To do list

Monday, June 7, 2010

I really needed this


The teacher does not talk during the test.

You go through a tough season when God is silent.

Be still and know that I am God. Let me come and do what I want to do. Let go; Be weak; Give in; Give up. And I will do something new. Rejoice in my presence. Relax in my love. Lay aside your agenda and receive from above. Quite yourself and remain here a while. And I will do something new.


You haven't always had easy. If you had then, you'll have it now.

The blessed man does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly.

A blessed man is like a tree. A tree that goes through more than one season. A tree that sometimes goes through fruitfulness, but then goes through the season where there is nothing, leafless.

Cold weather does not kill tree, cold weather kills the bugs that kills tree. Cold weather preserves the tree.

Anytime whenever you're going through a cold season, God is just saying "Later, not now." If you withstand, God will allow you to produce and be fruitful. Be the tree that draws its root from the living water, and you'll be blessed, if you keep being planted.

Don't forsake the Power of partnership. Mat 18:19. Whenever 2 or more agrees, He will give you a breakthrough.