To do list

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 1/21 fasting

I think I will start my 21 day fast today. Actually it will be 22 days because I want to complete it on the 9th July which is the end of conference week. I really feel like I need to do this. 

I need to do it, not only for those reasons I've listed in the last post but I also need it for my health. But I know as long as I seek God first, the rest will be added to me. I just want to be healthy. Cleanse my body which I know God will certainly do, and in the process, grow in God's presence more than ever before. 

Okay so today is my first day out of the 21 days water fast. I hope I can go through with just water but I will listen to my body if I need juice. But I know I can do this. It will be hard, but I can get through this and I can't wait for the amazing things that are going to take place after this fast. 

Jesus is so great. I love Him. Thank you Holy Spirit for speaking to me.