To do list

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mid life crisis

Dear God,

You know my every thought. You know my every need. I praise you for you have made me and you have watched over me all these years. I ask that you keep reminding me to be thankful and to have faith that you will work things out. You know how anxious I've been feeling lately. You know that there are things that I want to do and money is one of the challenges.

Lord, first of all thank you for helping start the make up course. I think it will be very beneficial. I thank you that you've helped me with the hair and make up today. I hope it turned out well. I really hope so. I'm so anxious of what Andrew would think if he zooms in and sees that the skin isn't that perfect. I know I could have done better but then again, what I did today was way beyond what I could normally have done anyway. I thank God for everything. I thank you for everything Jesus. Thank you so much.

Lord initially I wanted to just write down all my thoughts and my anxiety. But I will not do that, I will instead give you praises Jesus! I will not complain. I believe that you are for me and you want the best for me!

Thank you Jesus for everything. I know that you'll provide me with the money for Perth. You will surely increase our capacities to serve and lead. You will grow our team. You will give me the perfect job that fits my schedule perfectly. You will lead my family to you. You will bless me. You will make a way for me to go to Hillsong College. You will give peace to the conversation that I'll be having with my mum. You will send Jordan to me soon. You will give me contentment. You will give me joy. You will give me peace. You will bless our team and increase the momentum. You will never leave or forsake us. You are for us!!!!! And therefore nothing can be against us. Lord I know you will continue to anoint me with God given creativity. I thank you for everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May my life be yours forever. May all that I do be a mirror of Jesus. May your presence shine through me. May I reach the lost and heal the broken and bring them all to you. You are my father, and I am your child. Thank you so much Jesus.