To do list

Saturday, February 9, 2013

I love you & even though I've lost all I have, I still have all I need.

Dear God.

I love you.

That is all.

This morning I lost my suitcase this morning. All of my hair stuff was in it apart from a comb and clips and a few products. But Lord!!!!!! How amazing have you refined me. Even though I've lost all that made me who I am, a hairdresser, I'm still absolutely fine. I'm not worried. I'm not scared. I'm just so expectant for you to move because you are my provider. I had to cancel an appointment today due to me having no scissors or hairdryer, but how is it that I can be so calm. That's so not me usually. And it can only mean one thing. You are now truly truly in me and you are being reflected through me. Lord will you please forgive those who were speaking against your house, will you please forgive those who are so negative towards the world and forgive those who support what is not right. God I thank you that throughout this whole journey you've made me so pure. You've allowed my mind to be focused onto you. Thank you so much for loving me. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!! Thank you that you have provided for me sooooooo much!!!!!!!!! Jesus you are truly a life saver. I have so much peace it's incredible. But please hear me out Lord. May you give me surpassing peace in ALL circumstances. Not just now, but at all times. By your grace, I will have peace even in the most difficult situation.

Lord. Last sunday needed to have $700 and you provided for me right on the dollar. Then I had no money for the following day's full licence test besides a few coins in my wallet. But you were gracious enough to give me a client. With the client I had, I earned $50 and the licence fee was $52, and $2 came from my wallet. That was an amazing feeling, knowing how well you provide for me. You knew I'd pass, you knew a way of providing for me. Thank you Lord. Then the last $1 I had I bought Oreo from Coles. haha. Anyways, thankfully I received some money from mum to fill a tank of petrol, which allowed me to drive everyone to and from Heart & Soul night, as well as today's shoot to Cronulla and back. Thank you for providing. At the moment I have $0.25 in the bank account and $1.80. But oh I have so much joy. I have so much peace. I've lost almost $3000 worth of hair stuff in my kit but I am no where near worried. All but your grace Jesus. All because of you.

I need $1400 by the end of the month. I know you'll provide. Whatever I need Jesus, you'll provide.

I just want to say thank you for showing me how to live like you. I love you and I will forever be yours. Please help me to fall in love with you even more than I am now.

I love you God!!

Isaiah 26:3
"You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in you."

Philippians 4:7
"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus."

Monday, February 4, 2013

Thank you for loving me. Thank you for providing.

Jesus. Thank you for providing for me Jesus. Thank you that even though I only have a few dollars in my wallet right now, you will provide for all that I need. Lord I thank you for petrol for tomorrow so I can drive to Baulkham Hills, I thank you that I will have money for my Driver Qualification Test on wednesday. Thank you that you will provide for me when I meet up with everyone on Thursday. Thank you that you will give me the best, most original idea for the next few photoshoots. Thank you Lord for showing me that you are all I need. Thank you that I get to walk fully dependent on you and not in my power. Lord what would you like for us to do this weekend? This weekend we are having a welcome to church party, please let me know what you would like me to do. Help me to serve Leighton well, help me to serve you well.

Jesus, Thank you so much for reassuring me that you alone will provide. Jesus thank you for everything. Lord I ask that I will forever be dependent on you. Please remind me of your love for me always. Jesus I don't want to be apart from you for one moment. I want to be near and as close to you as possible. Lord I run to you because you are my refuge. When the world comes against me, you are there. Lord I will not worry about all the fines that I have. I know you said you will take care of it. I trust in you Jesus.

I love you so much Jesus. Please help me to know you more. Please help me to help others. Help me to be more like you. Help me to be the light in this dark world. Let me be your hands. Let me be used to touch others. Lord, I know it is hard, but help me to be obedient and willing to your plan and purpose.

Let me speak life into people's life. Let me do what I can to provide for others.

I love you God. I will never be able to fathom the love you have for me. All I can ask if for you to show me more and more glimpses of your love.

Help me to love the way you do. Help me to look beyond my selfish ambitions and desires and to do everything for you. I know it's hard God, but if you are for me, who can be against me.

Please help me to never give up reading the bible, because I know in my own power I will fail. But if you will help me by your grace, I know I can do all thing. Let my desire for you grow more and more each day. Let my mind rest on you. Let me look up and seek your face. Help me to run away from this world every now and then to seek for your presence.

Help me to continue to appreciate delay and time on my own.

Bless my hands.

Bless my mind.

Bless my speech.

Bless my feet.

Bless my posture.

Give me the aura that is from you. That glows. That is full of your mighty power, love and grace.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

So deeply in love with you Jesus

Lord God, today I had the priviledge of baptising Lemba and Sandra. I am so in love with you and with your people. Lord Jesus, thanks for letting me be apart of that big decision. Thank you Jesus.

Lord. Tonight, I cried, because I just realised how faithful you are. That a month ago when I left work, I was wondering how I would be able to make money to pay for 'hui'. And it's not a small amount. I had no one. I had no clients. I had to pay for more things than I was earning. But Jesus, as I was counting up today. I thought I was short of money but it just happened to add up to the right amount for what I need, with a few dollars to spare so I can keep in my wallet. I really am thankful for your provision, for all that you've provided. I'm excited for the next season because I know you will use me in a mighty way. I know that you chose me because I am willing and I've made myself available. Thank you Lord, I know now for sure that you are ever faithful. You will always provide. So in a month's time I need $1400, I have no idea how that will come, not counting money for food and petrol and tithing and cg etc. But I know you'll provide :) I just know it. And it's amazing that you've provided me with that saving money, even though I've spent so much on stuff like clippers, cape, tithing, food for others, licence fee. They're all the stuff that I need to spend on. I've been really watching my spending. And thank you Jesus that all I need was provided from and by you.

I'm really thankful.

Please help me build leaders, help me to lead an amazing connect group.

Help me to grow in your love and never ever let you go.

God is asking me "Are you ready?"

I just realised how real this is. Lately I've been posting quite Godly facebook statuses to encourage others. There's a few that 'likes' it, but as I was looking over my hair page, I found out that my fan like has decrease. I just smile silently to myself and came to a realisation of how real this battle is. As lives are being encouraged and transformed, there will also be lives who rejects the truth. I just have to push forth. It happened to Jesus. Will I let that stop me from proclaiming God's goodness. By God's grace I hope that even if I don't have a lot of followers on facebook, I will still live on and still spread the good news. Some people need to hear it.

Before I was so worried about what people would think of me if I put up statuses about God especially when I have so many contacts in the creative industry and most of them don't believe in Jesus. But this is a new season, it is the season of harvest. What is more important? Hair or Lives? I was sent to save lives, to point them to Jesus. And God has handpicked me to be in part of the dark world. I have to shine bright. Those who can't stand the light will perish, those who wants the light will have it.

Lord give me the perseverance to carry on even though the world fights against me. Lord, never let me stop seeking your words and who you are. Please help me to stay close with you forever and ever. Please help me to build my relationship with you. Please don't let me go. By your grace I can do all thing but without you I can not do anything.

Lord I want you to know that I make you my Lord and I want you to govern my life. Please guide me. Please keep my relationship with you healthy and strong, pure and deep. Let everything that I do flow out from my closeness with you.

Let others not only see the light that is from you but also WANT TO KNOW YOU!!!!! God it is not good if people see it and then be ignorant. Lord, by your grace I pray that you would soften their heart to receive you. Help me to help others around me. Lord help me to lead them to you.

It is a new season and you have something new prepared for me. I can't do it, and yes I feel a little anxious but I gladly receive because I know that you know that I am ready. And besides, I can't do it on my own and I am totally dependent on you Jesus.

Let me continue to shine a bright so light that I will reach this generation. This world.

Use me to raise up a generation of leaders that loves you, who are honest and committed, and who are fervently obeying you and your words.