To do list

Monday, May 14, 2012

problems again.... :(

So.. I don't know what to do...

I haven't been spending as much one on one time with God lately, and it's  not that I feel distant, but is that the reason why suddenly so many problems have surfaced, and prayers going unanswered?

Even though I look happy and bubbly at church, internally I haven't felt great. I often feel very tired and just want a break. Maybe Hillsong Conference will come in good time. 8 weeks time.

So what is making me anxious right now?

- Mum is losing money, again, a lot of money ...... God please intervene :(((
- Powerhouse Afterparty... Attendance have been decreasing a lot and I don't know what it is
- Powerhouse Afterparty: What do I do for the 6 hot weekends, I have no clue what to do even if I know what I want, how do I achieve it, I do not know. There's no transit, how do we get there?
- Connect group: Could not have it tonight because of Nioxin Training, and I don't even know the previous attendees want to come anymore... Don't even know who I am leading..
- Connect group: I just want a place/ a home/ somewhere to have connect group without going OUT and spend. Somewhere central... :( So sad that God has not given me any direction for it :(
- Grandma keeps commenting on my weight every time I see her. Everytime, literally! Saying how I look like I've gained weight... :(
- 41 Hamel Cresent: Tenant's not moving today but wednesday...
- Mum is stressing out
- My sister is stressing out because of Mum
- Just plain tired :(
- What does God wants to do with my life, and what is the future like?
- Wants to spend more time with God, but I just wake up so late.... :(
- Messy room, incredibly messy and that doesn't make me feel too good

I'm sad Jesus, I just want you to intervene and pull through.

I just really hope you'd give mum the wisdom that you know is best. To lend or not to lend out. God please give her the wisdom. Give ME the wisdom Jesus!! How do I show you that I'm desperate for it. How do I receive? You said that those who lack wisdom just need to ask and you'll give it without hesitation, PLEASE give it to me Jesus!! I need to know what to do for 6 hot weekends, and connect group, and how to support mum emotionally, and how to spend time with you...
