To do list

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Oh Glory

Oh Jesus, almighty God. My father of the most high. How I love you and how I am blessed by your greatness.

Oh TD Jakes... Blessed is the man who delivers the word of God from heaven. Blessed is he who receives your glory and speaks to the lost souls. Blessed are the one who hears you and change their ways because of your words. Blessed are the one whom you've chosen and have been given a new revelation and anointing upon their lives.

I'm so blessed.

Advantage is coming.

Advantage is coming.

My heart is burning with desire to love you.

It burns with a passion to be more for you.

It is over joy with the thought of your favours being delivered onto me as my character purifies.

Oh Lord Jesus, the words touch me so much. I need to hear that so much. You've spoken to me on so many different levels that I don't even know where to start.

Trust issues: Yes, I have to be a trustworthy person in order for you to use me for a great cause.


Oh Jesus, the marvelous power you possess. None have seen the greatest thing you are able to do. None will ever be able to oversee that because our minds are not big enough, knowledgeable enough to comprehend its vastness and greatness of power. You are so amazing and great and to you I give you all the praise. To you I lift up my hands and heart and give all I have to you. I surrender to you Jesus. I surrender all to you.

I want to be more like you. I want to be the gold utensil you use in your household. The tools you use for special occasions. The tools with favours. Not ordinary clay or wooden tools, but that which is made of gold. I want to be your servant. I will change my heart and set my character right. I will show you that you can trust me by taking good care of what you've already given me at this moment in time: be it material things, money, opportunities, working for mum, respecting everyone, loving the lost or being patient with my little sister and help out with the houseworks to lead as an example for her.

My heart.

My heart.

I have to set it right.

God will use me even if I don't have the talents that some might have. He will still use me even if I'm not as experienced as some other people. God will favour me because of the condition of my heart. He will use me because I have the right attitude. He can use me because He sees the potential in me. He uses me because He trusts me and have seen me taking care of small things. He will pour out his glorious power upon me, the undeniable awesome gifts, the amazing opportunities, the right people and all these will allow God to bring me to where He has planned. All this for the greatness of His Kingdom. Oh joyful. Oh Glorious. Oh Heaven. Let the earth and heaven praise you forever and ever. Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world.

No one can take a hold of me. My God is great. He is powerful. He can do all thing.

Message from God:
- Give back the equipments from T&G
- Cotinue to be patient with Chi
- Take care of this house. Clean it if it's dirty. Don't wait for someone else to do it. Keep things neat and clean.
- Fasting: "Your perseverance will determine my trust for you."

- Don't try to obtain more knowlege, trying to get to know more things. Don't research about unnecessary things such as Blackberry phones, Nikon 5000D cameras or ideas for your room: what rug you are going to get, what wardrobes you are going to buy, what TV you like or have the lowest price. Am I not greater than all that? It is the matter of the heart not the mind. It is a matter of the spirit not the head. You can try to obtain more information but it is God's supernatural power that will be far more effective than all your research and creative ideas. Haven't I shown you enough so far, proving to you that what you have been doing is not your own but was created through the Holy Spirit? You, yourself know that your faith can grow, and seeing by the faith you have right now, unbelievable things have already been taken place, how much more will I bless you if you are able to grow more in my spirit, adopt a new level of faith? How much more do you think I will bless you? Immensely, I say. I will bless you immensely. I will entrust you with things people will be afraid of being in charge of. I will give you great power to take care of business that older people will be shocked to find out that a person at such a young age like yourself is doing just fine. By my power you will change nations and the world. I will give you blessings and pour my spirit upon your family, your generations, the work you do and the people you deal with. Any person you come in touch with & talk to will be blessed through you because you are mine and I am pleased with your heart. The long winding road will not be easy, but because I am with you, I will give you strength, I will renew your spirit for each case. That way you will grow stronger in my faith as you step further into my purpose for you. You will stay firm and strong in your position. You will be blessed with opportunities to change the view of the world. They will see you and they will think of me. They will see you and be proud of your success. Your family especially will be proud of what you've become. You will shine my name as you shine yours. I've chosen you because you possessed the exact character and personality that I need in order to carry out such work. Only you are able to do the will that I have for you, no one else but you. And it is a great task. It is a hard task, but a rewarding one if you have the desire. All I ask for you is to obey me. Take time to read my words and to obey me. Reach into the presence of my spirit and obey me. Obey what I have to say. Listen to the voice in your mind when I do speak. Listen out for me. Follow your heart in everything you do. Be patient and calm. Be gentle and loving. Be strong and courageous. Be hardworking and humble. Speak not of your own strength but of mine. Speak of my great work. Acknowledge what I have done in your life and you will be blessed. People needs to hear your testimony. Their lives will be change. It is I, Jesus who is speaking to you right now. Take this. Remember this. It is the pinnacle of the journey you are about to start with me. This journey will take you around the world, from end and back. It will influence the most influencial people, you will be recognised and you then must show them that you are my child. Do not be afraid as to how it shall be done. My spirit will be with you and your calling will be accomplished until the very end. It will be accomplished and lives will be change.

Your God, who loves you.