To do list

Monday, February 4, 2013

Thank you for loving me. Thank you for providing.

Jesus. Thank you for providing for me Jesus. Thank you that even though I only have a few dollars in my wallet right now, you will provide for all that I need. Lord I thank you for petrol for tomorrow so I can drive to Baulkham Hills, I thank you that I will have money for my Driver Qualification Test on wednesday. Thank you that you will provide for me when I meet up with everyone on Thursday. Thank you that you will give me the best, most original idea for the next few photoshoots. Thank you Lord for showing me that you are all I need. Thank you that I get to walk fully dependent on you and not in my power. Lord what would you like for us to do this weekend? This weekend we are having a welcome to church party, please let me know what you would like me to do. Help me to serve Leighton well, help me to serve you well.

Jesus, Thank you so much for reassuring me that you alone will provide. Jesus thank you for everything. Lord I ask that I will forever be dependent on you. Please remind me of your love for me always. Jesus I don't want to be apart from you for one moment. I want to be near and as close to you as possible. Lord I run to you because you are my refuge. When the world comes against me, you are there. Lord I will not worry about all the fines that I have. I know you said you will take care of it. I trust in you Jesus.

I love you so much Jesus. Please help me to know you more. Please help me to help others. Help me to be more like you. Help me to be the light in this dark world. Let me be your hands. Let me be used to touch others. Lord, I know it is hard, but help me to be obedient and willing to your plan and purpose.

Let me speak life into people's life. Let me do what I can to provide for others.

I love you God. I will never be able to fathom the love you have for me. All I can ask if for you to show me more and more glimpses of your love.

Help me to love the way you do. Help me to look beyond my selfish ambitions and desires and to do everything for you. I know it's hard God, but if you are for me, who can be against me.

Please help me to never give up reading the bible, because I know in my own power I will fail. But if you will help me by your grace, I know I can do all thing. Let my desire for you grow more and more each day. Let my mind rest on you. Let me look up and seek your face. Help me to run away from this world every now and then to seek for your presence.

Help me to continue to appreciate delay and time on my own.

Bless my hands.

Bless my mind.

Bless my speech.

Bless my feet.

Bless my posture.

Give me the aura that is from you. That glows. That is full of your mighty power, love and grace.