To do list

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Dear God..

Dear God,

I'm really sick right now and as you know, I've been like this for a while.  I've never been this sick and it scares me. It scares me that as more people pray for me, I seem to get worse. I cried to you so much yesterday and was questioning you a lot but I will trust in you even though it doesn't make sense. I know you didn't do this. I know the devil is attacking me from all sorts of areas. Please help mum to be healed. She seems to get better which I'm glad. Please also help my brother in law and my sister. Help them to know you. Thank you that Chi is maturing and she's growing up. I pray that you will have your perfect will over her and that she will live her life for you. God, I ask that you will give mum peace during this time of house hunting and house designing. We don't know what's best to do but please give us wisdom and lead us in your way. Give her peace Jesus. Thank you Father. Holy Spirit will you please reveal more of yourself to me? I really want to know you more. College has been really challenging. I'm struggling to live out my Christian lifestyle of telling others about Christ. I want to be better at it.

Thank you that you are providing for me and thank you for all the friends I have. Help my skin problem please. I don't even know what caused it and it makes me really sad that its happening. You are getting rid of it right?

I wonder when I will finally meet Jordan.... And to one day realise that all that God told me is true and I would be a witness of his faithfulness.

It's really hard to believe in you when trials come my way. Please help me to strengthen in my faith in you. I don't know how people live in such joyous ways despite physical limitations. Help me to do the same. Help me not to complain but to be thankful.

You know, it really hurts me that my sister's business is not going well. It really makes me sad. I don't even know what to ask for from you. Because there's no point of asking for prosperity if they done even know you. Are you trying to allow this to happen to make them come to you in desperation. I don't know how you work but please please please help them and look after them...

Help me with my faith. I know I totally don't deserve you yet you would still want me.

I can't do this on my own. I can't do anything on my own. Please make yourself real to me. Help me not to have those dreams anymore....