To do list

Friday, January 11, 2013

need to wake up early tomorrow

so im feeling really down .... all day ive been running errands, taking Chi to Centrelink and the driving her teld, getti-ng in trouble and had the Disabled card comfiscated. Buying things and making jelly to sell, writing letter to send off to RTA, printing things off at Officeworks, running arounf like wild. Then packing my kit for tomorrow, making hair pieces and now finally off to bed.

Right now i hear the spirit telling me - I will take care of it - 

Im sad and got really hurt when my older sister started yelling at me and calling me a pig. I got so hurt. Its something that she can never take back. I get so hurt when people call names, I cant take it. Even if its a joke.

Righ now, mums yelling on the phone over some loan. This lady hasnt paid back the loan and mum is pissed. I dont know  what i would do in that situation. Its really going to make my hair goes gray. I know thats a way of mum making a living, but i really dont like lying to make a living Oh Ord wouldyou please hrlp my mum and settle this once and for all. Lord pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Where are youuuuuu!!!!! why wont you change her and help her ????

you are a merciful God so please show your mercy to her and give her back what she lost!!!!!!!!!!

So whats going to happen now? what am i even doing. i keep repeating the same old thing over and over and over again. When will you bring people to our team. to my team, the team youve ordained? Same old thing... I want to obey you but im loosing so much hope.. so much...doing he bbq, i dont eve know how may people attend. i dont know the impact this is making apart from raising money for powerhouse. I wish we could raise our own money to do things for powerhouse afterparty.

oh, im so hopeless now. my security, my idenity. what will happen tonightwhen i go to bed? will he devil come and attack me? will you come and rescue me? will u help me with tomorrow? 

will i get a job soon? im loosing so much hope and i cant see you. 

what am i even doing. 

why wont you come in my dreams? 

you said ask and it will be given. why wont you? you know thats what i desire. 

i feel lost, and cant forget what both sisters have called me. 

I dont know anymore.....

i really dont know anymore.....

why wont you show yourself to me clearly, speak to me. 

i want to do make up but i cant even afford it. tried emaling agencies to ask to be an assistant and i dont even get replies...

what do i do then, i cant work in a hair salon because it will interfere wih serving  on saturday night....

i just wat to cry......

Daniel fast -Day 11/31 - Jesus needs to give me rest and peace

"The Lord is my ligt and my salvation -whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27

" If you love me, you will obey what I command" John 14:5

" Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is like the one who loves me" John 14:21

Daniel fast - Day 10/31 - Self Development

For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the son of man will be three days and three nigts in the heart of the earth.

(heart of the earth = hell)

"Let's do it"

- Work harder on yourself than you do on your job
- Becoming valuable to your Market Place
- If you will change, everything will change for you

Daniel fast - Day 9/31 - I don't need anything to follow Jesus

"Come to me, all you who are weary and buodened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and leafrom me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your soul. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light" Matthew 11:28

"I will send out my messenger ahead of you who will prepare your way before you" Matthew 11:10

Jesus sent out the Twelve

"Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belt -no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth keeping."Matthew 10:9

Monday, January 7, 2013

Make Room for Abundance! - By Joel Osteen

In Second Kings, there is the story about a widow who doesn't have money to pay her bills. In those days, if you couldn't pay your bills, your family was taken and sold as slaves, and that's exactly what was about to happen. The creditors were coming to take her sons as payment. The only thing she had of any value was a small pot of oil to cook with. The prophet Elisha showed up at her house and told her to do something that seemed strange. He said, "Go out to the neighbors and borrow as many big, empty pots to hold oil as you can possibly find." He said specifically, "Borrow not a few. Get as many as you can." He was saying in effect, "Don't shortchange yourself; make room for abundance."

The widow went out and borrowed some pots. I can imagine she found five or six of these big, empty pots. When she came home, Elisha told her to pour her oil into one of the empty containers. It appeared as though she would just transfer it from one container to the other, but the scripture says, "Her oil never ran out." She kept pouring and pouring. God supernaturally multiplied it until all of those containers were completely filled. Here's my point: She was the one who determined how much oil she would have. If she would have borrowed one container, she would have one full. If she would have borrowed ten, she would've had ten full. If she would have borrowed 50, she would've had 50 full. It wasn't up to God how much she increased, it was up to her. God has unlimited supplies. That's why the prophet said, "Borrow not a few."

My question today is, "How many containers are you borrowing?" What kind of vision do you have for this new year? Some people have a barely-get-by container. They think, "Oh, man, business is so slow. I'm hoping to just make it through this year." They've got a tiny little container. God says, "Alright, I'll fill your 'barely-get-by' container." Some of you, like this lady, have five or six containers. You're

believing to pay your bills, feed your family, and have a little bit left over. That's good. God will fill those containers. No matter what you've been expecting, believe that this year is the year for increase! Know that God can do exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond. He is El Shaddai—the God of more than enough. Make room for His far-and-beyond favor because God is saying, "You need to get ready. I'm going to fill your containers!"

It may not have happened in the past, but God has favor in your future. He has new opportunities, good breaks, blessings that will chase you down. You may not see how this could happen, but God has a thousand ways to increase you that you've never thought of. God has explosive blessings, blessings that can thrust you years ahead.

Like this woman, God wants to bless you beyond your normal income, beyond your salary, beyond your retirement. God can give you one good break, one promotion, one idea or one inheritance, and all those containers are filled to overflowing. Now make sure you don't shortchange yourself. God is saying, "Borrow not a few." Get ready, get your hopes up, get your faith up, and make room for abundance because that's what God has waiting for you!


Daniel fast - Day 7/31 - God hears us

Today I ended up reading almost 10 chapters of Genesis because it was fascinating how God works. I love how in Genesis 18, God hears us and he appreciates our communication with him and is flexible with our request. Abraham was pleading for Sodom and kept bargaining with God to spare them if there were 50 righteous people, then 45, 40, 30, 20, and 10. God obviously knew that there wasn't that many or perhaps none. He still destroyed the city. I love reading about Isaac's sacrifice too.

But today I pleaded with the Lord to give me a source of financial income. A job that requires less hours for more pay. And I pleaded because I know he will provide for me, but I want to be able to give to the church, and to others & my connect group. I said to him that if he gives me a source of income/ a job soon, I will dedicate 50% of what I earn towards giving: 30% tithing and 20% for powerhouse & cg.

I have a job for wedding soon on 27th Jan. I'm a little nervous because it's an Asian wedding, and Martha wants to see my skill to see how fast I can do it. I actually really like the V pins, but she doesn't use it AT ALL. She likes to use just bobby pins. I will have to get used to that.

I just hope God watches over me. He will. He will make sure I know that none of the talent comes from myself but from him. Thank you Jesus and please keep me humble.

Please help me not to be anxious about this coming saturday. So we will be having a dessert night and a game night. Please Lord help us and provide for us where we need resources and help. I don't have money Lord, provide a way so that I may be able to give and provide for Saturday Night & Connect group.  Help the night be a success Lord.

Thank you.