To do list

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Desires expects nothing but victory

Noun: consuming passion, undying drive, unquenchable thirst

Desire is the difference between defeat and success

Everything that has done for you began for you when you started to "desire". One thing led to another. It all started with Desire not Talent. Talent can be built.

The Lord said: "It was your desire that move me"

God allows the troubles to come to us to make us realise our desire. He will bring something good out of you after a fight. Your Desire.

"Oh Lord, I want to succeed. I want to influence nations & the world just like you have told me."

In the day of His flesh, when He offered up prayers and supplication. He did it with a STRONG DESIRE and a STRONG CRY.

Whatever you want, you can have it if you desire.

There's always an excuse to hold you back if you want it to.