To do list

Tuesday, October 23, 2012



A sensitive soul with an expressive nature, you tend to be a romantic at heart. Sometimes you love nothing more than escaping into your very own dreamworld. Spontaneous new experiences can be inspiring to you, and you like exploring your creative side from time to time.
Right now, you feel a little lost and that life could go one way or the other. However this uncertainty can be a positive way of taking a look at what you'd really like to do and making that change...or it could be that you discover you are happy just where you are!
When it comes to bringing positive change to your life, don’t try to move mountains. Baby steps are definitely the way forward. For example, if you’d like to lose weight, don’t set yourself up to fail with unrealistic goals. Be kind to yourself and remember that slow and steady wins the race.
It's important for you to remember to tap into your inner strength and to believe in yourself. Take on new challenges and stay stimulated so you remain enthusiastic and inspired by life. As a Seeker, you get excited by new ideas. You like adventure and original experiences that stimulate and challenge your status quo. Stay inspired with a rich mix of activities, and find time for hobbies that allow you to explore your creative side. Learn to recognise when you need variety in your life, and then incorporate it into your daily plans.
You understand the importance of quiet reflection on your deepest hopes and desires. Your faith is a wonderful gift that gives you strength and support in everything you do. Make sure you have the confidence to carve out that space for yourself however busy your schedule may be.


You're quite satisfied that you get things done during your day, but are you reaching your full potential?
Ability isn’t holding you back. You have the skills to do a great job and that allows you to keep your eye on the ball, but you might need to find a way to motivate yourself better if you want to be more successful.
As a Seeker your ability to think things through lets you develop a clear vision of how you want things to be, but all too often you keep it to yourself. Share your thoughts with others regularly to make sure you get on the right track. You will enjoy gaining a fresh perspective.
You could be trying harder, but enthusiasm doesn’t come from nowhere, and focussing too much on tasks that you’re not comfortable with can create unnecessary stress. Don’t forget your long term goals as they are what keep you on task.
You need to be able to see the big picture, but you can have a tendency to get carried away with an idea without examining all the facts. Push yourself a bit by being more rigorous, make sure you’ve really investigated things before you get too involved.
When you aren’t in a position to use all of your talents it is not always easy to hold interest, and you’re used to being able to achieve things just through your ability to stay on task. But sometimes that isn’t enough. Don’t overstretch when things are unfamiliar and make sure you give some time to indulging the things you really care about.
You believe in happy endings. By being yourself and feeling comfortable in your skin, you will give off lots of positive energy and attract the kind of love that you deserve.
You've got a whole lot of love to give. You like to jump in feet first and lavish a partner with romantic gestures. You have strong instincts and a good understanding of who you are and what you want from life. You like to follow your dreams and believe in happy endings.
You are very expressive and like a relationship to be very open and honest without needing to hold back on showing your partner how much you love them. It’s all about immersing yourself in the fairy tale feelings of being in love. For you, it’s the little things that make being in love so special. A sunset stroll on a beach, holding hands at the movies, just feeling protected and cared for.
So, what tips can we give to you?
  1. You are naturally warm and trusting and enjoy sharing your love. You have a midas touch when it comes to setting the romantic tone, so do what you do best and express your inner romantic.

  2. Open your heart. Don’t overthink things or be too much of a perfectionist. The strongest connections are founded on spiritual intimacy.

  3. Remember it's the little things that count!


You're an adventurer at heart. Expanding your horizons is a real pleasure. You love to discover new places when you get the chance. It really is a case of the further the better for you, so remember to keep your passport - and your credit card - handy!
The true mark of success for you is a happy home. It is the main focus of your life and the centre of all your aspirations.
You're happiest when you feel settled and comfortable and true fulfilment definitely lies in having strong loving relationships with family and friends. If they're healthy and happy, that's all that matters to you.
For you, getting away from it all means just that. Escaping into nature and heading off the beaten track is what you live for. It's the perfect way to really unwind and recharge those batteries. Putting a little away each month will help you focus on what you have to look forward to.
You really struggle to get moving in the morning. It's hard to find the energy to get motivated, but if you can do it then the rest of the day will be much easier to manage.
There’s nothing like losing yourself in another world when you have a bit of downtime. Giving your body and mind a chance to rest and recuperate is very important, and if it’s to a great soundtrack then all the better.
If you feel like you’re running on empty sometimes, it’s because you probably are. We all need to push ourselves to get the best from life, but we also need to remember to take time to rest, recuperate, and enjoy everything we’ve accomplished.
Whether it’s running a marathon or just getting through the day, be proud of everything you achieve. Don’t bottle up your feelings or try to keep a lid on the things you don’t want to think about. If something is really bothering you, getting it out in the open can be half the battle won.


How do I explain how I feel now...

not a word can explain how I feel...

It's indescribable...

It was a great connect group. God knows my heart and have blessed me over and beyond. Made it possible for me to print out the material I've prepared. I know God have helped me speak over the connect group tonight. I just hope Michael will soften his heart for Jesus.

How do I say it. Leah came to the salon today and I had another glimpse at God's goodness. Leah told Khee that his mum and him had knee pain which were true. Then told him he should pray so he can be healed, then he said that he thinks he should pray. What was more profound is how she could see through Nancy and knew that she finds her identity in men and sexual sins. I didn't know that.

It scared me. It makes me think about how much more God knows about me and my sinfulness.

She offered that I should hang out with her tomorrow but still haven't heard from her. Hopefully she will contact me.

Jesus just told me that I will influence a multitude of people around me. He put psalm 65:11 in my mind: you crown the year with your goodness..

Even though my eating habit have gone bad today, but my spirit feels a sudden shift. I feel different. I feel like God is preparing me for something greater and something more.

I'm losing passion for hair and for fame. Which is good.

I just want to pursue him alone.

I want to know his word and live for him....

So last night.. I saw him again (_____) and he's been the longest crush. When I don't see him, it's okay, but when I comes back...Just want Jesus to clarify and take that feeling away....