To do list

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Jesus is so great (:

I just came back from Haymarket. I didn't want to go tonight but Mai asked me to because Monic is leaving to Germany this wednesday. I thought I'd come to farewell her but Mai ended up having the time of her life. Me and Mon just sat there LOL. I didn't drink, dance, nothing. So many people asked me to drink but I stayed true to myself and did not drink at all. I don't like drinking anyway. It's not like I was trying to not get tempted from something I like to do. Drinking is not my thing, so I didn't have a hard time refusing. I think by now, everyone would've realised that I DON'T drink lol. It's funny how when I was sitting down and observing everything that was happening around me: girls dancing, guys trying to hit on chicks, alcohol, loud music, flirtatiousness ect, I just could not believe I was apart of THAT scene once upon a time. It's funny now that I've grown out of it, I finally understands how ridiculous those times were. Spending money on new dresses every week, taking the whole night to prepare for a night out, going clubbing and worrying about how you look in front of guys, dancing like there's no tomorrow, and accepting free drinks from guys because they're FREE and it showed that they were interested in us. How ridiculous.

Those times are over. I've grown out of it too soon, too quickly. In just over half a year. Which is LESS! Very very short amount of time. I'm no longer interested in the clubbing zone. I like to chill out with friends, have an easy night out, eat dinner together, something like that. I prefer to have quality times.

I'm just grateful that God had finally showed me a new view to my life. A new understanding to what I thought I knew. I love how God always surprises you with new things, perspective of life and wisdom. I love how no matter what we do, He will always use that opportunity to teach you a lesson, to allow you to at least gain some knowledge out of it. God is truly so amazing. I honestly don't understand people who refuse to believe that there isn't a God or there isn't a reason to life. So if they don't think people were born for a purpose, why do they try so hard to reasons themselves by explaining or asking the question "why?" in the first place, whether god related or not. If people were created for a will, that means that everything that happens on this earth is a legitimate plan working together for a good cause, a bright future for all human being, a way to know God and the path to everlasting life.