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Monday, January 28, 2013

Daniel fast - Day 28/31 - I'm in love with you

Lord I'm so in love with you. I love you so much Jesus. How can I ever think otherwise. I'm so happy I'm back with you, because I never thought I would especially from what happened. I want to say how thankful I am for your mercy. You love me so much but I will never be able to fathom that love which you've given me. Lord, how do I get to have you? I am nothing but a sinner. I keep sinning and sinning and yet you still welcome me back like the most precious thing. Oh Lord my heart is yours Jesus. And Lord please hear my prayer, let me not love anyone more than you. Let me place you first in my heart for the rest of my soul. Let my husband or boyfriend not distract me from the love I have for you. Let them not take away my attention for you. Help me to do so because I know for a fact I can not do it on my own. Lord help me to want to, want to know you more. Lord please know I am helpless without you. I want to stick beside you forever. I want to be beside you. I never want to do things on my own.

Who am I that you love me this much? You saw everything. You saw all that I did when I thought no one could see but you saw.

How merciful are you, how generous is your love. I lay it down for you Jesus. You are my one and only. I'm so happy to be back. I started tithing 30% from last week and as soon as I did that, I could see your faithfulness pouring out. But I know it's not about what I do, but what's in my heart. You knew my heart Lord, that I didn't have much but I decided to give it to you anyway.

I love you God, and I know that I'm not at a position where I can spend on whatever I want. I can only spend on necessity, but I'm not hesitant to give to you anymore, because you will give me all that I need. Money is nothing to you. I want to obedient to you. Please help me to keep being obedient to you because I know I will sin, I will fail, but with your help I will have the right wisdom to do what is right.

I don't regret going through what I went through for the last month. The very dry season spiritually for me. I was doubting you so much. But now that I'm out of it I could see. My love wouldn't have grown this much if I didn't get to experience that revelation after withdrawing from you.

Help me to continue to serve you. I can't just say that you can do whatever you want. I will say, however, by your grace, I will do whatever you want me to do. With your grace, take me through the journey. I'm not sure where you will take me but on this journey, help me to show the people around me YOUR LOVE. I pray that you will help me to display all the love that is in me towards others. Help me to be the light in the darkness. I don't have to worry about what will happen to me, whether I get signed or not, because I know your plan is always the best plan. Whatever happens, I know I will beyond happy because it's the BEST plan for me from you.  You know the beginning through to the end. You know my strengths and weaknesses. You know who I'm attracted to, what I like to do, what I don't like to do. You know what I'm less confident with. You know my insecurities. You know what makes me feel good. You know everything so how can I not trust the one who knows all thing. How can I not trust the one who wants the best for me and love me more than anyone in this world.

I love you Jesus.

Thanks for rescuing me...

The power of thought - TD Jakes (Paraphrase)

You are creative because you were created in the likeness of a Creator. You need to be creative to live your life to its fullest potential. You all are creators, God doesn't give you the finished product because he also wants you to create. So, God did not create the telephones. God did not create the computer. God did not create an automobile. God did not create the chair. He never made not one chair. He made trees. He made steels. He made gold. He made air. God is going to give you the raw stuff to give you something to think about, so you can look at it and ask yourself "What can I do with what I've gained?". You are one thought away from your dream, your calling, your purpose. You are not waiting on God to give you what you want. He is waiting on you. Do you have the courage to think beyond where you are? What you see shall be what you are! What do you see in yourself? Words produces thoughts. If negative words have the power to pull you down, positive words have the power to pull you up. Words have life. What are you struggling with? What will be the thoughts you think over yourself? Somebody thought you into existence. Somebody thought the fabric that designs your clothes. Somebody thought the car you drive. A thought, an idea has power to create. What are you thinking???