To do list

Friday, October 14, 2011

Depressed...& stressed

show details 10:25 AM (13 hours ago)
Can't find a smile on my face. No matter what I try. I feel like a blank emotionless canvas. I feel stuck in a space where decisions need to be made. But I have no will. I've lost hope. And I thought I'd gained hope but it's so hard. I cried and cried to sleep. I stayed up pondering about everything, yet I don't feel anything. I don't feel as though anything is progressing. I feel discourage. I don't feel like doing anything. I'm on my way to work & my heart is very heavy. It weighs me down with sorrows, with disappointment. I don't want it to affect my work. I need to make the sales. I need to? Have I changed? Have I lost concentration? When will I leave this place? When will things be less chaotic? When will I find the strength to push forth & start planning my life. I know God has a plan for me but why isn't he showing me which path I should take next! I want a day off. I want a mentor who can speak to me & counsel me. Is that too hard to ask for? I've been wanting one for so long. Or are you not giving it to me because you want me to seek you instead. Well I am seeking you but why is it that I still feel so lost?? I feel like there's no direction in my life. I feel like I'm going in all directions possible. My heart is burdened. When will hope come? 

show details 12:11 AM (23 hours ago)
Why is my life like this? Will anyone help me'???? Will anyone??? Will I succeed?? Will I achieve my goals?? Why is it so hard? Why ???? Why ?????????? :((((((((((((((((((((((( Whyyyyyyyy? Why all the money going? Why no time??? Why too many things going on??? Why is God's promises not present?? I feel hopeless. Cried to him & .... Nothing ..... I see nothing ...... Nothing is better. No time to do what I want :( 

Ewen Chia
Bank Account
Connect group 
A millionaire
Rearrange room
Book - hairstylist
Psychology of selling !
Set goals: Brian Tracy
Makeover parties
Collection launch
Anintas hens night 
Money $40 for studio 
Wedding ria
Hair cuts Vicky & groom
Hair cut Ade. Fb. 
Compassion letter 
Bank detail for LR
Order lip brush for Nisha
American crew consent form
Leighton's birthday 

I am going crazy! Literally!

show details Oct 13 (2 days ago)
It's already half a month gone. I don't want to give up but why is it so hard to get started. I know opportunities are always mixed with difficulties. And accepting & overcoming that is what will make me successful. lord, how I pray that you will help me Lord. I really want this. Help me to time manage. Help me to set my priorities right. I really need your help God. I really want to make this happen & I don't want to delay any longer. Show which opportunity to go for. Help me to create my own opportunities. Help me' Jesus. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I feel so lost. I feel like there are so many things that I need to do, or 'want' to do but just don't have the time for them. I wish I had a coach. I wish I could have guidance in this area of my life because at the moment I feel like I'm trying to do too much all at once. I feel like I have the tools but I'm not using them the right way. I feel like if I had less to do and concentrate solely to just one thing then it's easier to achieve what I want especially when I want to have things done fast. I want to reach my goals fast. I'm ambitious and I want to do a lot whilst  I'm young. Sometimes I ask myself whether or not this is something God wants me to do. But if it wasn't something god wanted me to do why would he put that desire in my heart. And besides it's legitimate. Jesus I feel so lost and I wish that you would guide me. I feel extremely lost. I just want to concentrate to do one thing at a time. But at the moment I feel like I'm not only trying to better myself at retailing at work (hence studying the psychology of selling) but I'm also wanting to do photoshoots on my day off to build my portfolio and eventually get signed (and that takes much time & commitment). Also, I want to become the president of LR one day and my short term goal is to become an organizational leader in 6 months time & that takes tremendous amount of work & I would need to find people for my down lines. I would need to do make up parties. I would need to commit my time to meet up & coach ppl & be flexible with my time. I also want to finish off my interior designing assignments. I hate the fact that I would always bring it up to people saying that I am studying when in actual fact I'm not even doing anything because I don't have time. I wonder if I'm caught in the chaos of things & forgetting my godly mission & purpose. Am I instead meant to do things like volunteering at church? Am I meant to have a connect group & lead them? But what about my dream to become an entrepreneur and an elite international hair stylist??  :((( it saddens me that human (such as myself) can be so caught up doing things our own way & now I understand how hard it is to mover our agenda aside & let him do what he wants in my life. I know I will get so far. I know I will succeed at all these things I'm doing but why is it so hard Jesus. And with the Affiliate marketing thing. Am I wasting my money?? Is it worth going to the seminar? Have I been too hasty in trying chase after money? But the whole point is trying learn new things. God please send me a coach. Please rectify my life. I place my whole agenda aside and you know what. Do whatever you want Jesus. Take away whatever you wish because I want to follow you Lord.