To do list

Monday, January 7, 2013

Daniel fast - Day 7/31 - God hears us

Today I ended up reading almost 10 chapters of Genesis because it was fascinating how God works. I love how in Genesis 18, God hears us and he appreciates our communication with him and is flexible with our request. Abraham was pleading for Sodom and kept bargaining with God to spare them if there were 50 righteous people, then 45, 40, 30, 20, and 10. God obviously knew that there wasn't that many or perhaps none. He still destroyed the city. I love reading about Isaac's sacrifice too.

But today I pleaded with the Lord to give me a source of financial income. A job that requires less hours for more pay. And I pleaded because I know he will provide for me, but I want to be able to give to the church, and to others & my connect group. I said to him that if he gives me a source of income/ a job soon, I will dedicate 50% of what I earn towards giving: 30% tithing and 20% for powerhouse & cg.

I have a job for wedding soon on 27th Jan. I'm a little nervous because it's an Asian wedding, and Martha wants to see my skill to see how fast I can do it. I actually really like the V pins, but she doesn't use it AT ALL. She likes to use just bobby pins. I will have to get used to that.

I just hope God watches over me. He will. He will make sure I know that none of the talent comes from myself but from him. Thank you Jesus and please keep me humble.

Please help me not to be anxious about this coming saturday. So we will be having a dessert night and a game night. Please Lord help us and provide for us where we need resources and help. I don't have money Lord, provide a way so that I may be able to give and provide for Saturday Night & Connect group.  Help the night be a success Lord.

Thank you.