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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

TD JAKES message - Focus


You need to have the character of the champion to be used for the mighty work of God.

The cause: PMS

You don't need God to take the "drive" away, we need God to help us "manage it". The only difference between us and the rest of the world, is that we're in the "spotlight".

Jigsaw: You fit the pre-destined jigsaw that God have for you. Until you understand that, you will never be jealous again. You are specially cut for that particular purpose. Only "you" are able to do that because you acquire the exact specifications and you are in the exact place where He needs you to be, in order to carry out that purpose.

His master plan is bigger than your individual problem.

You have been chosen. You can't be intimidated. You have to like who you are. You have to be comfortable with who you are. You can't do what others are made to do. You can only do what God allows you to do best at, which is able through the gift He has given you through the Holy Spirit.

Everyone wants to be someone they're not.

You have to admire the work of God: which is who you are!

When you treat people right, God will trust you with people. When God trusts you with people, He will give you people. When God trusts you with power, He will give you influence. When God trusts you with money, He will make you rich.
Champion has the right character. Want to does not get you there. God choose you with the heart issue. You need Character, not talent. That will determine your promotion.

You need to stop everything until you get your Character right.

You should be a safe place where people can come and tell you anything and you will never hear it again.... Everything you have is going to rot because your refrigerator is broken and you have no power.

How long you are able to hold onto success is determined by your Character.

How can you be a good shepherd if you can't be trusted with a wound of the sheep.
Real champion have real character. They will do the right thing even if it hurts. You can't be everyone's best friends because real relationship "causes" something.

You can't have a father who needs you. You have to have a father who wants you....NEED will turn into CORRUPTION!

You can have more degrees than the thermometer but if you don't have the Character, God will never promote you.
If God favours fall on you, He will pull you out of debt & troubles. He will cause supernatural and divine favour on your life. Things that you can never comprehend. Things that you were never trained to do but by the Holy Spirit you are ABLE! The real issue is, can God trust you will His favour?
 It costs you something to be a Champion. Can you stand what is behind-the-scenes?
Champion. Pay a price to win.
They endure pain that other people don't even know.
People are cheering when the athlete receive a touch-down but the people don't know that their ankles are screaming from pain as they take the next step. It hurts to be a champion.

Genesis 37:22 They take his coat...
They may take the coat but they can not take your character. 
Millionaires can go broke but they can be millionaires again because they made the money, the money didn't make them. As long as you made it and it didn't make you, you can get it all back.
They can strip you off the external, but they can't strip you off the internal which makes you great.
The Character makes the garment.
You can only have the same degree of favour as you have over trust. You can not have one without the other.

Until you value the small stuff, God will not give you the big stuff.
Can you be trusted with advantage? Can you be trusted when you're on top? 

WHAT LEVEL DO YOU LOVE? Love has capacity. Can you love someone who is messed up?


Advantage is coming...