To do list

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Release all you pain on me because I care for you. 
Take who I am and be it. Be my Holy Spirit, be like me your Father, Jesus Almighty God. 
Take care of your sister. 
Love your dad. 
Be safe in all that you do. 
Let me do the great work within you. I provide all. I love you. 
Will I not bless the one I love? 
You again, for the 3rd time I say this; 
you will change nations and the world. 
Your words have power and your character have strength. 
Release all your pain. 
Not until you release those pain will I be able to bless you fully and more abundantly. 
You are my precious child. 
I care for you. 
I will take care of you. 
Justice delayed is not justice denied. 
I will oversee all falsely accused case. 
I will not let the devil run wild. 
They will have to pay for their evil acts. 
You have me on your side. 
Whom shall you be afraid of?
 Me, your God is all you need. I will make a way. 
I will make a way if you let me.
 You will succeed. 
You will be out of all troubles that the world brings. 
I your God know all that's to know; the past, present and the future. 
Linh, this is the message I want you to write down. 
This is your 3rd revelation. i am with you. 
Do not be afraid. 
Take heart. 
Love  me. 
Submit yourself to me. 
Be humble, loving and be your all to me. 
Love me. Let me do all that needs to be done for you. 
Jesus, your Almighty God is your God. 
We love you. 
We love you. 
We love you. 
I have a great place prepared for you in heaven. 
Heaven is your home. 
Won't be long. 
It won't be long. You will come home soon. 
Look into eternity.
 Look onto me. 
I, Jesus will save you.

Your God, Jesus
God Almighty.


..... I will entrust you with things people will be afraid of being in charge of. I will give you great power to take care of business that older people will be shocked to find out that a person at such a young age like yourself is doing just fine. By my power you will change nations and the world. I will give you blessings and pour my spirit upon your family, your generations, the work you do and the people you deal with. Any person you come in touch with & talk to will be blessed through you because you are mine and I am pleased with your heart. The long winding road will not be easy, but because I am with you, I will give you strength, I will renew your spirit for each case. That way you will grow stronger in my faith as you step further into my purpose for you. You will stay firm and strong in your position. You will be blessed with opportunities to change the view of the world. They will see you and they will think of me. They will see you and be proud of your success. Your family especially will be proud of what you've become. You will shine my name as you shine yours. I've chosen you because you possessed the exact character and personality that I need in order to carry out such work. Only you are able to do the will that I have for you, no one else but you. And it is a great task. It is a hard task, but a rewarding one if you have the desire. All I ask for you is to obey me. Take time to read my words and to obey me. Reach into the presence of my spirit and obey me. Obey what I have to say. Listen to the voice in your mind when I do speak. Listen out for me. Follow your heart in everything you do. Be patient and calm. Be gentle and loving. Be strong and courageous. Be hardworking and humble. Speak not of your own strength but of mine. Speak of my great work. Acknowledge what I have done in your life and you will be blessed. People needs to hear your testimony. Their lives will be change. It is I, Jesus who is speaking to you right now. Take this. Remember this. It is the pinnacle of the journey you are about to start with me. This journey will take you around the world, from end and back. It will influence the most influencial people, you will be recognised and you then must show them that you are my child. Do not be afraid as to how it shall be done. My spirit will be with you and your calling will be accomplished until the very end. It will be accomplished and lives will be change.


God, I don't know how I feel but I feel let down a lot lately. I wish all the entries that I made are automatically in this blog so it can be more understood.

I'm confused. I don't know what to think. I don't know how I feel. I'm tired but I don't want to go to sleep. I feel lethargic, I feel ill, I feel like I have no energy to do anything. I don't know if I should hold onto your promises and dreams because it's not happening. I will be honest and tell you that I do feel jealous seeing other people's success coming their way, and looking at me, nothing is really happening. My heart feels as though it's turning real cold. I need to learn humility. Like Jeremy Lin.

Seriously what do you want to do with my life? I'm confused and I don't know if what I want is what you want. I'm trying to hold myself altogether on the outside but on the inside is this constant heart burn and rage, and I'm finding it really hard to express myself. Like I hear you and I know some things that you say, but there's also my arguments and my thoughts, actually maybe their not mine. They're just what the devil's trying to make me believe. I'm so exhausted and I don't know if you will ever make it come to pass. And even if you do, HOW will hairdressing bring you glory? I don't understand, but I don't understand anything anyway.

I have no energy, I have no hope. I don't feel like anything is going right. I hate myself. I'm not happy with how I feel, with this bloated stomach of mine. With the fact that I gave up on exercise once again, just like ALL THE OTHER TIMES. I feel helpless, I feel like I will never get to where I want to be. I know by not looking after myself, I'm going to really suffer the consequences. I know my body doesn't function that well, and besides hairdressing doesn't help either. Standing up all day and my back and neck really hurts. I wish I can just get away and not have to worry about anything. I don't know if I can fight on much longer. I'm so out of energy. I'm so out of it. I can't even put a smile on my face. I don't know what you are doing, even though it may seems like you're here. I want to give up on life. Living for you is so hard. I just feel so overwhelmed...

No one knows how I feel. Home is meant to feel good, but when I come home, it's like I want to lock myself in and be on my own. Don't talk to me, leave me alone. I know beauty is found in christ, but I'm sorry God, I don't like how I look. I know it hurts you, but it's not you, it's me. How will someone love me if I can't love myself. That's why I'm still on my own, and it seems like I will be for awhile. It doesn't matter as much anymore, seeing as though so many wrong things are going wrong, just throw me another disappointment and just crush me.