To do list

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Note from 5th April

Lord Jesus. 

I know you have a way out of this. You have a will for my life & situations like these are designed to test my faith & trust in you. Troubles & challenges keep coming my way. But every time it knocks me down, your strength help me to get up once again. I'm defeated to this world but in you I have overcome all of it. Jesus it's only a few days left till the proposes shooting date & I'm not going to panic but trust in your will for me. I trust that you will bring about something amazing from this whole journey. I trust you. I need you & I thank you that everytime when I'm about to boast, that you would remind me to be humble because of everything you've helped me overcome. I was never a perfect person, who did everything right. But you chose me & I was someone who struggled so much with almost everything I had my hands on. I'm weak but in my weakness I find strength in you. There's strength in weaknesses & weaknesses in strength. I don't know the future. I don't know the outcome of any of the things that are happening in my life. But I put hope in the fact that I am being used for a greater purpose beyond myself. 

I trust in you & all I ask is for your will to be done & that you would be happy & pleased with me. 

Being faithful that God IS & HAS done something great in my life

‎"Faith is the perspective and eyes of God looking at you. God sees you with the blessing. God sees you with the healing. God sees you with the favor." Joseph Prince
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Receive your breakthrough when you speak God’s language of faith! Joseph Prince teaches you how you can speak good things into existence and see the miracles you are believing God for manifest!

So yes, up until last night I was still quite shocked at everything that has been happening, especially with the competition. I thought God intervened but I guessed this is not where God wants me to go.  It's disappointing to see 3 models go, so I ended up telling people it's on and then it's not, and the cycle goes on. But this time, it's definitely not on. There's just no right model and I don't want to do it if I can't give my best. But that's okay...

That video above came under my news feed last night and I decided to watch it and I think God intended it for me. It talked about how in the Young Literal Translation, there is no future tense but only PAST & PRESENT tense. It is also very accurate because he studied the language of Hebrew for most of his life. I've came to realised that everything which God had promised has already happened. There is no " I WILL bless you" "I SHALL bless you". There's only "I HAVE blessed you" or "I BLESS you". It's pretty amazing. So all I need to do is to believe it as though they were. When I need healing, I will believe that I already have it and thank God for it. When I need success/health/money/energy/strength/love/hope...what ever it is that I need, I will believe that I already have it, and my mindset will start to change.

Today is my day off again to make up for last sunday that I worked. I'm hoping to clean my room today and do my Interior Design. I've been delaying that for so long now because I just don't have time or energy. 

I thank God for another day that I'm able to accomplish his will and live for him. I thank Him for an opportunity to be made refined in his image through challenges on earth. I know all challenges and troubles come with an opportunity to do good, to be creative. I can't back down, I can't stand there and do nothing. I HAVE to do something about things that bother me/ that I want to accomplish. This just reminds me of that Donkey Story. When the donkey is stuck in a hole and couldn't get out. A man came along and start shovelling dirt into this hole. The donkey did not know what was going on, but really what the man was doing was filling up the foundation on which the donkey can stand upon its feet and eventually get out. I thought about it, and there are two things that can happen. 1, the donkey can stay still and not do anything, and ultimately will be embedded by dirt and soil like a mould. OR 2, the donkey can move about, shake the dirt off and take a step higher, that way what is meant to harm will work for good. It will be like a strong foundation where the donkey can place its feet.

I don't want to just see things and not do anything, and I pray that God is allowing me chances to do what needs to be done. Not look at it and be passive, but look at it and do something, move around, make myself uncomfortable by doing something I've never done, and step up with faith & strength believing that troubles will come to pass. I will get out. God is able to use anything and use it for good no matter how bad things are.....

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Did God really intervene??

Dear Jesus,

So up until last night, I was more depressed and stressed out than ever. I mean more depressed and sad than stressed out. I know that you have everything under control and I have to be submissive to what ever that's happening. Jesus, I knew you have placed this competition in my heart for a reason. And I've been expecting that you would provide me a model. I think it's her? Is it really her? The last client you told me to ask today? I mean she has the right look and height AND she doesn't mind going red. So I guess that's good. But my only concern is her hair length and thickness. It's shorter than what I expected and it's really fine, I really don't know what to do Jesus.

But you know what, I don't want to follow the way of this world, if this world seems like its going wrong, I don't want to follow its ways because that's placing myself in the ordinary realm. I want to place myself within the supernatural where things happen because you have intervened. Jesus, I believe that you've placed this model in my day for a reason, and she has this hair for a reason. Like last year, with Jelina, she was the perfect model with the perfect hair length. I did not even cut one inch off it. And I believe if you did it last year for me, you can do it again this year. You can do it again this year. You can do it again this time. You can. You can. You can. You will bless me with amazing ideas. I know there is only 6 days left till everything. But I know that you can do more with 6 days than I myself can do in 6 years. You can make things change upside down even over night, even after a blink of an eye, after a split second. Anything is possible and anything can change. You made this whole world and you've created it in 7 days. I believe with utmost faith that you will perform something extraordinary in this following week as well.