To do list

Sunday, February 3, 2013

So deeply in love with you Jesus

Lord God, today I had the priviledge of baptising Lemba and Sandra. I am so in love with you and with your people. Lord Jesus, thanks for letting me be apart of that big decision. Thank you Jesus.

Lord. Tonight, I cried, because I just realised how faithful you are. That a month ago when I left work, I was wondering how I would be able to make money to pay for 'hui'. And it's not a small amount. I had no one. I had no clients. I had to pay for more things than I was earning. But Jesus, as I was counting up today. I thought I was short of money but it just happened to add up to the right amount for what I need, with a few dollars to spare so I can keep in my wallet. I really am thankful for your provision, for all that you've provided. I'm excited for the next season because I know you will use me in a mighty way. I know that you chose me because I am willing and I've made myself available. Thank you Lord, I know now for sure that you are ever faithful. You will always provide. So in a month's time I need $1400, I have no idea how that will come, not counting money for food and petrol and tithing and cg etc. But I know you'll provide :) I just know it. And it's amazing that you've provided me with that saving money, even though I've spent so much on stuff like clippers, cape, tithing, food for others, licence fee. They're all the stuff that I need to spend on. I've been really watching my spending. And thank you Jesus that all I need was provided from and by you.

I'm really thankful.

Please help me build leaders, help me to lead an amazing connect group.

Help me to grow in your love and never ever let you go.