To do list

Sunday, June 13, 2010

7/7 DAY fasting


I can still not believe I've made it this far. I can't believe that I have not eaten anything in 7 days. It's 4 hours and 8 minutes till I can break my fast which is at 12:00am. I still can not believe it. I'm a type who loves food, and getting me to stay on track without junk food is already hard, let a lone going without food ALL TOGETHER.
I praise God for His amazing blessing. I'm so glad He had lead me to do this. This was really important to build my faith to another level.

I love you Jesus. Okay so right now I'm feeling really restless, I've had probably 1/2 liter of water and then I decided that I will consume no food or water until 12:00am. I'm not doing it to torture myself, I just want to remind myself that I don't need water or food to make me feel better, to fill me up. All I need is my God and everything will be fine. Every time I get that hunger and thirst attack, I think about my God and how great He is to me. How He helped me through these 7 days.

I thank Him that His words were really getting into my heart. I can really feel Him reinforcing the message of the power of 2, unlimited potential and being faithful when trouble comes.

I thank Him also for bringing Diego and Natalia to Hillsong today. I'm so glad they've enjoyed it. It was my pleasure to tell them about church and it did not matter to me that I spent my last amount of money on the Spanish Album and food for them. I love to give. I love to bring happiness into people's lives.

Okay, right now I'm really really hungry. I'm thinking what I will get once 12:00am comes. I haven't eaten for 7 days, so I really wonder what I will become my first meal in a week LOL.

Tomorrow is a another shoot. I pray that God will give me inspiration to create something different, unique and amazing. None like any other. I believe in Him. I believe in his power and I know He was telling me not be anxious and just wait for His creativity to come alive through my hand. I don't  have to do anything other than following my instincts and what the spirit says.

It's been a tough, but an AMAZING week. I really felt closer to God. I really felt sensitive to His presence. Thank you Jesus.