To do list

Saturday, June 12, 2010

6/7 DAY fasting.

So Xiao Wei has agreed to join me for the fast and the devil attacked her today. She fainted, not being able to see, hear or speak. But she is okay now. With me, I honestly don't get hungry but my energy is always low in the morning. I had 2 juice today. Tomorrow will be the last day. I know at times, well most of the times the devil tries to tempt me with the food smell, surrounding myself with tempting delicacy but I will not give in. I gave myself into this 7 days fasting and I will not give up. I will finish till the end. My God is great and I want to prove to him that when I say I will not give up, I will NOT give up. I love Him and is forever thankful for the person He is. Thank you Jesus for being apart of my life and really make me a brand new person in the faith of You. I really don't know what I'd do without you. Seriously, I'm not worried about anything right now. I know my God loves me and He has an amazing plan for my life. I just have to wait for it to be revealed. I love Jesus, and I love how His presence fills my heart and soul and His love covers all pain and overtake any hunger that I might have. I'm not even worrying about my entry because I know the Devil will be defeated. I know for a fact that my God, who cares for me will deliver the post and it will be accepted! It WILL proceed to the next round AND I WILL be the winner of this world in Jesus' name!

I love Jesus so much. I love Him soooo sooo much!

Friday, June 11, 2010

5/7 DAY fasting. My wonder, My lover, My protector for life

Today is the 5th day of my fasting. Again, I don't feel as hungry as compare to the first 3 days. I think it just gets easier with time.

Well today was a very sad morning (for a while) then it became the greatest faith battle that I've taken on board. I thank Xiao for her encouraging word and for sticking by my side & join me for the fast. I know that no matter what happens, God works everything together for good. I love God so much and I really felt like my soul was attached to his presence today. I really felt him talking to me and taking me to a new level of faith. He taught me to trust him more. Instead of complaining about the fact that my entry did not get received, I praise and thank him for his generosity and love as well as the promises He's give me. He will work things out especially with me and Xiao fasting together. Whenever 2 or more come together for one cause, He will be there and whatever is asked in His name, He shall provide. Jesus is my everything. I really don't know what I would be like right now in this moment if I didn't have Him or didn't know Him in my life. He has blessed me so much. I have no time to worry but only time to uplift his power, praising him forever and ever. I love Jesus. I love you God!! I love studying the word of God. I love dwelling myself in His spirit. It makes me so joyous. It makes me smile. It allows me to enjoy the peace & tranquility that is so rare and only felt best when I'm with Him.

The Lord is my light, my salvation  - whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid? [Ps 27:1]
My heart says of you "Seek his face!" Your face Lord, I will seek. [Ps 27:8]
 I remained confidence of this. I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living: Wait for the Lord, be strong and take hearts, and wait for the Lord. [Ps 27:13 - 14]

My God, almighty, You are more powerful than any other and the Devil will never ever be able to take you down. He is roaring back and forth in this earth trying to steal the heart of the weak and steal the souls of your daughters and sons. But You are God, the most high, the Living God who does everything out of love and forgiveness will deliver miracles in every situation of every person's life. Including mine. So, in You, I trust. Amen.


Jesus, you said that whatsoever we say, if we believe it in our hearts and not doubt, it will come to pass. We will have whatsoever we say. We are holding fast to Your Word, and we declare in Jesus' name that our God delivers the express post and it's acceptable for the competition. We run to you, you our God specialises in the impossible. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

In Jesus' name, the post is delivered and acceptable for the comp! In the mighty holy spirit, we speak with faith and the great power of Jesus Christ. You are able to do all things. And here I am believing for a miracle and I thank you for our great transformative power. It shall be done. Satan can not get in the way of my good God. He is aggressive but never strong. My God is strong and He will save me. The expressed post will be delivered and it will be acceptable for the comp. I'm running in this to win, and I believe with my faith that I will win the "Young Talent" award in Jesus Mighty name. He will bless me, He will keep my strength and creativity up. He will prepare for great things to come my way. His way is high. His way is great. His way will bring eternal glory. I love Jesus and thank you for His love, awesome power and deliverance of my expressed post.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

4/7 DAY fasting. I'm okay.

So today is my fourth day into the fasting. I don't know what to say other than "I'm not hungry" lol. Honestly and surprisingly I'm not hungry at all and I haven't eaten in FOUR DAYS! That's quite amazing. I think my body is getting used to it. For some reason I'm not easily tempted by food. I actually had a thought today about how much money I spent on unnecessary things aka "food"! I spent way too much on junk and non-living food. I really want to look after my body. I want to continue seeing my body as holy and a temple of God. I want to nourish it with only the best. Although I know, sometimes I'd eat a few unhealthy thing. However, I've just also realised how I can make literally anything with good ingredients. Say, I like pancakes, I can just make that with whole wheat flour and not add sugar and serve it with honey (: Great right? And even different salads with couscous, sticky brown rice with coconut milk and mango Hrmmmmmm yumm!!! So many things. Even frozen banana with protein powder blended with some juice or even soy milk & honey. Oh isn't that great. God's giving me so much inspirations. Eating healthy doesn't have to be bland and boring. You just have to be creative and see food in a different perspective.

One more thing that I found quite shocking today, I've actually lost weight. Well it's not unexpected seeing as though I haven't eaten and still been expending energy everyday. I guess it's a side effect. I noticed it today because my black pant that I usually wear for work was loose. It's usually more tight fitted, but I today I kept having to pull up my pants LOL because the waist was kind of loose as well. I was like "Wow, I don't think I've been this skinny in a long time". I liked it but that is not the reason why I'm doing this. I'm fasting because I want to hear God's words and I want to be closer to Him (: Jesus is my everything.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

3/7 DAY fast

Don't really feel like writing too much.

Today was okay. Quite tiring in the morning, and even till now but I'm okay. My sister is still same old. Ignorant and stubborn with attitude and rebellion.

Just praying for God to speak to me and help me see the light.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How to fight the Devil


  • The worst person to fight is the one who knows your weaknesses.
  • The Devil knows where to hit you, where to fight you.
  • How can I win?

  • Stay out of the ring and throw a few scriptures across the room:
  • The battle is not mine, it belongs to God. 
  • My God shall supply all of my needs with the riches of His glory. 
God is going to bring me out of this. This message is for me.

Greater is He who is in me, than who is in the world 

 Life is like a tree. A good tree will need to go through more than 1 seasons. There's time of fruitfulness, of accomplishments & success. And then there will be that time of the harsh cold weather, when everything feels close to death. But I need to withstand this test as God preserves me for the new season to come. Spring is near. God says "Later, not now."

Sorrow within my Soul

I just want to cry. Each time when I thought everything is fine, God just shocks me with troubles and calamities as I set my feet home. I hate home. I know God is looking after me but I'm so hurt. I'm tempted to scream out why but I know everything works together for good for those who love Him.

My heart is shaking because of the deep love I have for Jesus. Yet it is also drenching in pain as I think about my little sister and my dad. I truly believe my dad possesses the spirit of the devil and He must be saved.

I'm so powerless, I don't know what to do with my little sister. I'm sick of repeating myself, being patient then not being listened to. Hate all the back-talk, excuses, cursing ect. Sometimes I just want to say I hate my life but I know you are greater than this. What ever it is that you have planned will be much more amazing than I will never dream of, and these things need to happen for the good things to come.

God, my Father. My heart is in so much pain. I feel so low. I'm dying in sorrow. I'm weak. And as I go through this fast, I just want to believe for a miracle, a revelation & a new anointing upon my life.

I honestly don't know what else to say, besides the fact that I feel as though I've got nothing left in me. All I have is you.

2/7 day of Fasting. One word: Thankfulness

Dear God, I thank you so much for your great blessing and presence since last night through to this morning. My heart still aches beacause of the overflowing joy within me. I am not worried about anything anymore. I know there are so many things that I need to take care of but I'm putting all that in your hands because I know you care for me and everything will be okay. I know I'm going through a harsh and cold season, but soon enough spring will come once again and you will make me fruitful more than ever before. I can't thank you enough for being a part of my life. You are so great Jesus. Your love, your power will never be fanthomed enough. No one knows the extent of your marvelous, glorious deliverance. You set captives free. Love them enough to save their souls, even the possessed evil spirited people. I love you so much. Not only for what you've done but because You are MY God, the beginning and the end. You have loved me long before I came into existence. Every part of my body was thoroughly and carefully planned by you. The circumstances in my life all work together for the will of God and I will sow great fruits because I am faithful and have you on my side. I believe my life is on the rise right now. No matter how low it might seems, it is definitely preparing me for an unbelieveable plan ahead. A plan so great that you are not allowing me to see because I will be in disbelief. I can't imagine how my life will be. I'm anxious, I'm nervous for what's to come. But at the same time, I'm excited for the great power of God to work within me, in every area of my life. I have been saved by you. Your my love and I need no other but you. I sometimes think about my future lover (husband, boyfriend) and wanting to find him in order for me to feel the love that I've been longing. But then I thought of You Lord, and how complete you make me feel therefore I don't need no other lover but you. Jesus, you are so great. You are everything to me. I live for you and die for you. I look forward to the day that I get to see you face to face. The touch of your love overwhelms me and transcend me into the greatest peace I've ever felt. Your presence fill my soul. I don't need food to keep me full. All I need is you and as long as I have you, I am healthy, I am strong. I will be strengthen to accomplish all things through the power that Christ gives me. I love you so much. It's the 2nd day of the fasting and I want to continue through to the 7th day. I sense your spirit speaking to me and I want to be wide awake & fresh to be able to hear him. I don't want to be distracted about material things.

Although I need money for so many things right now and don't even know where I'm going to get it from. I know that You are in controll of my life. You will deliver a miracle when I least expect it. You will do everything you can for your will to be done and I pray I can give you glory with my ability which were given from you.  Jesus. I pray that you will look after my family, my mum, my dad and my little sister. I ask that you be with them and bless them even if they don't know you. I hope there will be a day when they will be saved and your love will be felt with the greatest yearning for hope & faith. Jesus, protect my little sister. She doesn't know what she is doing. She is going through some rebellious stage. Take care of her and make sure she does what is right. Confirm in her mind what she should do and shouldn't do. I ask that she will love you enough to understand the importance of servanthood in this family, by helping out with household duty.

I also pray for my graduation. I pray that you will send the holy spirit and allow him to show me the amazing creative ideas you would like me to achieve. I know it will be awesome. Jesus, help me to find the right models. The right height, look and willingness to get their done.

Apart from that, please protect my health, help me through this journey of fasting and even after that. Let my body be the temple of your words and spirit and remind me that I need to look after it as best as I can.

I know a job will come real soon. Finance problem will be solved because you've spoken to me last night through  Prophet T B Joshua.

I trust in your name God and believe for a miraculous healing and powerful revelation this week.

I pray this in your precious and almighty name. Amen.

T B Joshua deliverance

By the holy spirit, in Jesus Christ's name.

I AM free!

Thank you Lord!

Thank you Lord!

Psalm 91:7-10
A thousand may fall at your side,
       ten thousand at your right hand,
       but it will not come near you. 

 8 You will only observe with your eyes
       and see the punishment of the wicked. 

 9 If you make the Most High your dwelling— even the LORD, who is my refuge- 
10 then no harm will befall you,
       no disaster will come near your tent.

Monday, June 7, 2010

I really needed this


The teacher does not talk during the test.

You go through a tough season when God is silent.

Be still and know that I am God. Let me come and do what I want to do. Let go; Be weak; Give in; Give up. And I will do something new. Rejoice in my presence. Relax in my love. Lay aside your agenda and receive from above. Quite yourself and remain here a while. And I will do something new.


You haven't always had easy. If you had then, you'll have it now.

The blessed man does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly.

A blessed man is like a tree. A tree that goes through more than one season. A tree that sometimes goes through fruitfulness, but then goes through the season where there is nothing, leafless.

Cold weather does not kill tree, cold weather kills the bugs that kills tree. Cold weather preserves the tree.

Anytime whenever you're going through a cold season, God is just saying "Later, not now." If you withstand, God will allow you to produce and be fruitful. Be the tree that draws its root from the living water, and you'll be blessed, if you keep being planted.

Don't forsake the Power of partnership. Mat 18:19. Whenever 2 or more agrees, He will give you a breakthrough.

hardest part of my life

Life for me truly sucks right now. How worst can things get honestly. Even though I know everything happens for a reason. I hate how things are. I thought everything would be fine after I rested and take a nap but I was woken up from my sister being told off that she did not wash the dishes. I seriously don't know what to do. I honestly hate her right now. I hate how she's such a burden on our backs. As much as I love her and that she's my little sister. She is so irresponsible and causes my mum so much stress. She is going through this stage of rebellion and I hope she grows out of it soon. I truly hate everything for me right now. I hate it I just want to cry.

I've never felt so tired and down. All day long, I can't even put on a genuine smile. Why the heck do I have to fake a smile when I don't feel happy on the inside. The devil is robbing my energy. But what remains is constant and that is my God. No matter what happens I know I still have Him. 

God my heart hurts so much. I'm in so much sorrow and pain. I called out to you. I cried out to you. I screamed for you, only hoping that you would hear me. I know everything takes time, but I need a miracle, a revelation so bad. I need a shift in my life. A change. There are so many things that worries me and just as I type these words up, I can't help but cry. I'm sad, I'm so emotional right now. I don't know what else to do but give everything up just for a glimpse of you. I'm not eating no matter how tempting it might be. Everywhere I looked today, people were eating, chewing, licking their hands. I came home, food was right on the table but I just left and went straight to my room. My stomach was rumbling, my friends were eating fish & chips but I just walked away. I'm hungry but I know I need to persevere because I want you to do what you to wanted to do all this time, to show me a revelation. To convict me once again and give me a fresh start. I need it so bad.

My heart aches from the hurt and pain. Our family is already fallen apart but only holds the shape of the so-call "happiness" on the outside. My dad have secretly organised a Visa for Canada and He will probably be leaving us very soon. I don't care anymore. The worst thing is that we might loose the restaurant, move back to Belmore, which I don't even care less. I don't care about anything anymore. I know everything works together for good. So much has happened in my life already therefore, I'm just used to all these changing circumstances.

How long do I have to go through this. How long God. I'm faithful to you, I'm obeying you. I'm doing what I know I should be doing. When will you reveal yourself to me. I just want you to SHOW YOURSELF TO ME!!!!!! I'm so desperate right now! GOD ARE YOU LISTENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Please change my lifeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







I have no energy left. I don't even feel like I am me. I feel like my soul is robbed. My existence is only 1/10.  My heart cries out for help, for a change. I need to see what God wants me to do. I need a revelation. I need it real bad.

I just want to give everything up....and die

Day 1/7

There is so much going on in my head right now. About which models to use. What hair I'm going to do. What jobs I'm going to get. Which salon I will be working in. ect...

But I don't want to think about it anymore. Not that I'm ignoring it. Just that I think it's best if I let go and let God. I've been tressed out and frustrated from looking and seeking but nothing has come up. I really am believing for a miracle happening this week or after this fast. I want to hear from God so bad. I want Him to direct me. I know for a fact that He has already planned out an amazing job for me, but in order to get a glimpse of what it might be, I need to dwell myself onto His words so that He will be able to fully direct me. I need so much things in my life right now. Not materialistic thing, although it kind of is. I just really need a job. There are so many things that I want to do and accomplish. I want to be able to have enough money to pay for "hui" so that is $500/4weeks. Apart from that I want to contribute weekly to the house of God. I want to be able to support my sister in her schooling as well as independently pay for extra things I'm learning outside. I want to take up some classes: water colour, yoga, pilate ect. I also want to save up for a trip to do Volunteer work in a Spanish speaking country because I'm actually learning Spanish.

God, please ease my mind. My head is clouded with troubles and reasons. Please just help me clear my mind up and pour out your words upon me so that I will be walking confidently in you. I still need to study for the Colour Theory Test. argh! I'm so not bothered. It's 11:10 right now and I need to leave at 11:50 latest. I'll probably just read through it for a little bit on the bus if I have time. All I really want to do is read books or your words.

I'm already feeling hungry. God please give me strength to withstand the worldly hunger, let your words fill me up in spirit because I know I can live on for just as long with your words alone.

God be with me, talk to me, give me a revelation Jesus. I really need it

God reveals this message to me.

Dear God. Thank you for another day to be apart of your amazing plan. I know things haven't been smooth lately for the past few days but I trust in you and I'm believing for a miracle and a break through. I've been feeling sad and low. I've been worrying and planning for future things to fall into place. But I know, those times were a waste because all I would really need to do is to put you first and place everything in your hand.

Jesus, thank you for the amazing words today at church. I was so glad to really make the most out of my day. Not only that but I also went to the 5pm service which was awesome. I really needed to hear that.

God, you've taught me so much but I want to learn more. You've revealed so much to me but I want an even bigger revelation and anointing. I'm hoping for something indescribable this coming week. I'm believe for your words to touch my heart, reveals itself to me like never before and that my ability will be used to forward your kingdom. I want to be used as your tool. I want to have the honour and privilege of being apart of God's servanthood. I love you God and there will never be enough words to truly describe the magnificence that you are.

Some of the words that really spoke to me were:

 Why dress the outside when the inside is not solid? Pay close attention to the foundation.

 People who EXCELS don't accept limitation. They have a different mindset believing in the power beyond all limit.

"You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised." Hebrew 10:36

I really need an anointing and revelation in my life. I need it so bad. I need an understanding to my life map. I need direction for the will of God. I need him to give me wisdom, a glimpse of the future and the resources to prepare me for all battles to come.

I need to persevere, I can do it. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I want to look after my body from the inside out. I want to treat my body because it is the temple of God. I only want to feed the best, more nutritionist food to my body. I really believe that whatever goes inside you will eventually reveals itself through the outside. Through the overflowing of the heart, the mouth speaks. I want to start a 7 days fast. Is that too ambitious knowing that I will eat something this Sunday and it will only be 6 days then? I want to aim high. I want to do 7 days fasting. I really believe that God wanted to tell me more, only if I had more time to hear him out. I need to hear what He's go to say. I need to know. I will nurture my body, feed it with good healthy living food & fast in your name. 

Take care of me God. Let your will be done 



Sunday, June 6, 2010

I love God.

Jesus. Thank you so much for being apart of my life. I love you so much and I'm so glad to have you by my side through all this time. I don't know but even though it is like 2am right now, I still want to write a little something about how I'm feeling at the moment. I'm just so fortunate for the life you've given me. And I'm so blessed to be given all the talents and gifts in order to help others with my abilities.

God before I go on any further, there is something on my mind that I really want you to take care of. I know for a fact that you will but nonetheless, I still want to say it and ask you for your help. That is the subject of my "graduation models". I'm not going to ask anything more than you blessing me with the right models at the right time. Please allow me to find the right models ASAP. I need to know so I can plan all the clothings and hair. Please help me God.

Okay so now that's out of my way. I want to update something about my day tomorrow. I mean today, because it is already Sunday. SO, my plan for today is to

9am:         wake up
11am:       meet up with TD @ Maccas George st
12pm:       church
2pm:         coffee with Jess
3:15pm:    meet up with D\ @ Maccas George st
* go home pick Chi up
* study for hair colour theory

So as you can see, I'm meeting up with Diego and I will spend this time having lunch/coffee with him and his girlfriend so we can get to know one another. I pray that God will be with me and bless me with this couple. I can't wait to learn Spanish. It will be amazing. I also hope that I will be able to stick to this longterm and not give it up half way.

I can not wait to go to church, I need to be renewed again. I really need it. I desperately need it.

God you know what I'm thinking right now? I actually really want to start eating healthy again. I know I haven't been eating the best I can and for some reasons, I would not feel guilty. However, I do realise what it is doing to my body, and it is definitely NOT a good investment in the Temple of God.

I really want to start adopting the healthy eating habit that I was doing earlier. I want to consume just fruits during the morning and the have lunch, snack, dinner. I don't know when I will eat, but I will listen to my body more on what it really needs and if it is really necessary to eat when you're not hungry.

I just want to start tomorrow. I will do the fast again soon, but I don't think it'll be best tomorrow when I've already go so much planned out.

Jesus please bless me for tomorrow. I can't do it alone, and it'd be great if you can teach me through the process.

I will eat healthy tomorrow. I will. FRUITS TILL NOON, salad with every meal. Drink plenty of water to hydrate yourself.

Well anyways I'm feeling incredibly sleepy right now, so I should get to my dream (:

Thanks Jesus, please bless me with wisdoms at church tomorrow.


Just some inspirational things.

FROM: Master-Chef Jo Hoang 

You make history from moments that felt impossible. If you feel right now, that something is impossible in your life, be happy because you have the most important ingredient to create something marvelous the near future. Keep up the hard work, and it does eventually happen. No excuses, be proud of how small or large the achievement: just keep at it.

"it's Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, and Happiness is not about getting what you want all the time, it's about loving what you have"! - Asheroth, you da man. Ok, good night people, going to get ready for the new day, the new grind!

Never give up what you do even if you do not succeed. Picking yourself up from failure is part of this road to become the best at what you do and dream of becoming-what ever that may be. Just don't make excuses. Just do it.