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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Colour Conference 2013 - Light - Day 2

Dear Lord,

I don't remember if I have told you here on this blog, but just so you know, you are so good. Thank you for being so merciful and kind to me. I can sing of your great love forever! Thank you Jesus for all that you are doing. Lord, I should have known how faithful you are. But I'm so glad I went through what I did, because I wouldn't have seen you worked your miracles if those thing didn't happen to me. Lord, all in all, you are beyond all that is in this world. And you are mighty, and you are all powerful, and you CARE for me! For ME! Wow, that's just so awesome. 

You've been providing for me moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day. How great are you God. I have no worries at all now because you've revealed to me in a way I've never seen before. 

Lord, I will never forget that Sunday night, 3rd Febuary, when I needed $700 for hui, and you gave me $699.63 plus a few coins in my wallet. 

Then it was 3rd March, when I needed $1400, up until one week before, I had no money, and I was wondering how I would be provided. Then I remember, by Sunday night, you gave me around $1510. But I bought Chereine a registration to COLOUR which costed $170, which only left me with $1335. I was now short of $65. I then had to go for Claire's farewell dinner and paid for petrol so I was broke and had $1300 in my bank. I was now short of $100. Then today Sophia gave me $107 for the registration because she's been using Chereine's rego to attend (which Chereine did not end up coming to). I was able to give mum the $100 and $7 was my food money. Wow, I just thought, how awesome is God that he knew I'd be hungry. He knew I could stand without food, yet he cared enough just to give me extra. Thank you Lord. 

So today apart from all that has happened at Colour. One thing that really stuck with me was the intense desire to be apart of Hillsong College. I never wanted to go. I never intended to go, but for the past week I've been getting this prompting from the Spirit to go to College. I'm not sure when though. I'm just wondering if you would like for me to attend the July intake or next year 2014 intake. I'm also contemplating that if I would go to college, will I do make up still? I think that still might be a good idea... I'm not sure. I will keep praying about. I'm beginning to realise what a big decision this is. That just means that I will have almost no time to shoot, to work, 4 days a week, and serving and attending at church. 

But I know I'm not called to be a hairstylist. I was called to be the light in the dark world.


Today, in the spirit, I saw myself being in the forefront of God's great army. From above, I can see multitude of armies standing along side and behind me. As I'd draw the sword out, they'd do the same. As I'd command to fight, they'd the same. They are so obedient, so respectful. I see myself as a light for those behind me to see. No matter how far back behind, they are still able to see me because God's light is shining through me. However, the light that I'm portray is nothing compare to the light that is ahead of me shining down from above. It's God's glory. As I precede into war, I know we have already won, despite the fact the devil is raging against us with all sorts of wicked spirits. I'd see myself holding a shield with my left hand and my right hand raising the sword. I dash my sword side to side and it would cut through the power of the wicked. Any spirit that goes pass me are then destroyed by my fellow armies. They were trying to attack us. Some got bruises here and there but nothing major because we were strong. Each time when I swing my sword, I see this amazing extension of power that releases, like a wavelength. Like the invisible force of a sound wave, travelling outward once it had escape from a large speaker. So in this case, it was the sword. I guess, the sword was the word of God. And because the word of God has life, it moves, it is active, and it has a mission. Once it has been spoken, it travels where it is commanded, so then whichever direction I'd swing my sword, the power would be released towards that area. And as it makes contact with the dark forces, that dark force loses power. I sense in my spirit, God says "Victory is ours". I believe God is warning me that this war would not be easy, but I also believe God has given me the tool to overcome the enemy. That is His shield and His word, which will be my sword. How great is our God. How great is He?? He also wants to let me know that I will have LOTS of attacks coming my way, because I am leading God's army, BUT no enemy shall live as long as I have my sword raised! The word of God is with me everywhere, and where I declare God's word, there the power of the enemy is defeated. I see myself so saturated with his light, it is impossible for people not to see. But that light doesn't bring the attention to me, but to the army that is behind me. I represent the whole army that is behind me. A multitude of warriors lovingly, passionately, willingly, eagerly fighting for God's kingdom. I love it. I love it.