To do list

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Another day... A Beautiful day

Today was wonderful. Like every other day by the grace of God. Jesus is so amazing. I feel so blessed.

But what makes today extra special is the fact that I was able to make it to Xiao's connect group which was awesome. I was at her house for the first time today and I got to say that i absolutely love the place so much. It is small but so cosy. It's so vintage and I love every bit of it. I love how every single space is used for a purpose. I love it. And that gave me inspirations for my own room. I'm actually thinking of rearranging my room and now I have ideas. I want to make it really cosy and since it's winter, I'd also like to get a large piece of rug and a low coffee table or something so we can chill and relax with pillows. We can also watch movies, enjoy drinks, eat lunch together etc. There are so many ideas. I love how God just anoints me with ideas. It's just so amazing.

I love how we were able to do worship our God. I love how every moment was filled with gladness and laughter and I'm sure everyone loved being there. The food was absolutely awesome! The people were so generous and influential. Everyone had their stories to tell and I was so blessed to even be listening. It gave me so much more faith because of what you have done in their lives. I know I just have to keep praying for my parents and then you will eventually change their hearts and change their ways, and finally you will make a way for them to know you. At the right time, according to your timing, not mine.

God I want to thank you for the amazing opportunity I have with Dennis and James. You are so great and I know it's also because my desire is so strong and You've allowed the Holy Spirit to fill me and worked through me. With your help I was able to transform the creativity into a reality. I'm glad that people are able to see the amazing work you've allowed me to do. I knew that everything that I've done is not my own, but is of your truly one of a kind work. People loved it God. And it's because it is ALL FROM YOU!!!!

Jesus, tonight I also felt as though the Holy Spirit is telling me to fast especially for my dad. You've told me that before but I didn't finish the fast. But despite me not knowing how many days I'm going for this time, I will still start tomorrow. I want to do this because I'm hungry to know more of you. I want to get more in tuned with your spirit and your words. I want to be more sensitise to you. I want to be able to be blessed by you with all situations and especially when you've given me a start to this totally new and exciting journey, I really need to fast because I need your guidance. I know I will be influence nations and the world and I believe that for a fact because you told me. For this reason alone, because I will be a powerful figure, I will need to fast. I know you're using me for something extrordinary. I know you're preparing me every second for the bright future you've planned and I can't wait to live out your promises. I know the road will be narrowed, it will be hard because I'm not on the earthy straight path where I live to please others & myself, but I will pureply live for you by the Holy Spirit.

Well Jesus, please bless me with the 2 photo shoots tomorrow and also allow me to give what is in my heart for the "HEART OF THE HOUSE OFFERING". I know I need to contribute to this because it is so important!

Please help me through this fast. I have a feeling that I will be doing this for 14 days. Please help me God. I really want to do this. I desire to know you, and I want to put you first and live my days for you. Without food or materialistic things to fufil my stomach and my soul.