To do list

Monday, June 14, 2010

'The' new day.

Today is the first day of my the new era, the beginning of something great as I finish my 7 days. My faith have grown so much these past 7 days. God have finally taught me a lesson about trusting in him and how when I dwell onto his name and seek first His Kingdom, the rest will be added onto my wish list. Even though there were several things that was not included in my agenda for prayer list, God gave it to me anyway. God have finally taken away my love for food. I was struggling with that so much, and now I'm a totally different person. When I look at pancake or gelato or any types of food that used to make me go "Hmmmmm....I WANT SOME", I would no longer care whether or not I will or won't have it. I just simply don't care. When I broke my fast. It was very funny actually. I really thought the taste of food would be so amazing in my mouth because I haven't had for so long, yet when I did have it, it wasn't even that great. Consuming all those chips and junk was just an added discomfort that I didn't need. Fruits the way to go. Real food, is THE way to go.

So now that I have accomplished my 7 days fast. I feel very renewed and strong. I'm waiting for God's calling to do another one. I don't know for how long but I'd love to aim for a 21 days. That would be very hard but if I feel as though God is telling me I should then I will do it.

One good news actually. Well not the only one, but one of it. I finally fit my denim short (: which I've been aiming for like a year now? LOL. I guess the side effect of weight loss caused that, but still, I have finally fit it and I'm wearing it right now! It feels so amazing for it not to be tight but just right (: I love how I look although I'd love to work out and be more toned (:

Well, that's it for now. I'm going to study the word of God. There are billions of things for me to do, but for some reasons I'm not stressing out. I know they will find their ways. I should just do what I love doing. Put myself in the presence of the Lord! Amen!