To do list

Thursday, June 10, 2010

4/7 DAY fasting. I'm okay.

So today is my fourth day into the fasting. I don't know what to say other than "I'm not hungry" lol. Honestly and surprisingly I'm not hungry at all and I haven't eaten in FOUR DAYS! That's quite amazing. I think my body is getting used to it. For some reason I'm not easily tempted by food. I actually had a thought today about how much money I spent on unnecessary things aka "food"! I spent way too much on junk and non-living food. I really want to look after my body. I want to continue seeing my body as holy and a temple of God. I want to nourish it with only the best. Although I know, sometimes I'd eat a few unhealthy thing. However, I've just also realised how I can make literally anything with good ingredients. Say, I like pancakes, I can just make that with whole wheat flour and not add sugar and serve it with honey (: Great right? And even different salads with couscous, sticky brown rice with coconut milk and mango Hrmmmmmm yumm!!! So many things. Even frozen banana with protein powder blended with some juice or even soy milk & honey. Oh isn't that great. God's giving me so much inspirations. Eating healthy doesn't have to be bland and boring. You just have to be creative and see food in a different perspective.

One more thing that I found quite shocking today, I've actually lost weight. Well it's not unexpected seeing as though I haven't eaten and still been expending energy everyday. I guess it's a side effect. I noticed it today because my black pant that I usually wear for work was loose. It's usually more tight fitted, but I today I kept having to pull up my pants LOL because the waist was kind of loose as well. I was like "Wow, I don't think I've been this skinny in a long time". I liked it but that is not the reason why I'm doing this. I'm fasting because I want to hear God's words and I want to be closer to Him (: Jesus is my everything.