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Sunday, February 3, 2013

God is asking me "Are you ready?"

I just realised how real this is. Lately I've been posting quite Godly facebook statuses to encourage others. There's a few that 'likes' it, but as I was looking over my hair page, I found out that my fan like has decrease. I just smile silently to myself and came to a realisation of how real this battle is. As lives are being encouraged and transformed, there will also be lives who rejects the truth. I just have to push forth. It happened to Jesus. Will I let that stop me from proclaiming God's goodness. By God's grace I hope that even if I don't have a lot of followers on facebook, I will still live on and still spread the good news. Some people need to hear it.

Before I was so worried about what people would think of me if I put up statuses about God especially when I have so many contacts in the creative industry and most of them don't believe in Jesus. But this is a new season, it is the season of harvest. What is more important? Hair or Lives? I was sent to save lives, to point them to Jesus. And God has handpicked me to be in part of the dark world. I have to shine bright. Those who can't stand the light will perish, those who wants the light will have it.

Lord give me the perseverance to carry on even though the world fights against me. Lord, never let me stop seeking your words and who you are. Please help me to stay close with you forever and ever. Please help me to build my relationship with you. Please don't let me go. By your grace I can do all thing but without you I can not do anything.

Lord I want you to know that I make you my Lord and I want you to govern my life. Please guide me. Please keep my relationship with you healthy and strong, pure and deep. Let everything that I do flow out from my closeness with you.

Let others not only see the light that is from you but also WANT TO KNOW YOU!!!!! God it is not good if people see it and then be ignorant. Lord, by your grace I pray that you would soften their heart to receive you. Help me to help others around me. Lord help me to lead them to you.

It is a new season and you have something new prepared for me. I can't do it, and yes I feel a little anxious but I gladly receive because I know that you know that I am ready. And besides, I can't do it on my own and I am totally dependent on you Jesus.

Let me continue to shine a bright so light that I will reach this generation. This world.

Use me to raise up a generation of leaders that loves you, who are honest and committed, and who are fervently obeying you and your words.