To do list

Friday, April 15, 2011

God is so so faithful

So Jesus, all I can say is that I love you soo soo much. YOU ARE SO FAITHFUL!!!!

YOU ARE SO FAITHFUL.. You say "Trust in me, keep persevering and you will see good time coming".

I trusted you Lord and you delivered!

It was hard going on that 3 day fast but I'm glad I stayed on track because I know even though 3 days will take a while to get by, it is also very quick. The thing that triggered me to begin this fast was that night that mum cried because of how terrible dad is to be working in the same area at TWO different restaurants, spreading rumours about us ect. And she cried because she was sad and did not want my sister to worry about the business whilst pregnant. My sister is giving birth in late april or early may and the business wasn't going as well as we wanted. On top of that, the workers are slowly quitting and we have no staff. From next week onward, I would need to help out on my 2 days off and Chi would also need to help. So it made really sad. I gave my mum a hug and said to myself I HAD to do something about this! I did not know what to do apart from praying... AND fasting. I started messaging people on facebook. A total of 12 people that I thought of, and I also told them I'm going on a fast. I didn't tell them to boast but to ask them if they would like to join with me. I thank them for their prayers, I thank them soooo much. But more so of this amazing God I'm worshipping!! You are amazing Lord Jesus!! MY almighty God!!!

The first day wasn't TOO hard but nonetheless was quite hard. I find it so hard to go on a fast nowadays. I'm not sure if it's my love for food or my decrease level of spiritual hunger or lack of desperations and needs for answers. Whatever it was, I did NOT lack it. I stayed through this 3 days. The first night was amazing. I got really touched at night and just cried to sleep and I don't think I have wanted something so bad in a LONG LONG time. It hurts me to see others soooo hurt, especially my mum and my big sister. And the fact that she is carrying God's creation in her womb as well, I do NOT want her health to affect this baby! at alll!!!!!!

Second day was really hard. I was still sick as well so I just really needed something. I decided to eat fruits and continued doing that the next day also. I hope God wasn't upset. I'm sure he wasn't. He knew my heart! I wanted continue no matter what. I did not want to give up! I did not want to start and not finish. Besides, the night of the second day mum came into my room and said that the restaurant did so well! I was SOOO HAPPYYYYYYY. I think, more like I was really touched.... I just started thanking God and crying... I was so happy. I knew he heard me! I asked her how the night before went (the 1st day of fasting) and she also said it did well. It was such a turn around particularly when the restaurant has been doing really bad for 2, 3 weeks now. And as SOON as we started praying and fasting, God INTERVENED! That's amazing!!! I am now more convinced of the weapon to fight against attacks; it is PRAYER + FASTING !! + GIVING! Yesterday I asked Cong how things went (3rd day of fasting) and he said it was good. I was happy :) and tonight coming home, mum wasn't upstairs because she was helping my sister downstairs. It was a full house tonight! HOW AMAZING!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Stressed & Sick

So I've been sick for 2 days  now and I had to take a day off work today. I know Khee didn't like the fact that I took a day off because it's Monday and there's only Nancy & I, and Nancy also had to take Suemin for Mini Vardering. I felt bad for not being there but I really couldn't. I couldn't even speak let alone consulting with a client, which is the most important part of the haircut.

I've been really stressed and overwhelmed hence this sickness. I havent been sick in so long, I can't remember the last time I was sick. But here I am, I'm still positive and I love God. I thank Him for all the wonderful people He had placed in my life. I'm so grateful for all the friends I have who prayed for me. They're absolutely amazing.

Last night I finally managed to book my ticket to Milan, and it was very expensive, almost $2700. If I went a day earlier or that Saturday morning/afternoon, it could've been so much cheaper. Like at least $500 - $700 cheaper. But I don't think I can even if I ask because I've already taken 15 working days off annual leave. Sometimes, I have thoughts of resigning and then just go away for like 3 months or something, and then come back signing a new contract. However, I felt bad because I know Angie and Dennis will not be happy with it especially when they had so much hope in me. And for me to leave the company after a few months of working there would not leave a good impression and it's not very respectful.

This afternoon I spent 2 and a half hour waiting at the doctor and I even forgot to get the doctor certificate after leaving so I had to come back and wait again. It took way too long. I went to Officeworks afterwards to get my art tools and they were extremely expensive as well. I mean things like scale ruler, artline pens & tracing papers were too pricey. But it's okay, it's for what I love and I need it anyway. They might even ask me to purchase those when I get to Milan, so might as well get it here now right.

I've been spending so much money but I needed to. I spend where I have to and need to. I'm not stinggy and not tight. I spend where it's necessary and is always willing to give. I thank God for everything I have because without Him I would not have anything right now. Nothing at all. In a way, I'm glad that I don't make much money because I'm learning to use it very wisely. I know how to afford a lot with very little. The ticket that I've just purchased would be equivalent to 5 weeks of my pay. I don't get pay much but Jesus knows how to use what you have so little of, to make a significant change and impact in this world. Not only for yourself, but more importantly the eternal impact on this world and the people who lives in this world.

So after today's appointment with my doctor, there are some points that I've taken away:

1. To take ONE day at a time. Do one thing at a time and forget about any other things that needs to be done. Put all of my effort and energy in competing the task at hand.

2. If I can't sleep, don't stress over the fact that I can't sleep. Get up and do something that I like: reading, watching TV, exercise, move around ect...

3. Make sure my bed is as peaceful and relaxing as possible. I need rest and I should not occupy anything on the bed that may distract me (I've done that tonight: cleaning my bed so half of my bed is not in junk ahhaha)

4. Turn my phone on silent when I decide to sleep. Prioritize what I need most which is rest rather than communication & internet.

5, Don't stress over the fat that I can't get my assignment done. I over worry things too much and the worst thing that can happen is that I will finish a little later. It's not how fast I do it but how effective and well I did it. It's the end that counts. At the end of the day I know I will finish. I should just relax and trust God in helping me and giving me enough time to get things done.

I have work tomorrow. I was suppose to have it off because it's one of my RDO but Nancy wanted to swap so yeah it's okay. I hope I can talk tomorrow.

My throat is really killing me.... there is some complication with this ...person (guy) as well... but we'll see what happens.....

Apart from that... God is good to me, I've been watching a lot of youtube videos of TD Jakes and God really spoke to me through him. I'm really glad. I love Jesus..