To do list

Friday, June 11, 2010

5/7 DAY fasting. My wonder, My lover, My protector for life

Today is the 5th day of my fasting. Again, I don't feel as hungry as compare to the first 3 days. I think it just gets easier with time.

Well today was a very sad morning (for a while) then it became the greatest faith battle that I've taken on board. I thank Xiao for her encouraging word and for sticking by my side & join me for the fast. I know that no matter what happens, God works everything together for good. I love God so much and I really felt like my soul was attached to his presence today. I really felt him talking to me and taking me to a new level of faith. He taught me to trust him more. Instead of complaining about the fact that my entry did not get received, I praise and thank him for his generosity and love as well as the promises He's give me. He will work things out especially with me and Xiao fasting together. Whenever 2 or more come together for one cause, He will be there and whatever is asked in His name, He shall provide. Jesus is my everything. I really don't know what I would be like right now in this moment if I didn't have Him or didn't know Him in my life. He has blessed me so much. I have no time to worry but only time to uplift his power, praising him forever and ever. I love Jesus. I love you God!! I love studying the word of God. I love dwelling myself in His spirit. It makes me so joyous. It makes me smile. It allows me to enjoy the peace & tranquility that is so rare and only felt best when I'm with Him.

The Lord is my light, my salvation  - whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid? [Ps 27:1]
My heart says of you "Seek his face!" Your face Lord, I will seek. [Ps 27:8]
 I remained confidence of this. I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living: Wait for the Lord, be strong and take hearts, and wait for the Lord. [Ps 27:13 - 14]

My God, almighty, You are more powerful than any other and the Devil will never ever be able to take you down. He is roaring back and forth in this earth trying to steal the heart of the weak and steal the souls of your daughters and sons. But You are God, the most high, the Living God who does everything out of love and forgiveness will deliver miracles in every situation of every person's life. Including mine. So, in You, I trust. Amen.