To do list

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

God Spoke To Me....

It was another incredible Connect Group tonight. I'm so blessed to be apart of the connect group. It was a dessert night and the topic was kind of less formal. We talked about our crushes which was quite funny. But yes,  at the end I really felt the Holy Spirit was taking over the whole entire place and there were Words for everyone. I think everyone was really touched. I personally was. I was crying and I really felt God talking to me. I got talking to Brendon today finally and had a chance to hear him opening up to me. He spoke into me about beauty as well. He said things that were really true, about how I have a lot of inner beauty and outer beauty too but I some times don't believe it myself. He told me to keep listening to the voice that God is speaking into me right now. I told him about what I believe God was telling him and it was true. He is such a great leader. He is an amazing man of God.  Leighton also spoke to me. He saw a vision and it was of me wearing a handcuff. And the funny thing is that it's unlock and I put it on myself. I can really relate to that because, I know God has been telling me to do a few things but I've been delaying and making excuses to not do it. I think I'm putting more stress into myself than necessary because even though I'm busy, I keep making it seem like I have to do more things than I have to. Also, time management is an issue. I should learn to prioritise and I think Brian Tracy can help me a lot with that. What I've learnt is that I need to spend time with God the most, and place him first in all things then the rest will follow through. I feel as though I spend a significant amount of time seeking for wisdom and learning new things, which isn't a bad thing, but I need a balance of both. I need to seek wisdom from God and also learn new things and apply them. As I was driving home today, I took the longer route and it allowed me to think things through quite a lot. I cried and I just said to God how I really want to live for him and purely for him. I know he has a great plan for my life and He just wants me to say YES. I finally told him I will do what he wants me to do but he needs to make it clear of what he wants me to do. Then I felt like these are the two main things: learn Italian and start serving on saturday night. I don't understand why, I don't know how it will happen, I don't know if I will have the money or whatever, but I want to obey God and I want to see what can happen from this. I really wonder what God wants to do with my ability to learn Italian. Jesus, I thank you that you've given me the ability to trust you, and I pray that you can use ALL OF ME to do what you want me to do. If Italian is what you want me to learn, show the best place where I can go to. Also help me to finish those things that I've started but haven't finished, namely Interior Designing course. Please give me the time management skill to sort my time accordingly to various activities of the day. I want to do so much but there is so little time. I don't want to get carried away doing the less important things. I hope you can help me Jesus. I want to do the photoshot for Jess so I hope I can work on Sunday so I can get Wednesday off. It's a lot of work, it's a really good opportunity but I don't know if I'm ready for it. Right now, besides working I'm constantly thinking about the restaurant designs and stuff. I still need to do more and more things, researching prices and designs and stuff, but I don't want to have to worry. Jesus, help me with everything. I know you are in control. Help my sister and her husband to bond and come together in peace. I know they're arguing at the moment, but I know everything will be better again very soon. I have so much faith that the restaurant will be absolutely AMAZING!!! Once it reopens again, we are going to attract so many customers and new clients. I've already told some of my friends to come, and I'm so excited for them to come and see and eat our amazing food. I hope they will like it. I'm sure they will. I know this is a blessing from God. I know that this is all apart of his plan. Jesus you hear my prayers, you hear me and you acknowledge those times that I fast. Even though I don't keep count of it anymore but when I do do it, I know that you know it. I thank you that you had allowed those HORRIBLE days to come, of ridiculously low income for us to see that we NEED to make an improvement. If everything was still normal, or if we were only below average slightly, I don't think my sister and her husband would make the decision to renovate the restaurant. It has always been something that I've wanted to do; truly design a space from scratch not just organising furniture and so on. I pray that you will help us financially and physically. I pray that we will have help from everyone and that we would not need to close too long because we might loose a lot business. However, I know once we open it will be amazing. I pray for the service Jesus, I pray for the right people to come in and work for us, who has passion and the willingness to learn. I pray that our restaurant will give AMAZING service, treat the customers like they're kings and queens and also continue to provide amazing food. Jesus I trust in you totally.

I just also want to share something.

Last month after watching many of Brian Tracy's videos on Goal Settings. I decided to do some myself and wrote up 10 goals. He told us to then pick one out of the 10 that we felt was the most important thing in our life. And that if we were to die, having that one goal completed would be the most satisfying.

So that goal was:


Then I asked myself

HOW DO I inspire people around the world to seek and know God?

I had to write down at least 20 answers/ideas.

1. Know the person that God is and write down all of God's characteristics & train yourself to me like that.

2. I am positive, supportive and hard working around my colleague at work.

3. I spend an hour reading inspiring books everyday, eg, Bible or other books. This will prepare my mind.

4. I am confident with myself and my beauty and my walk is held with poise and grace.

5. I write a weekly status about God and His characteristics.

6. I continue to write on my blog about my journey with life and God.

7. Each month I fast for 3 days and pray for provision and inspirations.

8. When things get hard, I remind myself to stay calm, telling myself 'Peace, be still."

9. I have a connect group fortnightly where people can gather & enjoy talking about God.

10. I travel overseas to do mission work and talk to people about God and my testimony.

11. Every time that I am exposed to the public or media, I acknowledge God and that I am blessed.

12. I read 2 books a month, preparing my mind for wisdom.

13. I have a vision board about inspiring millions.

14. I read book/ watch videos on speaking/preaching/leadership.

15. I write a book, honoring God of my testimony and how He has worked through my life.

16. I have a mentor and seek advice from the Godly.

17. I make videos on Youtube about inspirations.

18. Write down all the Miracles that God has done in my life.

19. I sponsor a Christian Broadcast channel.

20. Become a motivational speaker/preacher.


and it is usually the last idea that makes you think. WOW. REALLY!!??

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I feel like I'm responsible for so many things. I feel like people don't know me and don't know how I feel. I want to get away and I don't want to belong here. Obviously I'm not of the world, and I'm only in it. I wonder when I can get away from this place, even though I know I need to accomplish God's calling for my life first. Why does things seem so apparent at first and then it's like a blur. Why does things need to change so quickly so often? I don't understand. I need to do so many things and I don't want to stressed over it. There are so many things I want to do but other things keep stealing my time, namely the restaurant design. It's causing me a lot of stress and thinking. I would've spent this time on say, reading the bible, listening to Brian Tracy DVDs, read my book "The richest man of Babylon" or "Caught between a dream and a job" OR I could've spent time on my assignment that I've been holding off for a while.

I need to cut Chi's friends hair later on, and I'm really not bothered, I don't want to do it because I don't have time. I can use it for more useful things. I need to go to the salon to watch Chris' & James' presentations at 5 so I can't attend the 5 service, which mean I will get home pretty late. I need to go to other friend's place to cut their hair too and I don't want to do it because I don't think they are paying me and I can't tell them that I'm charging them because the first time I did their hair, I did not. I don't want to make it seem like I'm all about money but still that's a lot of my time that I'm losing and I don't get anything out of it. I want every single second of my time to be beneficial and worth investing. I don't want to charge them because I know in the future I might need their help and so on, but still, my price is pretty high in the salon, and it's my WORK so how can people think they can just get it for free.

I'm stressed and I do feel the way I think is not very mature.

I need guidance and I feel like I'm getting any and I don't know what God is planning for me..

I just want to cry, I'm hungry but I'm loosing my appetite, I don't want to eat and I've never been like this except when I broke up with my ex.

I don't know what God wants me to do. If God wants me to learn Italian, can he at least show me where to go? If He wants me to speak, can he show me where to start??


Looking back...