To do list

Saturday, June 19, 2010

DAY 2. So blessed. So thankful

Although I'm feeling really restless right now, but thinking about what God has done in my life makes me forget about all the worries and concerns I'm having.

I just realised when things go wrong, instead of being thankful for what you already have, people start to complain about what's not going right for them. They worry for nothing, being fearful and afraid is not going to change the outcome one bit. It is best to adopt a good attitude with thankfulness & gratitude so you'll live a peaceful life even in the midst of the darkest hours.

It's only the second day of my 21 day fast but I think it will go by pretty quickly. Technically, I've made it 1/10th through the whole process.

For the past few days, according to mum, dad hasn't been arguing or talking loudly to her much, which is good. He also stopped buying the packet-cigarettes and have not opted to the hand-rolled one which he makes at home. I think he finally understands the costs that's affecting him. Besides that, I've been praying for him heaps. I don't know why but I really TRULY feel the Holy Spirit telling me that I have to do something about my dad's current situation and fast for him. I believe for a changing personality and attitude. No matter what happens, I'm not worried, because I know it is all apart of God's plan. Things WILL be okay, I just have to wait for God to do what He has to do, then He will show me the outcome that He has planned all along.

I've also been praying for my graduation, so hopefully God will bless me with that. I still have no idea how to do that headpiece thing. I need to do it tomorrow definitely because I'm running out of time. I need to think of what haircut to do for Arno, and what updo to do for Sveta as well. It will all come tomorrow, I don't have to worry. God is with me.

I've been feeling really sleepy and tired. I was driving today and I felt so blank and sad. I'm not depressed, but I felt emotionless. I just wanted to rest. I have actually been sleeping more than I used to, yet I'm still tired? I don't know. Maybe it's the late nights. :S Not sure.

So today's shoot was alright. I had the experience of being in one of those commercial studio. It was soooo big and there was 10 of those big rooms. Sun Studio, that's what it was called. And it is also the biggest in Australia.

Oh and about yesterday. I stayed up quite late because I was caught up with this new blog called TUMBLR. Amazing photos, may I say. Absolutely breath-taking. So gorgeous!!!!!