To do list

Monday, June 21, 2010

DAY 4. omg food food food!

It seems like today is getting harder. I thought it would be easy because up until this morning/afternoon I was not feeling hungry at all and I was very surprised. Because I remembered the last time I did the 3 days fast and I was already hungry on like the 2nd day or something. But anyways, I think it's because I'm starting to get used to it so yeah. Man, seriously, FOOD WAS EVERYWHERE TODAY. I'm not sure if it was the devil trying to tempt me, but I didn't care less. What I cared more is the fact that Mum keeps on making food for me and I don't eat it. At times I'm just like "Should I just eat it because I don't want to waste it?" But then I realised what I told myself before "Don't give in just because you think it's a waste of food, trust in God, and forget about all the problem with food."

Omg, like today, the smell of food was EVERYWHERE. I went to buy the magazine from The Make Up Store and I could full smell nice bread from the bakery. There was also a sushi train place that was packed out and that made me want to eat sushi. Then when I went to get some snacks for tomorrow, OMG there were so many things that just popped in my face, especially when I was getting JUNK food: chocolate biscuits, lollies ect. I saw chips, muffins, icecream, nice crackers, fruits ect and really wanted to eat LOL.

I can't believe it has only been 4 days. It seems so long. I really want it to go as fast as possible. Yes, I do have to admit that I want to eat. But I also like it when I fast because as soon as I think about food when I'm hungry, my mind automatically changes to thoughts of God. I realised that I don't need food to survive, I only need Him. It's a good reminder that God is able to satisfy everything, all of your needs.

So I'm pretty sure I've wrote down my prayer list for this fast.

- Tomorrow's graduation: Oh Lord please bless me, I want to succeed. God, I have confidence in your power and I know I will get great results. I think that if I do achieve something great tomorrow, that will be the first big official reward I would receive. I just hope for all the best Lord. I'm fasting because of this God. Because I want you to bless me. And can I just say THANK YOU SO MUCH for allowing your spirit to work through my hands today. I had no clue what to do for Arno's hair: what colour, what cut. But then as I start, you kept on speaking to me and at the end I was so happy with the result. I didn't even have to colour his hair because it looked good like that. I didn't even have to cut Jelina's hair, only dyed it.  But Jesus, I have one BIG favour to ask you. Will you please heal Sveta for tomorrow? She is feeling really sick and I feel really bad that she still has to come, especially at such an early time. I really hope she gets better. Please bless her God, give her strength and allow her to be strong and persevere through all hardship.

- Wednesday's interview: Lord, I don't know if this job is a part of your plan. But I will prepare myself as much as I can to do well at the interview. I leave everything in your hand. Normally, I'd ask that you'd give me the job. I really want it, but I don't know if this is your will. If it's not, I don't want it. If it is then I want to do what you want.However, at the moment I have no idea what it is that you want, so I will try my best and you can do the rest.

- Heart of the House Offering: I want to fast for this reason as well. I really want to have an opportunity to bring my financial support the needs of others, especially when it is done through the church. This year, my heart tells me that I should give $400. So I'll see if I have enough by then.

- Hillsong Conference: A major anointing, I believe there will be miracles all over the church, in every single person's life, in all that believes in God and in those that will hear your words for the first time. I'm so excited.

- Dad's change of character + personality:  I don't want to get into detail about how my dad is. You know far more than I do, and how he is acting is so apparent. I want to include him in my list because initially this was the reason I was called to do the fast. I felt like You were telling me that I should fast for my dad so I did. God I hope that your hand will be over our family. I really want my dad to change and LOOSE THE LOVE FOR MONEY, PERIOD! I just want him to care for us more and love my mum more. Appreciate what He has instead of always wanting money to give away to strangers. I want him to invest more time, effort and financial support to his OWN family, to his closest people around him which is us!

Okay so right now, I'm feeling really hungry, Mum just called me out to eat again which is so ridiculous. I just finished building a base for the hairpiece and I will have to finish it by tonight. I also need to think of ideas for Sveta's hair. I need to search for the right make up/ look for her as well.

I need to bring
- food + drinks for tomorrow: bananas, grapes, water and straws.
- V shape pins for Jelina's hair
- Glitter for make up
- Jeans for Arno
- Make up & Clothes to change for night presentation + boots (OH I LOVE those boots from Mai, they're gorgeous!)
