need to know WHY you want to do this and what for. You need to find "unseen" reasons not "seen" because what's unseen will last forever but what is visible to the eyes will quickly fade away. This is what I mean by not concentrating on your physical appearance because didn't I tell you that when you do leave this old body, I will give you a new body in Heaven? Therefore, seek for things such as:
- a sense of completeness & well being
- joy & happiness
- stable mood
- energy to carry out daily tasks to the fullest

As long as you keep in mind these things, all of the other POSITIVE changes will be revealed and present as a byproduct. It will come inevitably.
So I will tell you HOW right now. You can trust in me or you can leave it and go with your old way. Make your decision wisely but I will guarantee you that if you do what I tell you, I PROMISE you will get the body that you want before you leave for the holiday at beginning of December. And how amazing will it be having people seeing you so happy and energetic, full of energy, looking at your best and living an amazing healthy lifestyle. Linh, concentrate on the benefit of the "inside" okay. Look within. This is why I want you to do this. I want you to take care of your body because it is my temple. In this temple I will have to carry out numerous important works. And since you are my Gold utensil, I have to make sure you are "fit" to do the job, and with that I ask that you will follow my way starting from tomorrow on. I ask that from no onward, you will wake up every morning to seek me first. You may get tired but trust me, if you put your attention on me first and dedicate the first hour to me in the morning, the rest of the day will run how it should be. I will give you a map and directions for the rest of the day so you don't have to worry about getting lost or feeling anxious. Don't sleep in because you feel like you're tired, you should know why you are tired. You are tired because you are not getting enough rest. I want you to rest so much and I've designed you in such a way that rest is a necessity for all human being. It should take up 1/3 of your life and so just watch and be cautious at what time you are sleeping at night. I know that you are a night person and likes to stay up late, but do this for me: look after your body and have adequate rest. Give yourself 9 hours sleep at least, 8 is not definitely not enough for you. You need to spend your time wisely so that everything can be done before you get to bed. If you have to wake up at 7 then make sure you sleep at 10, if you need to wake up at 8 then get to bed before 11 and so on. You really need the rest darling. My precious child, this is the first important step to feeling whole.

So we've established that you need REST. Nine hours of sleep. And every morning I want you to dedicate and hour for me. I want to meet you in the morning and have a talk with you. Make it a morning routine. I do like the times when your on the bus and resting in my presence but I would still prefer extra time where you can get into the words and prepare yourself for the battles to come. Your life isn't easy and it won't be any easier as the days go by. You need to be armoured with the truth and the word of God.

Secondly, you need to continue to provide your body with living fruit juice/ fruits in the morning. That is the best thing you can do for it. Have it until your body is satisfy. I do understand that sometimes you feel like something sweet or crunchy, but when you think about it, doesn't fruit gives you just that? Besides, even if you apt for sweet bread, processed food in the morning, you will feel good for the 2-3 minutes you are EATING it, but as soon as it gets into your stomach, the brain will let you know that it isn't what the body needed and eventually causes you to turn moody, fatigue, out of energy and WILL DEFINITELY send you on a guilt trip which you don't want to be on.

The very very very very important third thing is that with every single meal, you need to have some fruits or vegetables with it, ideally it should be fresh and not cooked. You can have this with other healthy starch or protein: brown rice, tuna, homus, fish ect. But sticking to more raw food will benefit you even more. I do realise that you've been considering of trying out the raw diet but I believe it would be too dramatic for you so I'd like to leave you some option. By all mean, you can go some days with just fruits and juice or vegetables which is fantastic and totally fine. However you will still be allowed to have cooked food. It isn't wrong, but it isn't the best for you. You should cut it down to the very minimal. The living food in you meals should take up 2/3. The usual lunch you have with you is THE ideal meal. The salad is fresh with no dressing. You can have it with homus, tuna or honey & nuts. Just mix it up every now and again however you like as long as you keep the proportion right then it should be fine. In terms of dinner, salad again should be highly recommended although steamed vegetables would be okay. Just make sure you eat when you are HUNGRY, and not eat when you DON'T need extra food in your stomach. Do eat when you are hungry, remember that. Wherever you are, if you are hungry, listen to your body and grab something small to satisfy that need. The BEST thing would be a fruit in between meals. DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING ELSE besides fruits. Listen to these words and you will have what you want.

But eating is not enough, physical exercise is very important as well. You  need to find something that you enjoy doing on a regular basis. You don't need to join a gym, you definitely don't need to. You have do just fine without it and there are many many things that can help keep your physical fitness up. I never designed the gym when I first created man kind, but what I did create was the ability for human to go search for food and to enjoy life on their two feet. I want you to do something that you enjoy doing on a regular basis and do it consistently at least 5 times a week. You will only succeed if you can PROMISE me you will do it at least 5 times a week. It is so important because even if your effort wasn't 100% but the consistency was 100% then you're already there. Think about when's the best time to do that. Would it be in the morning or at night after work. When would it suits you best and be easiest for you. I suggest you should get it out of the way as soon as possible. That way you also kickstart the day with a positive energy within you and knowing that the most important thing is done will make your life so much easier. One day each week, you can pick out any day, be it Saturday or Sunday. On this day I give you permission to eat ONE of your favourite food. So throughout the week, I want you to eat the best that you can and reward yourself with a treat at the end of the week. If you've been craving for bread, a piece of chocolate, easyway, chips, gelato or whatever it is, I give you permission to have ONE serving of that chosen food. ONE and ONE only. Trust me, you don't want anymore than that, it is not good for your body anyway and will surely sabotage all of your hard work. I really recommend zuzana's workout. It is fast, effective and time efficient. She's great and by following her work-out, you will re-visit the awesome feeling you've been missing, particularly all the sweat that releases stress and worries from everyday life. 5 times a week and you will be amazing. You will feel amazing. You will have lots of energy. You will love yourself from the inside out and realise how strong you really are mentally. REMEMBER: Think from the inside out, Think of the unseen benefits and the rest shall come. Think think think. Visualise how you feel and what you can do with that positivity and happiness. How can you show people's the God's love inside of you. Share it with people. Share your smiles, your kind words :) People REALLY do appreciate them Linh. Be a blessing to others by using what I've placed in your heart to share. Whenever you THINK there's someone good that needs to be said, SHARE IT because people need to hear it.

So these are the things I've been trying to tell you but you haven't had the time for me. You went your own way and did your own thing most of the time and when I did remind you, you'd either ignore it or forget about it. However, this time I am glad that you've listened and did something about it. The Holy Spirit was in you and everything I've said thus far is true. I'm impressed that although you are very tired, you've stayed up until now 2:30am to listen to my voice and my words. Linh, trust me that I will give you EVERYTHING you need and EVERYTHING you ask for shall be given openly to you because I love you.

Tomorrow is a new day. 10/10/10 it is a new day. Begin tomorrow darling. My daughter. I'm so excited to see how this journey will transform you. You will gain so much for faith and the things you do WILL change the nations and the world. You are my Gold Utensil, you always have been.

Wake up at 10:20am and get ready for church, I have a message for you. Take your sister with you. She will need it as well. Take her to tutoring and come back home and do what you have to do.

Enjoy your sleep lovely

You Father in Heaven
*kiss on the forehead*