To do list

Friday, June 18, 2010

My official Journey of 21-day water fast. DAY 1

For some reasons, I kept on forgetting that I was on a fast today. When I saw food, I was about to eat it then I realised I'm not suppose to eat because I'm fasting.

I don't know what has got installed for me after these 21 days. But I do know that something amazing is going to happen. According to the bible, for every person who have fasted, miracles have happened. Miracles took place, vision were given, protection was also granted.

I was so fearful of the car accident. It's because I don't want my mum to find out about it and then we have to pay excess fees for the insurance, especially when I am under 25, I'm not even sure how much it's going to be. I'm just afraid because of the letter that I got yesterday, saying that they want me to be responsible and pay for the damages. I honestly think there was minimal damage but I am unsure of the cost that I have to compensate. I really think that it's not totally my fault. Only you were there God, so you would know. I know it was my fault at the beginning but then I really thought the car moved up and then stopped very suddenly. Besides, only the advertising board were damaged. It fell a little. Oh God. The more I talk about it the more worried I am. I just don't  know how to pay for all this. I don't want to contact my insurance company because it's under my dad's name. I hate this.

Well you know God. I cried out to you yesterday hoping that you would do something about this. Really heal the situation and somehow, just somehow make it disappear. Jesus I really need your help God. I really do. Xiao Wei told me to forget about all the problems and just dwell in your presence. I do know that I have to seek you first then the rest shall be added/removed accordingly. Jesus, my heart is so unsettled. Please get rid of this feeling within my heart. I just want to purely seek you without thoughts of worrying and fear for worldly problems. I really need your help God.

I loved how last night was just a "me & you" night. I just loved reading your words and getting to know the bible more and more. Just by reading the stories that have happened long ago really gives me hope for my future, for my problem because I know you are God and ALL things work together for will.

Please God, erase my fearfulness of this circumstance. I need to put it into your hand and let you deal with it. They are not suing against me, but you. The battle is not mine to take but yours. You will go forefront and fight the battle for me, you will figure out a way and you will protect me. I don't have to worry because you are my God and greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world.