To do list

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

SECOND DAY back into fitness

It was yesterday that everything changes. It finally got to me that I had to do something about myself. I got really bad pain from work. My back, shoulders and feet and everything are hurting me so much and I felt like it was time for me to go back to the way I used to be. I lacked a lot of motivation but everytime I got back to I'd always find motivations :)) I'm eating healthier now. I pack my lunch now and I pack lots and lots of fruits. I did a BR work out yesterday's morning outdoor waking up at6 :) I was proud of myself for doing that. I couldn't believe I was looking forward to doing it even though I was dead tired and sleepy. I was meant to do it for 10 sets but I only did 3 sets meaning 300 reps. But it was good, at least I started. I just need to start. I wanted to do something to day but didn't have the time to do it, and before when I wanted to do it, my sister just ruined my mood.  I guess I'll save it for tomorrow. But yes, I really feel like this is the new beginning for me even though it's not the new year yet but it's good to get things under way. xx

Monday, December 12, 2011

Attitude makes all the difference

I like my job because....

1. They pay me for working there
2. I get to work even though there are millions of people out there who are unemployed
3. I have great working colleagues
4. I have the opportunities to make people happy and confidence
5. I infiltrate God's love from me to people
6. I get to practice my skills while at work; day by day
7. It's a very prestige company
8. The company has very good reputation
9. My clients are always so lovely, we're becoming really good friends
10. You meet people who are different and I connect with other designers ect...
11. It's right in the city and doesn't take too long to get there
12. I get my hair done for free all the time :)
13. I get to dress up every single day

to be continued....


Make physical fitness as part of my everyday lifestyle. More confidence, more energy, no more pain.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Setting Goal

5 things I've accomplished and I'm proud of:

1, Going to Europe alone & travelled
2, Designing the restaurants
3, Come out of T&G being highly recognised
4, Read a lot, a lot, a lot
5, Investing in education: seminars ect

What do YOU want in the next 10 YEARS:

Have become a millionaire 5
Be happily married 5
Have done mission work 3
Be an elite international Hairstylist 3
Designed mum's dream house 3
Did sky diving 1
Be a significant part of the church 1
Go to Austria, Dubai, Hong Kong, France, South America ... 3
Go on roadtrip 1
Win Australian Hairdresser of the Year 3
Take up yoga/pilate on a regular basis 1
Allow exercise as part of my lifestyle 1
Be confident about myself 1
Become an entrepreneur 3
Learn to invest 1
Have the body I've always wanted: tight abs, firm butt & thighs, toned arms. Glow & feel free, less lethargic.1
Earn 6 figures a year 10
Have more and more patience 3
Work with Sarah Laidlaw, Andrew O'toole 3
Be signed with DLM 1
Help motivate young woman in life situation 1
Continue to use the 6 money jars 1
Be happy daily, be grateful. Have gratitude. 1
Be financially free. Be debt-free, Owe no one anything. 3
Teach hair. 5
Have a life coach. 3
Be pain-free. Get strong. 1
Run in a marathon. 3
Have a residence with a beautiful water view. 10
Have built AN AMAZING garden for mum. 3
Be an influencer, impacter for God's kingdom. 5
Talk with grace, modesty. 3
Travel alone again soon. 3
Have a passive income to support my lifestyle 3
Know how to cook really well 5
Have my own organisation 5

SIX 5's
TWO 10's
***** to BE CONTINUED....

Important to celebrate

Top 4 ONE YEAR goal.

1. Be happy daily, be grateful, have gratitude.
2. Allow exercise as part of my lifestyle.
3. Have the body I've always wanted.
4. Be signed with DLM

Make a list:
What's got you turned on? Staying up late, waking up early....
What's got you turned off? How come I don't have energy...

Why are these 4 goals important for me?
I've always been so self-conscious about myself. I've always allowed the way I look to stop me from enjoying life to its maximum. I want to be confident about myself. I want to love the way I look and I know it's not going to come by me wishing and praying. It comes with action and persistence. I need to be confident about myself. I need to not let people's approval affect me. I'm sick and tired of wearing certain things to cover me up. I'm sick of always getting frustrated about showing the bits that I'm too worried of showing. I'm conscious about many things. I want to be happy, confident, happy, love what I do. I also want to be signed to DLM because I know I will have the opportunities to work with amazingly creative people. I want to work with international elite team. I like travelling, I like doing different things. I don't like doing the same old thing all the time. So these 4 goals are really important to me. It will allow me to live my life differently and just be the person I should be. The person God's want me to be.

I just want to change...

Time is important.

Success: A snowball effect.
How do you know if you are successful? Earn the best that you can.
Key: do the best that you can!

Essence of life: growth
Be the best that you can be.
Human lives are the only one that do less than the best that they can
All life form work to become the best that they can besides human.

Strive to the best that you can.

How tall does a tree grow? As tall as they can!
Growing of your mind: that's what we control.

Why wouldn't human being don't strive to the best of their ability? The power of choice

Earn all you can
Make as many friends as you can
See as much as you can
Read as much as you can

Go for it

Build good habits.
Fuel your ambitions, achievements.

How do you isolate what is working and what isn't?
Writing it down, keep a journal. Keep a written record.
See as