To do list

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 1/7

There is so much going on in my head right now. About which models to use. What hair I'm going to do. What jobs I'm going to get. Which salon I will be working in. ect...

But I don't want to think about it anymore. Not that I'm ignoring it. Just that I think it's best if I let go and let God. I've been tressed out and frustrated from looking and seeking but nothing has come up. I really am believing for a miracle happening this week or after this fast. I want to hear from God so bad. I want Him to direct me. I know for a fact that He has already planned out an amazing job for me, but in order to get a glimpse of what it might be, I need to dwell myself onto His words so that He will be able to fully direct me. I need so much things in my life right now. Not materialistic thing, although it kind of is. I just really need a job. There are so many things that I want to do and accomplish. I want to be able to have enough money to pay for "hui" so that is $500/4weeks. Apart from that I want to contribute weekly to the house of God. I want to be able to support my sister in her schooling as well as independently pay for extra things I'm learning outside. I want to take up some classes: water colour, yoga, pilate ect. I also want to save up for a trip to do Volunteer work in a Spanish speaking country because I'm actually learning Spanish.

God, please ease my mind. My head is clouded with troubles and reasons. Please just help me clear my mind up and pour out your words upon me so that I will be walking confidently in you. I still need to study for the Colour Theory Test. argh! I'm so not bothered. It's 11:10 right now and I need to leave at 11:50 latest. I'll probably just read through it for a little bit on the bus if I have time. All I really want to do is read books or your words.

I'm already feeling hungry. God please give me strength to withstand the worldly hunger, let your words fill me up in spirit because I know I can live on for just as long with your words alone.

God be with me, talk to me, give me a revelation Jesus. I really need it