To do list

Thursday, June 17, 2010

sugar is so addictive, but it kills you!

So yesterday and today. I experience two similar feelings. The feeling of being overloaded with the killing ingredient called "sugar".

It's been quite cold and I think what I'm craving for is comfort food, but what really satisfies me at the end of the day is God's amazing food: fruits & vegetables. Nothing can EVER , EVER replace the same feeling of eating such pure and nourished food such as that.

Today was suppose to be my 1st day of the fasting but I decided to hold it off until tomorrow because I think the number 21 is a pretty significant number and I want to fast until the last day of conference which is 9th July. Starting from today would mean that I would finish on the 8th so I've decided to start tomorrow. I really want to do this.

I so want to purify my body off all the bad poisons and chemicals that's been storing up for so long. My body definitely need this break! I need to give it the permission to do so.

I can't wait for when the whole thing will be over. Not only will my relationship with the Lord bond closer, but my overall healthy will most definitely improve like never before. I just can't wait.

I need healing. I need it.