To do list

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My love for you....

You hold my heart,
Peace hold me still
Love never part
You see me well

Tears trembled heart
Promises hold strong
Spoken through words
Words were so strong

Pierced through my heart
of love, hope & strength
You told me to never give up
that "I will" so hold on

Loved, that's how I feel
When your presence draws near
Never-ending love
Thankful..... there's no more fear

Boungiorno, my mouth speaks
Merci, my heart falls
Caught between the thoughts
Yet, Noah proved it all

My love..I need not
Just to see you pleased
For you I will live
Beyond my wildest dream

Hope dreams desire
You will be it all
Give up all I have
So you will have it all.