To do list

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Oh Lord God. YOU ARE SO BIG!

Oh Lord Jesus, how can I ever comprehend your greatness. You leave me speechless with each time you show me the vast universe you've created. And this is based on our understanding only, an understanding that is very limited yet you've already made me in awe of who you are. You are absolutely amazing God. Maybe, after all, you've made us just the right size. Not too big, not too small. You've created this earth in its exact form to make us realise how little we really are and how big our God really is. Jesus, from what I understand and can see right now, YOU ARE MAVERLOUS! Oh God, words will never even come close to describing how powerful you are.

You make me feel so blessed to be a part of your Kingdom God. To be a part of something so spectacular. To have YOU as my father. YOU are the KING of all kings, LORD of all gods. The BEGINNING and the END. So large, so vast, so holy, so lovely and still, you desire to have a relationship with ME? Wow. That is just unexplainable.

Oh Lord my God. I love you so much. I want to live for you. I want to give up everything and follow you. Just from realising how big you are really gives me hope for what is to come. It makes me realise how life on earth is nothing but a dull piece of canvas if you weren't in it to add some colour and contrast to it. I want to be used for your kingdom. I can't wait to live my life for you. Bring blessings to others and show them that YOU ARE THE ONE! I want them to be able to experience the same love I've had along. I want their lives to be transformed by your great power and forgiveness. Your healing will bring all glory and miracles and they will know, that YOU ARE GOD!

How beautiful must Heaven be. It is a place where no man has seen, no one as ever dreamt of without being invited by God himself into the Holy place. Oh God, this is so worth it. Although my life seems long but I am so ready to give it my all, because the reward is priceless and is worth more than any money or possessions or materialitic things. I run to win the race, the race of God's Holy people, bringing people to Christ. A race to win eternal reward not a mere earthly recognition that will fade away.

I've been so blessed with such opportunity to shoot with Dennis and James. I feel so blessed to have a photographer from Melbourne coming just for me. I feel so blessed to be spoken of so highly from a person of such authority. But most of all, I'm thankful that God has heard my prayers. God is in me and He will not neglect me. In any situation. At any time. All I need to do is to dwell myself in His goodness & Spirit, give Him thanks, enjoy myself with His love alone, then forget about the problems I have, and instead, have gratitude for everything that's going on in my life: good or bad because they will all work together for God's great work.

Oh I love Him so much. I love him so so so so so much!