To do list

Friday, August 12, 2011

BRIAN TRACY. so inspirational

Paula White. Awesome

Have Integrity. Stick to your core belief. If you don't stand for something, You will fall for anything!

Paula White on "Just Paula" - Prgm 009 - Part 1

The reality is that you survived some things that killed other people.

Out of a little, a whole lot can come when it's in the hands of God.

It's not what happened but how you respond after what has happened.

What do I do with what I've been through?

Paula White on "Just Paula" - Prgm 009 - Part 2

Don't make a permanent decision in a temporary situation.

We tend to make a story out of ONE chapter. A season does not define you and a chapter does not tell the whole storyline.

God loves you so much that he will allow adversity to come so you will be able to see what the eyes can not.



Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
The Millionaire Next Door - Thomas Stanley & William Danko
The One Minute Millionaire - Mark Victor Hansen & Robert Allen
Failing Forward - Dr. John C. Maxwell
Today Matters - Dr. John C. Maxwell
Reallionaire: Nine Steps to Becoming Rich From the Inside Out. - Farrah Gray
The E Myth - Michael Gerber
Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki
A Setback is a Setup, for a Comeback - Willie Jolley
How to Get Rich without Cutting Up Your Credit Cards - Robert Kiyosaki
The Automatic Millionaire - David Bach
The Uncommon Millionaire - Dr. Mike Murdock
The Law of Recognition - Dr. Mike Murdock
Young, Fabulous, and Broke - Susie Orman
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - Steven Covey
Why We Want You to be Rich - Donald Trump & Robert Kiyosaki
The Nine Steps to Financial Freedom - Susie Orman
Multiple Streams of Income - Robert Allen
How to Think Like a Billionaire - Donald Trump

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Thank you

You will and that's the truth

Hold onto your dream

Never it up for anyone....

My love for you....

You hold my heart,
Peace hold me still
Love never part
You see me well

Tears trembled heart
Promises hold strong
Spoken through words
Words were so strong

Pierced through my heart
of love, hope & strength
You told me to never give up
that "I will" so hold on

Loved, that's how I feel
When your presence draws near
Never-ending love
Thankful..... there's no more fear

Boungiorno, my mouth speaks
Merci, my heart falls
Caught between the thoughts
Yet, Noah proved it all

My love..I need not
Just to see you pleased
For you I will live
Beyond my wildest dream

Hope dreams desire
You will be it all
Give up all I have
So you will have it all.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Weight Problem

I'm on a journey. Thank you for changing me. I'm so much happier about my image now :)


November 19th 2010

Everything seems so hard. Why have I given up all that? Where are you Lord? I need you. I need you to show me the right way. Can you please show me how to do these things that you want me to do? Why does physical appearance have to be such an issue to me? Why doesn't work???!!! Why do I have to keep juggling with this weight problem. When can I have that body that I want. That utmost health level? Why wasn't I feelling as good when I was doing that raw diet? Why did everyone  experience all these positive things but I rarely did? Is this the way you want us to live? Why does my family have to be so conventional? Why can't I find something that I enjoy doing so at least I can turn to it when I'm down. I've been so down lately. Do you know God? I'm on the way to work and I don't want to work. I just want to get away from this place!!!!!!! Lord why are there so much things and responsibilities on my shoulder. I need you so much but I don't seem to hear you. Is it because I'm not seeking your words? Why am I like this? How come I'm not energetic like last year. Always ready to wake up and go gym. Reaching to your word constantly. Do I have to do another NO- food fast? Water fast? I want to reach into your words but I want to be able to read things that are relevant. Lord why does my soul seem so weak. Why does ppl seem so happy while I'm just here having this deep sorrow in my heart? Can things get any better????? Every morning when I wake up, I no longer feel joy. I feel like I'm going through a beautiful day but in the tunnel of hell. I don't know who to turn to. I don't know who would understand and be able to comfort me, mentor me without being so blunt and demanding. Lord I've been wanting someone to come into my heart. Jesus you said that we can ask anything in Jesus' name and it shall be given. Can you please send me a mentor to guide me? I don't know what to do. I don't know where to go. I'm just here living but slowing dying. I see my life as nothing but a shifting shadow. Why does it have to be this hard? I don't want to work. I don't want to do anything. I want to go away and cry my heart out!!!!!!!!!! Godddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. Wherrrreeeeeee areeeeee yoouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Why aren't you showing me a wayyyyyy out?? :( 

Magnificent days

June 19 8:24am

Today is a magnificent day. Full of greatness & awesomeness. The photoshoot is amazing & the model, photographer, mua, & the designers are great!! I am positive. God helps me to so amazing hair & anoint me with incredible ideas that make everyone say wow!!! And it is all glory to the lord god who created me and love me unconditionally. I love myself & love my life. I love my body & is confident with the way I look. I love my arms & legs & I love my skin: it is tanned :)) my trip to Europe is amazing. Work is also really great because I am improving so much and god can see that! I sell treatment well and retail well & gives very beautiful haircuts which clients admire. I get paid at least $1300 a week & I travel overseas for work & also get paid. I travel for pleasure also, seeing god's creation & this beautiful world. I inspire people to know god & seek his words. Everywhere I am. People will see God also. I influence of millions of people world wide with my stories & testimony. My hardship makes a difference. I read 2 books a month and any thing that I watch is always educational. I'm a great motivational speaker. I am fit healthy & strong. I am in countless magazines, tv shows, news, radio ect & where I go I acknowledge god :) he is amazing & he is my life! 

June 23 11:49 am

Today is a lovely day. Full of God's grace & his almighty power. I love Jesus and his love is overflowing. I have an amazingly strong clientele and I earn at least $1300 a week. I am
Booked out one month in advance & I attract attention from all over the world. I am great at what I do and is forever learning new things. I am patient and humble & have no ego. The only ego I have is for the Lord Jesus Christ. I travel around the world to do what I love most which is fashion/runway hair as well as preaching god's words. I inspire millions of people around the world to know & seek God. They love Jesus because the see Jesus through me. I am an ambassador for Christ. I am Jesus' right hand. I am a soldier for Christ's sake. I continue to grow as he offers me new task to undertake. Everything I  am doing now is by god's grace and nothing else. He helps me with everything and the trip to Europe is amazing. I meet beautiful people. My knowledge of the world is widen & I also meet a lovely godly guy. My portfolio is incredible. Made up of talented individuals who are photographers & Mua's & models & designers. I love myself. I am tanned fit strong and healthy. I eat mostly raw plant based food. I love the way I look in shorts and tank tops. I am confident with my face, body shapes & clothings. Jesus is great and he loves me soooooooooo incredibly much! 


Dear lord, please take care of me on this trip. I know you are & I know you will. I am in complete care of you. Thank you for this opportunity to come into a new place and just allow me to take risks. I've always wanted to travel by myself & I finally am. I know this trip will go by so quickly & I will make the most out of everything. I really do feel there is a significant meaning to this trip. More than mere traveling. I know you have something amazing planned for me & it's just awaiting me. I love you Jesus. How I thank you for everything and I thank you for Chi! I love her so much & I thank you for helping me improve & realize what she's done wrong so ah can start trying even harder & make mum proud. I thank you for being with my mum. It hurts me to see her seeking idols for help but only you know her heart Jesus. You know who she is crying out to. You know her inside out like how you know every single being you've placed into existence. Jesus I thank you for everything. I'm sad that I will have to miss Hillsong Conference & I still don't know if this trip will be greater than the experience I would have had if I'd stayed. :( I really wished  I could go to the conference. But its okay. You can't have everything. And there has to be give & take. Jesus please help me with the money. Help me to organize my time & spending money. I'm bringing all cash over so I hope I take care of it well. Jesus. I hope this isn't selfish but i hope I have a holiday romance. I don't want to expect too much but I just hope .... I just hope. I think if you really want it, you can just visualize it & it will happen right... 


NOTE: Hong Kong JULY 3RD

Hong kong

I am now awaiting to board my second flight. The trip was really long but I'm glad that it was an overnight flight just so it could go by much quicker. However, in terms of comfort I didn't really have any. It was uncomfortable. I never liked the seats on the plane. Now I know what my client means by making myself as comfortable as I can on the plane. It makes the whole ride that much more enjoyable & less tired. Well I had a horrible stomach ache this morning when I woke up and I know it's from all of the food I ate last might at home combined with stuff for dinner on the plane. It made me feel so sick even until now even though I did not eat anything this morning & decided to skip breakfast. I'm so glad I did and not just eat it because it will be a waste. I'm looking forward to arriving into Milan. I hope it doesn't get too dark when I get there so I can find my way around okay. Thank you Jesus for being with me. I know you are guiding me & helping to be better. I'm expecting so much from this trip. I will come home a totally different person