To do list

Saturday, June 12, 2010

6/7 DAY fasting.

So Xiao Wei has agreed to join me for the fast and the devil attacked her today. She fainted, not being able to see, hear or speak. But she is okay now. With me, I honestly don't get hungry but my energy is always low in the morning. I had 2 juice today. Tomorrow will be the last day. I know at times, well most of the times the devil tries to tempt me with the food smell, surrounding myself with tempting delicacy but I will not give in. I gave myself into this 7 days fasting and I will not give up. I will finish till the end. My God is great and I want to prove to him that when I say I will not give up, I will NOT give up. I love Him and is forever thankful for the person He is. Thank you Jesus for being apart of my life and really make me a brand new person in the faith of You. I really don't know what I'd do without you. Seriously, I'm not worried about anything right now. I know my God loves me and He has an amazing plan for my life. I just have to wait for it to be revealed. I love Jesus, and I love how His presence fills my heart and soul and His love covers all pain and overtake any hunger that I might have. I'm not even worrying about my entry because I know the Devil will be defeated. I know for a fact that my God, who cares for me will deliver the post and it will be accepted! It WILL proceed to the next round AND I WILL be the winner of this world in Jesus' name!

I love Jesus so much. I love Him soooo sooo much!