To do list

Friday, July 2, 2010

Don't let good times FOOL you!

The Potter's Touch with Bishop T.D. Jakes

CLICK HERE to watch video 1


"I'm tired..." <- WARNING
Why is it that we're always tired?!

It is easy to burn out.
Refuel, re-equip yourself!

Blessings can be a cursed if you are not prepared

Keep your oil in your lamp burning bright, instead of burning out.

My child, Linh. Are you ready to receive the blessing? This message is for you. Prepare yourself. I sent this message especially for you. T D Jakes, he is speaking directly to you. I told you before that I have prepared something great ahead of you. You've been getting tired lately, distracting yourself to unnecessary things and I do not want you to do so. Come back to me. Reserve your energy. Do not let your oil run out.   Renew your strength in me. Watch out. Watch out. Keep your guard. Have me. Take me. Be cautious. Be ready of what I'm about to give you. The blessing is BIG! Be ready to receive it or else you will come at the right opportunity but the time you've come to might be wrong because you are not ready. Be ready my child. I love you and want you to be ready. Be ready. I can't say it enough. Be ready. Reserve your energy and be ready my child. Be ready......

This is your season. 

"The children has come to birth but the woman has no strength to deliver"


CLICK HERE to watch video 2

It's possible to come into the good time but not being able to harvest what has been released

YOUR BABY IS COMING!!! That is the promise.


When it is about to release then you know what you got.

The OIL is in a CLAY jar. You can not determine how much oil you have left by looking at it from the out side. You can only determine how much oil is left by SETTING IT ON FIRE!!!

When the HEAT hits me and I produce NO LIGHT, I have no strength. But when I IGNITE with the consuming flame, I AM READY!

You have got to set some things loose. You have got to cut some things up. You have to got to let go of the things that you don't need. Ultimately, you will need to make sacrifices and that matchstick will turn into carbon as you're preparing to ignite your flame.

"I'm not just a God who MEETS your needs, I'm a God who EXCEEDS your needs"

God's blessing is not always transferable! The person you're carrying will eventually suck all of your oil that God has given you to make your way there, yet now, there is none left, it's been taken away from you.

This is your season to go in. 2010 is your year!!!

Oh Lord my heart is on FIRE RIGHT NOWW GOD!!!

The door is closing. The door will close. While there is time, fill your vessel with oil. You have to be strong to be blessed. Fill yourself up on the inside.

It's all good


My night with God again.. (:

And we know that in all things God works together for the good of those who loves Him
Roman 8:28

....and are called according to His purpose

Although life is uncertain, God still have you and your family in His hand.

God is still in control!

Even though our life is uncertain, He is not. He still has the whole world in His hands.
He still has your world and your family in His hands.
He still has your world and your family in His hands.
And he still has all of your finance and all of your worries and the reality of that IN His hands.

Message from God:

Faith places no limitations on God
God places no limitations on faith.

I refuse to take in BITTERNESS even if the devil has wronged me! I will reign victory because God is pleased!


It's all in your mind PART 1 - ATTITUDE CHECK
Adopt a new attitude. That of God's. Take on no negativity.
Our attitude should be that of Christ Jesus. 
Renew your minds.
The devil tends you do whatever he can to attack you at the end of something. He does so in order to rob you from moving into what God has ahead of you.
The end of an ERA is not the completion of your DESTINY!

Hebrew 3:14 - For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end.
Philippians 1:6 - being confidence of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the beginning and He is the end.

1, Always believe the BEST for the future: THE BEST IS YET TO COME! Think "future" "harvest" "fruits" "sons & daughters"
2, Talk to the future: It's your heart's theme that determines the story of your life.
Psalms 45:1 - My heart is overflowing with a good theme; recite my composition concerning the King. My tongue is a pen of a ready writer.
3, Commit to the future: Don't hold on to "death" "the past" "the end". You might be "over" but the best is yet to come. "commit to the mountain"

Habakkuk : to embrace or to wrestle
"WHY doesn't god seems fair?"

I don't know what's on my mind....

Okay so right now I'm just eating junk food lol. Eating M&Ms, minties, chocolate and more junk food. I always sleep really late these days. It's because I'm more of a night person than a morning person. I sleep really late and wake up at 10:30 then get ready for work by 11:00am. Lucky I work for my parents haha. But, in saying that, I'm not a lazy person at all. I can be but I'm not when it comes to helping others or doing what I love.

All night long, I mean for the past few days I've been wanting to rearrange my room. However, I feel as though God is telling me to not worry about it as it is not the right time. I can't help it but go on Gumtree and find some goodies that might go with my room. Am I avoiding God's voice? I mean, I really want to change my room. Making it into a cosy room where I can relax, where mum and Chi can also find peace at (: I really want to change my room into something amazingly wonderful with a sense of warmth like never before. I want to hang my work up on one side of the wall, I want to buy the wall vinyl of inspirational quotes because that will remind me everyday of this wonderful life. I definitely want to get a rug since it's winter and it will also keep the room a bit cleaner, look-wise as well. Chi and I really wants to get a wardrobe but we still haven't found the one that we one just yet. I think we just have to know exactly how our room looks like before we can start buying furnitures. Planning and designing is the key. There's no point of keep purchasing nice things when it doesn't fit. I'm dying for that vintage, old-styled look room. It just evokes so much warmth and I want that so much. It's simple as well and it's just wonderful! I love it, Xiao's house have definitely inspired me. I also want to change the lounge area but isn't sure if it's the right time. I would love to have our own house right now so we can decorate it and buy nice things for it. But since we live in a rented place, it's hard to change things and fix things that we don't like. But I've learnt to not make judgement and live with what I've been given. I remind myself that I was born with nothing and now I have everything so I'm very glad.

I want tomorrow to be a cleaning day. Although I'm not sure if I will be able to do all the cleaning tomorrow because I need to go get Sveta's present as well. I can't believe her birthday is this Saturday. It's already July and that's more than half way through this NEW year! Soon it will be 2011. O-M-G! So fast!!! WAY too fast!

I have to call up the insurance company tomorrow to talk about the car accident. Mainly to notify them and then asking them for their advice. Even though I still feel at peace but whenever I think of it, I still feel a bit scared or fearful. Just a tiny tinnie bit. I know God wants me to be trust in Him and cast all my anxiety on Him, and I do, but I hate the devil! I hate how things have to happen like this. But then again, God reminded me that even in this kind of stressful situation, He can make a way. He is still able to put a peace in me that no one can give. He still cares for me and promises me that He will rule this case. He never fails his promise, because He is God! If he says it, he will do it! And if it's a promise, it WILL be done no matter what! Oh God! I PUT MY TOTAL TRUST IN YOU (: I'M SO HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY TO HAVE YOU IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!



Jesus, my lovely daddy in heaven, no one is like you. You are glorious, powerful, wonderful, lovely, amazing, indescribable, breath-taking, sweet, kind, all-knowing, peaceful, righteous, forever-reign, timeless, merciful AND SO MUCH MORE! Words will never come close to how great you are Jesus. God, almighty Father, how thankful am I to have someone like you in my life. There is nothing like your love!

Jesus, I put all my trust in you for tomorrow! I put my full trust in you! I know I have to get so many things done but I will trust in you because I know you are greater than my troubles and as long as I seek you first, everything will be added onto my life. Everything will figure themselves out. I do not need to worry because it will not change the outcome! Oh Lord, how amazing are you. How glorious, powerful are you God! So so so much! I'm so excited for CONFERENCE! I can't believe it's next week! I can't believe it because I got the ticket from last year and it's already NEXT WEEK! I've been waiting for this for so long. By combining this with fasting I'M BELIEVING FOR A MIRACULOUS TRANSFORMATION UPON MY LIFE! Nothing will be the same! I will receive blessings like never before and it is all because of you!

Jesus please bless my tomorrow. Help me to find the right present for Sveta, take away my worries for the accident if there is any left in my mind (I'm sure I'm giving it all to you now God, I'm handing it all to you). I really want to get the house cleaned tomorrow so please allow me enough time to do that Jesus. I will also trust that you will let me know the right time to look for furnitures. I know it is not yet the time and I will wait till I hear from you before I start making deals ect. 



Wednesday, June 30, 2010

CONNECT GROUP: Power of Prayer

This was held at Leighton's office @ 7:30pm. Came home at 1 in the morning. A great night filled with God's presence.

Some of the messages really strike me because they reinforced things that have been spoken to me from God.

Habakkuk 1:5 
Look at the nation and watch, and be utterly amazed - For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe

 .......I will entrust you with things people will be afraid of being in charge of. I will give you great power to take care of business that older people will be shocked to find out that a person at such a young age like yourself is doing just fine. By my power you will change nations and the world......

Habakkuk 2:2-3
"Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it lingers, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

.....Follow your heart in everything you do. Be patient and calm.....

.....My spirit will be with you and your calling will be accomplished until the very end. It will be accomplished and lives will be change....

.....Won't be long. It won't be long. You will come home soon. Look into eternity. Look onto me. I, Jesus will save you....

Deuteronomy 30:14
No, the word is very near you; it is your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it. See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destructions. For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.

....You will succeed. You will be out of all troubles that the world brings...


No trouble is greater than God. He will deliver me out of the evil plans. Release all my worries and trust that this falsely accused case will come into the light. Justice delayed is not justice denied. $2,771.38 will become "NOTHING@ALL"!

3rd Revelation

All I can say is God is GREAT!

God have given me another revelation today when we were in our connect group praying. It was amazing and we all felt the Holy Spirit among us. I knew I had to go. I knew something awesome would take place and it did. I'm glad that I've left behind something that's been dragging me down. I'm glad that I wrote my worry onto that piece and paper and teared it all up, putting it at the bottom of the cross and surrender my problem to Him. I know this is nothing to Him. He is telling me "Watch and see the great things I'm about to do. Then you will be able to understand how my power works. It is not of the ordinary but of the extraordinary things"

I will share my revelation tomorrow because I have to copy it from my note book. But it is amazing. God is great. I trust in Him. All my worries are gone. I trust in Him.


Release all you pain on me because I care for you. Take who I am and be it. Be my Holy Spirit, be like me your Father, Jesus Almighty God. Take care of your sister. Love your dad. Be safe in all that you do. Let me do the great work within you. I provide all. I love you. Will I not bless the one I love? You again, for the 3rd time I say this; you will change nations and the world. Your words have power and your character have strength. Release all your pain. Not until you release those pain will I be able to bless you fully and more abundantly. You are my precious child. I care for you. I will take care of you. Justice delayed is not justice denied. I will oversee all falsely accused case. I will not let the devil run wild. They will have to pay for their evil acts. You have me on your side. Whom shall you be afraid of? Me, your God is all you need. I will make a way. I will make a way if you let me. You will succeed. You will be out of all troubles that the world brings. I your God know all that's to know; the past, present and the future. Linh, this is the message I want you to write down. This is your 3rd revelation. i am with you. Do not be afraid. Take heart. Love  me. Submit yourself to me. Be humble, loving and be your all to me. Love me. Let me do all that needs to be done for you. Jesus, your Almighty God is your God. We love you. We love you. We love you. I have a great place prepared for you in heaven. Heaven is your home. Won't be long. It won't be long. You will come home soon. Look into eternity. Look onto me. I, Jesus will save you.

Your God, Jesus
God Almighty.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Glorious God.

Every financial need is an opportunity to learn to walk by faith in the LORD as our source. Prosperity can lead to a sense of independence that blinds us to how inadequate we actually are to provide for ourselves. We're totally dependent upon the Father whether we know it or not



Roman 8:26
We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him, those whom He has chosen according to His purpose.
James 1:2-4
My friend consider yourself fortunate when all kind of trials come your way, for you know that when your faith succeeds in facing such trails, the result is the ability to endure. Make sure that your endurance carries you all the way without failing so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing
Philippians 1:6
And so I am sure that God, who began His good work in you will carry it on until it is finished on the day of Christ Jesus.
2 Corinthians 5:7
We live by faith and not by sight
Psalms 37:4
Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart


The sun still shines even though there are dark clouds overhead, the anchor of your soul will still holds even though the storm rages on, and your next step is certain even though a heavy fog covers your path.

I am the son of God

Oh Glory

Oh Jesus, almighty God. My father of the most high. How I love you and how I am blessed by your greatness.

Oh TD Jakes... Blessed is the man who delivers the word of God from heaven. Blessed is he who receives your glory and speaks to the lost souls. Blessed are the one who hears you and change their ways because of your words. Blessed are the one whom you've chosen and have been given a new revelation and anointing upon their lives.

I'm so blessed.

Advantage is coming.

Advantage is coming.

My heart is burning with desire to love you.

It burns with a passion to be more for you.

It is over joy with the thought of your favours being delivered onto me as my character purifies.

Oh Lord Jesus, the words touch me so much. I need to hear that so much. You've spoken to me on so many different levels that I don't even know where to start.

Trust issues: Yes, I have to be a trustworthy person in order for you to use me for a great cause.


Oh Jesus, the marvelous power you possess. None have seen the greatest thing you are able to do. None will ever be able to oversee that because our minds are not big enough, knowledgeable enough to comprehend its vastness and greatness of power. You are so amazing and great and to you I give you all the praise. To you I lift up my hands and heart and give all I have to you. I surrender to you Jesus. I surrender all to you.

I want to be more like you. I want to be the gold utensil you use in your household. The tools you use for special occasions. The tools with favours. Not ordinary clay or wooden tools, but that which is made of gold. I want to be your servant. I will change my heart and set my character right. I will show you that you can trust me by taking good care of what you've already given me at this moment in time: be it material things, money, opportunities, working for mum, respecting everyone, loving the lost or being patient with my little sister and help out with the houseworks to lead as an example for her.

My heart.

My heart.

I have to set it right.

God will use me even if I don't have the talents that some might have. He will still use me even if I'm not as experienced as some other people. God will favour me because of the condition of my heart. He will use me because I have the right attitude. He can use me because He sees the potential in me. He uses me because He trusts me and have seen me taking care of small things. He will pour out his glorious power upon me, the undeniable awesome gifts, the amazing opportunities, the right people and all these will allow God to bring me to where He has planned. All this for the greatness of His Kingdom. Oh joyful. Oh Glorious. Oh Heaven. Let the earth and heaven praise you forever and ever. Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world.

No one can take a hold of me. My God is great. He is powerful. He can do all thing.

Message from God:
- Give back the equipments from T&G
- Cotinue to be patient with Chi
- Take care of this house. Clean it if it's dirty. Don't wait for someone else to do it. Keep things neat and clean.
- Fasting: "Your perseverance will determine my trust for you."

- Don't try to obtain more knowlege, trying to get to know more things. Don't research about unnecessary things such as Blackberry phones, Nikon 5000D cameras or ideas for your room: what rug you are going to get, what wardrobes you are going to buy, what TV you like or have the lowest price. Am I not greater than all that? It is the matter of the heart not the mind. It is a matter of the spirit not the head. You can try to obtain more information but it is God's supernatural power that will be far more effective than all your research and creative ideas. Haven't I shown you enough so far, proving to you that what you have been doing is not your own but was created through the Holy Spirit? You, yourself know that your faith can grow, and seeing by the faith you have right now, unbelievable things have already been taken place, how much more will I bless you if you are able to grow more in my spirit, adopt a new level of faith? How much more do you think I will bless you? Immensely, I say. I will bless you immensely. I will entrust you with things people will be afraid of being in charge of. I will give you great power to take care of business that older people will be shocked to find out that a person at such a young age like yourself is doing just fine. By my power you will change nations and the world. I will give you blessings and pour my spirit upon your family, your generations, the work you do and the people you deal with. Any person you come in touch with & talk to will be blessed through you because you are mine and I am pleased with your heart. The long winding road will not be easy, but because I am with you, I will give you strength, I will renew your spirit for each case. That way you will grow stronger in my faith as you step further into my purpose for you. You will stay firm and strong in your position. You will be blessed with opportunities to change the view of the world. They will see you and they will think of me. They will see you and be proud of your success. Your family especially will be proud of what you've become. You will shine my name as you shine yours. I've chosen you because you possessed the exact character and personality that I need in order to carry out such work. Only you are able to do the will that I have for you, no one else but you. And it is a great task. It is a hard task, but a rewarding one if you have the desire. All I ask for you is to obey me. Take time to read my words and to obey me. Reach into the presence of my spirit and obey me. Obey what I have to say. Listen to the voice in your mind when I do speak. Listen out for me. Follow your heart in everything you do. Be patient and calm. Be gentle and loving. Be strong and courageous. Be hardworking and humble. Speak not of your own strength but of mine. Speak of my great work. Acknowledge what I have done in your life and you will be blessed. People needs to hear your testimony. Their lives will be change. It is I, Jesus who is speaking to you right now. Take this. Remember this. It is the pinnacle of the journey you are about to start with me. This journey will take you around the world, from end and back. It will influence the most influencial people, you will be recognised and you then must show them that you are my child. Do not be afraid as to how it shall be done. My spirit will be with you and your calling will be accomplished until the very end. It will be accomplished and lives will be change.

Your God, who loves you.

TD JAKES message - Focus


You need to have the character of the champion to be used for the mighty work of God.

The cause: PMS

You don't need God to take the "drive" away, we need God to help us "manage it". The only difference between us and the rest of the world, is that we're in the "spotlight".

Jigsaw: You fit the pre-destined jigsaw that God have for you. Until you understand that, you will never be jealous again. You are specially cut for that particular purpose. Only "you" are able to do that because you acquire the exact specifications and you are in the exact place where He needs you to be, in order to carry out that purpose.

His master plan is bigger than your individual problem.

You have been chosen. You can't be intimidated. You have to like who you are. You have to be comfortable with who you are. You can't do what others are made to do. You can only do what God allows you to do best at, which is able through the gift He has given you through the Holy Spirit.

Everyone wants to be someone they're not.

You have to admire the work of God: which is who you are!

When you treat people right, God will trust you with people. When God trusts you with people, He will give you people. When God trusts you with power, He will give you influence. When God trusts you with money, He will make you rich.
Champion has the right character. Want to does not get you there. God choose you with the heart issue. You need Character, not talent. That will determine your promotion.

You need to stop everything until you get your Character right.

You should be a safe place where people can come and tell you anything and you will never hear it again.... Everything you have is going to rot because your refrigerator is broken and you have no power.

How long you are able to hold onto success is determined by your Character.

How can you be a good shepherd if you can't be trusted with a wound of the sheep.
Real champion have real character. They will do the right thing even if it hurts. You can't be everyone's best friends because real relationship "causes" something.

You can't have a father who needs you. You have to have a father who wants you....NEED will turn into CORRUPTION!

You can have more degrees than the thermometer but if you don't have the Character, God will never promote you.
If God favours fall on you, He will pull you out of debt & troubles. He will cause supernatural and divine favour on your life. Things that you can never comprehend. Things that you were never trained to do but by the Holy Spirit you are ABLE! The real issue is, can God trust you will His favour?
 It costs you something to be a Champion. Can you stand what is behind-the-scenes?
Champion. Pay a price to win.
They endure pain that other people don't even know.
People are cheering when the athlete receive a touch-down but the people don't know that their ankles are screaming from pain as they take the next step. It hurts to be a champion.

Genesis 37:22 They take his coat...
They may take the coat but they can not take your character. 
Millionaires can go broke but they can be millionaires again because they made the money, the money didn't make them. As long as you made it and it didn't make you, you can get it all back.
They can strip you off the external, but they can't strip you off the internal which makes you great.
The Character makes the garment.
You can only have the same degree of favour as you have over trust. You can not have one without the other.

Until you value the small stuff, God will not give you the big stuff.
Can you be trusted with advantage? Can you be trusted when you're on top? 

WHAT LEVEL DO YOU LOVE? Love has capacity. Can you love someone who is messed up?


Advantage is coming...

Monday, June 28, 2010


Hillsong Conference Nights kick off on Monday Night with the Opening Celebrations and run ALL week long.

5 brilliant nights with:


Gather your friends & family & join with us as we seek to encounter God and see the church in Australia unified.


Monday - 6:30pm
Tuesday - 6:30pm
Wednesday - SPECIAL TIME - 4pm
Thursday - 6:30pm
Friday - 6:30pm

Monday 5 until Friday 9 July 2010
Monday 5 July
Registration: 9am – 3.30pmStart: 9amApproximate finish:  6.30pm
Tuesday 6 July
Morning session:
 9.30amDay session: 11.30amNight session: 6.30pm
Wednesday 7 July
Morning session:
 9.30amDay session: 11.30amNight session: 4pm
Thursday 8 and Friday 8 July
Morning session: 9.30amDay session: 11.30amNight session: 6.30pm

Need more inspirations to fast

I kept wanting to begin a fast but for some reason I haven't prepared myself well enough for it. How can I go on a battle and win if I am not prepared with the tactic against the devil and protect myself with the armour of God. I need more preparations, I need God to inspire me more and more. I need to reach into His presence and let Him talk to me.

I can tell that God is wanting me to fast, and I need to follow His words.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Another day... A Beautiful day

Today was wonderful. Like every other day by the grace of God. Jesus is so amazing. I feel so blessed.

But what makes today extra special is the fact that I was able to make it to Xiao's connect group which was awesome. I was at her house for the first time today and I got to say that i absolutely love the place so much. It is small but so cosy. It's so vintage and I love every bit of it. I love how every single space is used for a purpose. I love it. And that gave me inspirations for my own room. I'm actually thinking of rearranging my room and now I have ideas. I want to make it really cosy and since it's winter, I'd also like to get a large piece of rug and a low coffee table or something so we can chill and relax with pillows. We can also watch movies, enjoy drinks, eat lunch together etc. There are so many ideas. I love how God just anoints me with ideas. It's just so amazing.

I love how we were able to do worship our God. I love how every moment was filled with gladness and laughter and I'm sure everyone loved being there. The food was absolutely awesome! The people were so generous and influential. Everyone had their stories to tell and I was so blessed to even be listening. It gave me so much more faith because of what you have done in their lives. I know I just have to keep praying for my parents and then you will eventually change their hearts and change their ways, and finally you will make a way for them to know you. At the right time, according to your timing, not mine.

God I want to thank you for the amazing opportunity I have with Dennis and James. You are so great and I know it's also because my desire is so strong and You've allowed the Holy Spirit to fill me and worked through me. With your help I was able to transform the creativity into a reality. I'm glad that people are able to see the amazing work you've allowed me to do. I knew that everything that I've done is not my own, but is of your truly one of a kind work. People loved it God. And it's because it is ALL FROM YOU!!!!

Jesus, tonight I also felt as though the Holy Spirit is telling me to fast especially for my dad. You've told me that before but I didn't finish the fast. But despite me not knowing how many days I'm going for this time, I will still start tomorrow. I want to do this because I'm hungry to know more of you. I want to get more in tuned with your spirit and your words. I want to be more sensitise to you. I want to be able to be blessed by you with all situations and especially when you've given me a start to this totally new and exciting journey, I really need to fast because I need your guidance. I know I will be influence nations and the world and I believe that for a fact because you told me. For this reason alone, because I will be a powerful figure, I will need to fast. I know you're using me for something extrordinary. I know you're preparing me every second for the bright future you've planned and I can't wait to live out your promises. I know the road will be narrowed, it will be hard because I'm not on the earthy straight path where I live to please others & myself, but I will pureply live for you by the Holy Spirit.

Well Jesus, please bless me with the 2 photo shoots tomorrow and also allow me to give what is in my heart for the "HEART OF THE HOUSE OFFERING". I know I need to contribute to this because it is so important!

Please help me through this fast. I have a feeling that I will be doing this for 14 days. Please help me God. I really want to do this. I desire to know you, and I want to put you first and live my days for you. Without food or materialistic things to fufil my stomach and my soul.