To do list

Monday, June 7, 2010

God reveals this message to me.

Dear God. Thank you for another day to be apart of your amazing plan. I know things haven't been smooth lately for the past few days but I trust in you and I'm believing for a miracle and a break through. I've been feeling sad and low. I've been worrying and planning for future things to fall into place. But I know, those times were a waste because all I would really need to do is to put you first and place everything in your hand.

Jesus, thank you for the amazing words today at church. I was so glad to really make the most out of my day. Not only that but I also went to the 5pm service which was awesome. I really needed to hear that.

God, you've taught me so much but I want to learn more. You've revealed so much to me but I want an even bigger revelation and anointing. I'm hoping for something indescribable this coming week. I'm believe for your words to touch my heart, reveals itself to me like never before and that my ability will be used to forward your kingdom. I want to be used as your tool. I want to have the honour and privilege of being apart of God's servanthood. I love you God and there will never be enough words to truly describe the magnificence that you are.

Some of the words that really spoke to me were:

 Why dress the outside when the inside is not solid? Pay close attention to the foundation.

 People who EXCELS don't accept limitation. They have a different mindset believing in the power beyond all limit.

"You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised." Hebrew 10:36

I really need an anointing and revelation in my life. I need it so bad. I need an understanding to my life map. I need direction for the will of God. I need him to give me wisdom, a glimpse of the future and the resources to prepare me for all battles to come.

I need to persevere, I can do it. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I want to look after my body from the inside out. I want to treat my body because it is the temple of God. I only want to feed the best, more nutritionist food to my body. I really believe that whatever goes inside you will eventually reveals itself through the outside. Through the overflowing of the heart, the mouth speaks. I want to start a 7 days fast. Is that too ambitious knowing that I will eat something this Sunday and it will only be 6 days then? I want to aim high. I want to do 7 days fasting. I really believe that God wanted to tell me more, only if I had more time to hear him out. I need to hear what He's go to say. I need to know. I will nurture my body, feed it with good healthy living food & fast in your name. 

Take care of me God. Let your will be done