To do list

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I love God.

Jesus. Thank you so much for being apart of my life. I love you so much and I'm so glad to have you by my side through all this time. I don't know but even though it is like 2am right now, I still want to write a little something about how I'm feeling at the moment. I'm just so fortunate for the life you've given me. And I'm so blessed to be given all the talents and gifts in order to help others with my abilities.

God before I go on any further, there is something on my mind that I really want you to take care of. I know for a fact that you will but nonetheless, I still want to say it and ask you for your help. That is the subject of my "graduation models". I'm not going to ask anything more than you blessing me with the right models at the right time. Please allow me to find the right models ASAP. I need to know so I can plan all the clothings and hair. Please help me God.

Okay so now that's out of my way. I want to update something about my day tomorrow. I mean today, because it is already Sunday. SO, my plan for today is to

9am:         wake up
11am:       meet up with TD @ Maccas George st
12pm:       church
2pm:         coffee with Jess
3:15pm:    meet up with D\ @ Maccas George st
* go home pick Chi up
* study for hair colour theory

So as you can see, I'm meeting up with Diego and I will spend this time having lunch/coffee with him and his girlfriend so we can get to know one another. I pray that God will be with me and bless me with this couple. I can't wait to learn Spanish. It will be amazing. I also hope that I will be able to stick to this longterm and not give it up half way.

I can not wait to go to church, I need to be renewed again. I really need it. I desperately need it.

God you know what I'm thinking right now? I actually really want to start eating healthy again. I know I haven't been eating the best I can and for some reasons, I would not feel guilty. However, I do realise what it is doing to my body, and it is definitely NOT a good investment in the Temple of God.

I really want to start adopting the healthy eating habit that I was doing earlier. I want to consume just fruits during the morning and the have lunch, snack, dinner. I don't know when I will eat, but I will listen to my body more on what it really needs and if it is really necessary to eat when you're not hungry.

I just want to start tomorrow. I will do the fast again soon, but I don't think it'll be best tomorrow when I've already go so much planned out.

Jesus please bless me for tomorrow. I can't do it alone, and it'd be great if you can teach me through the process.

I will eat healthy tomorrow. I will. FRUITS TILL NOON, salad with every meal. Drink plenty of water to hydrate yourself.

Well anyways I'm feeling incredibly sleepy right now, so I should get to my dream (:

Thanks Jesus, please bless me with wisdoms at church tomorrow.
