To do list

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

One step at a time

Today is wednesday. And I've done my first model.

I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. Eventhough the colour did not turn out exactly like how I planned but I know God has an amazing plan, way better than mine. Once again, I trusted in God and in my instinct. Even up until this morning, I still had no idea what I was going to do with Jelina's hair. I did not know what cut or colour to do. But I wasn't panicking because I know for a fact that Jesus would show me a way. Even up until when the colour was mixed, I wasn't still sure what sectioning pattern to do. I felt like God guided me through my way spontaneously without me realising. So this morning, all I did was testing out and experimenting with different colour, shades and tone. Just to see what the result would turn out like.

It's amazing how God works thing out so perfectly. The dress that Jess brought in was just prefect. Everything is falling into place now I think. I still need to do the hair piece for Sveta. I still need to colour the extention pieces for Jelina and I still need to cut & colour Arno's hair. But I'm not worried at all. Because GOD IS WITH ME!  HE is with me! Who shall I fear, of whom shall I be afraid?!

I'm so truly thankful for everything. I know my hard work will pay off. But truly, I don't think I'm that great at all, without my God. Everything is all credited to Him. He gave me the vision. He helped me. He sent people to me and used me to show the whole world His amazing creativity. I can't wait till graduation when everyone will be able to see what God has done in my life.

And for that reason. I will fast! I will fast again because this means so much to me. It is so important to me and I know God wants to prepare me for the future. Who knows, there might be guests there who are interested in getting me to work for them. You never know! But whatever happens, I know it only happened because God is precisely planning the right path for me to get to the destination He wants me to be at. Even if bad things happen, God works them for good because He cares.

I'm really hungry for God's presence and words. I had so so much sweet stuff today and I felt absolutely sick! The more bad food I eat, the more I realised how great God's food is. It is so nourishing, fulfilling, full of nutrients, mouth watering, deliciously yummy and refresing! God is so amazing. Thank you Jesus for your food. I honestly hate fake food but I do have to admit they taste good. BUT how you feel after they've been in your stomach is YUCK YUCK YUCK! Devil's food! LOL.

So for the past 2 days. I've really felt like God's telling me to fast for my Dad. I kept on feeling the Holy Spirit speaking to me and reminding me that I need to fast for my Dad. I know I should start soon. There are many reasons that I need to fast for and I have a whole heap of prayer requests.

Okay so here's what I want to fast for:

  • My dad especially (family also) for his change of behaviour
  • My graduation on Tuesday 22nd June
  • The HEART FOR THE HOUSE offering 25th - 26th June
  • Hillsong Conference 5th - 9th July
  • Wella Trend Vision State finals 6th July. 

So that's A  LOT of reasons WHY I should start fasting. 

This time I really want to do a 21 days fast. I know it will be hard but I know I will be able to do it. I can do it because God will be with me and everything is possible with God. I want to experience that closure again. And I only really felt that way when I seek God first and leave all the worldly things behind including food. 

I truly believe many miracles will take form. I just have to be persistent. I have to really want this in order to succeed through the end which I know I will. I will and I will. I know when you seek first God's Kingdom, His heart will be all yours, He will give you blessings beyond the imaginary and a new level of faith like never before. Even such a great love that no one can ever fathom. 

I'm thinking to start it tomorrow or on Friday, because that will be exactly 21 days until the end of conference week. Maybe that might be a good idea. But I really want to fast asap.

Okay I'll see what God has to say.