To do list

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Interview today.

Today was the interview day for an interior designer assistant job. All I know is that I did my best, so I trust God that He will give me what He wants for my life. Whether or not I get it, I don't mind, because I want to work according to His will and his timing, not mine. I arrived late today, and I hope that wasn't a bad impression. However I had a hard time trying to find the actual place. But all in all, it was a good interview I think. Christina might be a bit hesitant to hire me because she thinks I won't be as enthusiastic towards interior designing as compare to hairdressing judging by the success I've had so far.

I don't really want to talk about the following, but for the sake of the blog and me wanting to include everything that's going on in my life, I will talk about it. About the little car accident. The excess fee is $900 for me because I'm under 21. I told my parents about the situation, and they're very understanding. I'm glad. Thank you Jesus. Although I don't have money right now, but I offered to pay for it anyway because I know it was my fault and I don't want them to pay for me. I don't know how things will work out but I do ask that God will look after my case and bring justice to this because I know the taxi driver is taking advantage of this incident to get all of his old problem fixed and that is not far. I barely made any damages to the car, yet the whole risk assessment added up to more than $2700 which is ridiculous. Anyways, I'm not going to stress over this because it is not worth it. As long as my parents are informed of what's going on and are on my side then that's all that matters. Plus I have God who is always on my case and will not let the devil run wild. He is coming to steal from me which God will not allow that to happen.

I trust in Jesus.
