To do list

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I eat SO much LOL

Well today is the 2nd day since I finished my fast and I've got to say that "I" eat "a lot"! I mean so much. The more I eat, the more I realised that you don't need food to keep you going, all you need is God. I've eaten so much these past 2 days that I can not even imagine myself not eating for 7 days LOL. If I had to list down everything I've consumed, I'd be so embarrassed hahaha. I'll just say ONE example. I ate a WHOLE Domino pizza BY MYSELF this afternoon LOL. Okay is that bad enough? And I don't usually eat pizza. I guess I was just craving for that nice crispy texture and yeahhhh. Oh well.

I just had my teeth cleaned as well and it hurts! Mum kept on telling me how it doesn't even hurt but it DID. I don't know why, maybe it was just me. But yeah I'm glad I got it cleaned because I feel cleaner now.

I keep wanting to eat really healthily but I can't stop consuming all the food that I crave. At least I'm not as bad as how I was. I mean, I can still control my appetite. My waiting for God's calling to fast again. I really want to experience that again. I'm hungry for God's words. I just want to go through another fast. I will definitely do it for my graduation, but I'm not sure if I should do it the day before or ON the day. I guess I will have to see.

I'm also fasting for the conference week. OMG I just remembered that the heart of the house offering is coming up! It is the week of my graduation. I really want to try out that 21 days fast you know. But I'm not sure if I can. I know I can if it is God's calling. Seriously, that's like 3 weeks. 3 times as much as what I've just been through. However, I think it is manageable and the outcome will be absolutely amazing!

I still haven't started on  my head piece, i still need to get the jeans for Arno. I still need to think of what haircut to do on Jelina. What colour to do on her hair. I'm still unsure of many things but surprisingly I'm not panicking? Isn't that a bit weird? I trust in God that He will deliver me creativity. I trust that He will speak to me, speak to my hands and just let his creativity come alive, take its shape and form. I can't wait for everything to come together. It will be so great!

Okay God, please speak to me now. Tell me what you want me to do. I need wisdom!