To do list

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Desires expects nothing but victory

Noun: consuming passion, undying drive, unquenchable thirst

Desire is the difference between defeat and success

Everything that has done for you began for you when you started to "desire". One thing led to another. It all started with Desire not Talent. Talent can be built.

The Lord said: "It was your desire that move me"

God allows the troubles to come to us to make us realise our desire. He will bring something good out of you after a fight. Your Desire.

"Oh Lord, I want to succeed. I want to influence nations & the world just like you have told me."

In the day of His flesh, when He offered up prayers and supplication. He did it with a STRONG DESIRE and a STRONG CRY.

Whatever you want, you can have it if you desire.

There's always an excuse to hold you back if you want it to.

Oh Lord God. YOU ARE SO BIG!

Oh Lord Jesus, how can I ever comprehend your greatness. You leave me speechless with each time you show me the vast universe you've created. And this is based on our understanding only, an understanding that is very limited yet you've already made me in awe of who you are. You are absolutely amazing God. Maybe, after all, you've made us just the right size. Not too big, not too small. You've created this earth in its exact form to make us realise how little we really are and how big our God really is. Jesus, from what I understand and can see right now, YOU ARE MAVERLOUS! Oh God, words will never even come close to describing how powerful you are.

You make me feel so blessed to be a part of your Kingdom God. To be a part of something so spectacular. To have YOU as my father. YOU are the KING of all kings, LORD of all gods. The BEGINNING and the END. So large, so vast, so holy, so lovely and still, you desire to have a relationship with ME? Wow. That is just unexplainable.

Oh Lord my God. I love you so much. I want to live for you. I want to give up everything and follow you. Just from realising how big you are really gives me hope for what is to come. It makes me realise how life on earth is nothing but a dull piece of canvas if you weren't in it to add some colour and contrast to it. I want to be used for your kingdom. I can't wait to live my life for you. Bring blessings to others and show them that YOU ARE THE ONE! I want them to be able to experience the same love I've had along. I want their lives to be transformed by your great power and forgiveness. Your healing will bring all glory and miracles and they will know, that YOU ARE GOD!

How beautiful must Heaven be. It is a place where no man has seen, no one as ever dreamt of without being invited by God himself into the Holy place. Oh God, this is so worth it. Although my life seems long but I am so ready to give it my all, because the reward is priceless and is worth more than any money or possessions or materialitic things. I run to win the race, the race of God's Holy people, bringing people to Christ. A race to win eternal reward not a mere earthly recognition that will fade away.

I've been so blessed with such opportunity to shoot with Dennis and James. I feel so blessed to have a photographer from Melbourne coming just for me. I feel so blessed to be spoken of so highly from a person of such authority. But most of all, I'm thankful that God has heard my prayers. God is in me and He will not neglect me. In any situation. At any time. All I need to do is to dwell myself in His goodness & Spirit, give Him thanks, enjoy myself with His love alone, then forget about the problems I have, and instead, have gratitude for everything that's going on in my life: good or bad because they will all work together for God's great work.

Oh I love Him so much. I love him so so so so so much!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Interview today.

Today was the interview day for an interior designer assistant job. All I know is that I did my best, so I trust God that He will give me what He wants for my life. Whether or not I get it, I don't mind, because I want to work according to His will and his timing, not mine. I arrived late today, and I hope that wasn't a bad impression. However I had a hard time trying to find the actual place. But all in all, it was a good interview I think. Christina might be a bit hesitant to hire me because she thinks I won't be as enthusiastic towards interior designing as compare to hairdressing judging by the success I've had so far.

I don't really want to talk about the following, but for the sake of the blog and me wanting to include everything that's going on in my life, I will talk about it. About the little car accident. The excess fee is $900 for me because I'm under 21. I told my parents about the situation, and they're very understanding. I'm glad. Thank you Jesus. Although I don't have money right now, but I offered to pay for it anyway because I know it was my fault and I don't want them to pay for me. I don't know how things will work out but I do ask that God will look after my case and bring justice to this because I know the taxi driver is taking advantage of this incident to get all of his old problem fixed and that is not far. I barely made any damages to the car, yet the whole risk assessment added up to more than $2700 which is ridiculous. Anyways, I'm not going to stress over this because it is not worth it. As long as my parents are informed of what's going on and are on my side then that's all that matters. Plus I have God who is always on my case and will not let the devil run wild. He is coming to steal from me which God will not allow that to happen.

I trust in Jesus.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I don't realise it, but I always smile to myself, then comes that warmth inside my heart, the burning desire of wanting to see more. More and more of what I can be used for. For those who are given much, much is expected. This is only the scratch of the surface for my long wonderful road. I've been called "to change nations & to change the world".

Message from God today: 
Spend time wisely and do what is most important for the glory of God.

And God will reward those He love, more than we can ever comprehend

So just to make the long story short. I broke my fast yesterday. I will try again, don't worry about that.

Anyways. I'm still numbed, and shocked and in awe of all the good things God has done for me. Oh My Lord, You Are so Greattttt!!! God how can I ever thank you enough. I love you more than I can ever imagine. I just realised how everything worked perfectly in your accordance and miracles start to take place there on. You are so amazing. So marvelous. I love you so much Lord. I could feel your presence and your angels there with me, cheering for me, preparing for a great show. I felt like someone was praying for me and I know for a fact that it was Xiao Wei.

I stayed up until 5am last night and I had a good enough sleep. I was very nervous today. Although the day wans't as smooth as I'd like it to be but everything came together so well. Sveta had to get her make up done 3 times and Jelina also needed to hers fixed. But overall, the bad things came for good, so doors will be open to greater opportunities. As I see it, I found a better make up artist and I was very happy with the result.

I've also realised now how much the Wella Comp prepared me for today's presentation. Even though my entry was never received, I'm very pleased with the outcome because if I didn't take the risk to plan and organise a shoot, I would have never came across Model Mayhem through people on Gumtree. Then from then I realised that you can actually make an account, BUT you need at least 4 portfolio pictures. This shoot then allowed me to do just that. Gathering ideas, doing heaps of research, making the vision a reality and here I am now, better than ever before, but never as good as I can be in the future. There's always room for growth. I'm glad that I had the chance to see such great works on MM as well as getting to know the great people out there who are so talented with such gifted skills. I'm blessed to be apart of a Kingdom who think highly of creativity and what it is able to do. I'm blessed to be used by god to make his vision a reality through my hands. I'm blessed to be worked along side with the Holy Spirit to bring God's beauty to life. Great models, great MUA, great models. I give thank to God for allowing me to be blessed with such talents. And who could ever forget Jess Green, the amazing designer.

All that leads me to this:


I missed out on T&G Collection of the year by ONE POINT which doesn't really bother me 


Dennis Langford, the Managing Director of Toni & Guy Australia, has personally congratulated me with my styling in front of everyone. He spoke highly of me and that he could use my work to represent Toni & Guy anywhere around the world, anytime. 

He then wanted to see and asked if I could re-create the look and so he can organise a photo shoot.

I am so stoked! I can't believe it. That's better than winning! That's an amazing opportunity.

I can go on and on about people's comments of my models, but I won't boast and go there. All I will say is that what I've done was only achieved by the great power of the one and only God. Those were HIS works, not mine. That's why I loved them and they were amazing.
Thank you Jesus dearly.


Monday, June 21, 2010

DAY 4. omg food food food!

It seems like today is getting harder. I thought it would be easy because up until this morning/afternoon I was not feeling hungry at all and I was very surprised. Because I remembered the last time I did the 3 days fast and I was already hungry on like the 2nd day or something. But anyways, I think it's because I'm starting to get used to it so yeah. Man, seriously, FOOD WAS EVERYWHERE TODAY. I'm not sure if it was the devil trying to tempt me, but I didn't care less. What I cared more is the fact that Mum keeps on making food for me and I don't eat it. At times I'm just like "Should I just eat it because I don't want to waste it?" But then I realised what I told myself before "Don't give in just because you think it's a waste of food, trust in God, and forget about all the problem with food."

Omg, like today, the smell of food was EVERYWHERE. I went to buy the magazine from The Make Up Store and I could full smell nice bread from the bakery. There was also a sushi train place that was packed out and that made me want to eat sushi. Then when I went to get some snacks for tomorrow, OMG there were so many things that just popped in my face, especially when I was getting JUNK food: chocolate biscuits, lollies ect. I saw chips, muffins, icecream, nice crackers, fruits ect and really wanted to eat LOL.

I can't believe it has only been 4 days. It seems so long. I really want it to go as fast as possible. Yes, I do have to admit that I want to eat. But I also like it when I fast because as soon as I think about food when I'm hungry, my mind automatically changes to thoughts of God. I realised that I don't need food to survive, I only need Him. It's a good reminder that God is able to satisfy everything, all of your needs.

So I'm pretty sure I've wrote down my prayer list for this fast.

- Tomorrow's graduation: Oh Lord please bless me, I want to succeed. God, I have confidence in your power and I know I will get great results. I think that if I do achieve something great tomorrow, that will be the first big official reward I would receive. I just hope for all the best Lord. I'm fasting because of this God. Because I want you to bless me. And can I just say THANK YOU SO MUCH for allowing your spirit to work through my hands today. I had no clue what to do for Arno's hair: what colour, what cut. But then as I start, you kept on speaking to me and at the end I was so happy with the result. I didn't even have to colour his hair because it looked good like that. I didn't even have to cut Jelina's hair, only dyed it.  But Jesus, I have one BIG favour to ask you. Will you please heal Sveta for tomorrow? She is feeling really sick and I feel really bad that she still has to come, especially at such an early time. I really hope she gets better. Please bless her God, give her strength and allow her to be strong and persevere through all hardship.

- Wednesday's interview: Lord, I don't know if this job is a part of your plan. But I will prepare myself as much as I can to do well at the interview. I leave everything in your hand. Normally, I'd ask that you'd give me the job. I really want it, but I don't know if this is your will. If it's not, I don't want it. If it is then I want to do what you want.However, at the moment I have no idea what it is that you want, so I will try my best and you can do the rest.

- Heart of the House Offering: I want to fast for this reason as well. I really want to have an opportunity to bring my financial support the needs of others, especially when it is done through the church. This year, my heart tells me that I should give $400. So I'll see if I have enough by then.

- Hillsong Conference: A major anointing, I believe there will be miracles all over the church, in every single person's life, in all that believes in God and in those that will hear your words for the first time. I'm so excited.

- Dad's change of character + personality:  I don't want to get into detail about how my dad is. You know far more than I do, and how he is acting is so apparent. I want to include him in my list because initially this was the reason I was called to do the fast. I felt like You were telling me that I should fast for my dad so I did. God I hope that your hand will be over our family. I really want my dad to change and LOOSE THE LOVE FOR MONEY, PERIOD! I just want him to care for us more and love my mum more. Appreciate what He has instead of always wanting money to give away to strangers. I want him to invest more time, effort and financial support to his OWN family, to his closest people around him which is us!

Okay so right now, I'm feeling really hungry, Mum just called me out to eat again which is so ridiculous. I just finished building a base for the hairpiece and I will have to finish it by tonight. I also need to think of ideas for Sveta's hair. I need to search for the right make up/ look for her as well.

I need to bring
- food + drinks for tomorrow: bananas, grapes, water and straws.
- V shape pins for Jelina's hair
- Glitter for make up
- Jeans for Arno
- Make up & Clothes to change for night presentation + boots (OH I LOVE those boots from Mai, they're gorgeous!)


Sunday, June 20, 2010



I love art, I love anything that's beautifully created. And that's pretty much everything.

My aim is to get a SLR camera, maybe a Nikon D5000

And I really want to get into drawing, painting as well. Omg this is so amazing and cool.

DAY 3. In silence, You really hear God

So today is my third day of a Glorious life.

Jesus is so wonderful, powerful, so lovely and ahhh.....oh so wonderful. I'm currently listening to Avalon right now and the songs are ......just great and so joyous, peaceful, relaxing (:

Church was good today, but I really wanted to hear the guest speaker. He's on at the 5pm service so yeah I can't make it because I have so much things to get done and it's 5:12pm right now lol.

I had such an encounter with God today. I could really hear the Holy Spirit talking to me, calming me and telling me to really trust Jesus because He cares for me.

It felt like a really long time. I walked to the car park after church and then I got into the car thinking about where I'm going to get my photos printed. As I was sitting there, I realised how quite everything was. Like nothing mattered. All I felt was "silence" literally. It was like something I've never experienced. It was almost sacred in a way. Then I closed my eyes, then the Spirit start pouring His speech on me. I can't retell everything right now but afterward, I felt such a sense of peace. It's something so wonderful.

It's the 3rd day and I'm not even hungry. I honestly don't want to eat anything so I get quite annoyed when I see food around the house or when Mum asks me what I want to have so she can get it for me. I always tell her I ate already, and she's getting really worried because she thinks I don't eat properly or only ever eat junk food.

I'm not going to adopt my old thinking, of not wanting to waste food therefore I will break my fast. That's so stupid honestly. Besides, I shouldn't worry about that anyway since I'm doing this fast for a LONG time. It's a 21-day fast. I have many days left, 7 times as much as what I've been through. Then tomorrow will be 6 times as much, then 5 times as much, 4 times as much, 3 times as much, then I can't wait till Hillsong Conference.

I felt God telling me to tell Sveta to be careful so I texted her and I was right. There's so much going on with her. The devil is attacking her in dreams, in her thinking, in her health and I really pray that God's power will overtake the demon's spirit. Jesus is forever more powerful than any evil acts, no matter how great the devil's power is, He is greater still. The Devil is aggressive, but He is empty. He has no place to live, no place of residence. And He shall not reside in me nor will he take my precious friend's heart, Sveta's heart.

At the moment, I'm just preparing my portfolio for wednesday interview. I hope I get the job. I have confidence in the Lord. I will try my best for everything He wants me to do and then I put the decision in His hands, no matter what the outcome is, I will always be happy. I want to live in God's timing, not mine. He knows better than I do. He has an eternal perspective, yet mine is only temporal. I don't know what's going to happen in the future, but Jesus will always be all-knowing, of the past, present and the future. He will carry out an amazing plan for my life. He told me today that He has chosen me as His servant. I will impact nations and the world. I will bring my family and friends to Christ. He told me He was pleased with me fasting and will allow great things to happen. He also said that He has prepared a place for me in Heaven and that my name is in the Book of Life. He still wants me to keep reaching and seeking Him in all circumstances. The spirit convinced me that even though I do have much faith right now, my faith in the future will be thousands and millions time greater than my current faith. I will be so connected to God and His Kingdom that my belief now is only a dust compare to what's in store for me.

I'm so excited for the future, but the result will take time to manifest. I trust in God always and always and always. I know I don't have to worry about a thing. What ever He tells me to do, I will do it, because He says so.

Jesus is so great (:

I just came back from Haymarket. I didn't want to go tonight but Mai asked me to because Monic is leaving to Germany this wednesday. I thought I'd come to farewell her but Mai ended up having the time of her life. Me and Mon just sat there LOL. I didn't drink, dance, nothing. So many people asked me to drink but I stayed true to myself and did not drink at all. I don't like drinking anyway. It's not like I was trying to not get tempted from something I like to do. Drinking is not my thing, so I didn't have a hard time refusing. I think by now, everyone would've realised that I DON'T drink lol. It's funny how when I was sitting down and observing everything that was happening around me: girls dancing, guys trying to hit on chicks, alcohol, loud music, flirtatiousness ect, I just could not believe I was apart of THAT scene once upon a time. It's funny now that I've grown out of it, I finally understands how ridiculous those times were. Spending money on new dresses every week, taking the whole night to prepare for a night out, going clubbing and worrying about how you look in front of guys, dancing like there's no tomorrow, and accepting free drinks from guys because they're FREE and it showed that they were interested in us. How ridiculous.

Those times are over. I've grown out of it too soon, too quickly. In just over half a year. Which is LESS! Very very short amount of time. I'm no longer interested in the clubbing zone. I like to chill out with friends, have an easy night out, eat dinner together, something like that. I prefer to have quality times.

I'm just grateful that God had finally showed me a new view to my life. A new understanding to what I thought I knew. I love how God always surprises you with new things, perspective of life and wisdom. I love how no matter what we do, He will always use that opportunity to teach you a lesson, to allow you to at least gain some knowledge out of it. God is truly so amazing. I honestly don't understand people who refuse to believe that there isn't a God or there isn't a reason to life. So if they don't think people were born for a purpose, why do they try so hard to reasons themselves by explaining or asking the question "why?" in the first place, whether god related or not. If people were created for a will, that means that everything that happens on this earth is a legitimate plan working together for a good cause, a bright future for all human being, a way to know God and the path to everlasting life.