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Friday, August 12, 2011

Paula White. Awesome

Have Integrity. Stick to your core belief. If you don't stand for something, You will fall for anything!

Paula White on "Just Paula" - Prgm 009 - Part 1

The reality is that you survived some things that killed other people.

Out of a little, a whole lot can come when it's in the hands of God.

It's not what happened but how you respond after what has happened.

What do I do with what I've been through?

Paula White on "Just Paula" - Prgm 009 - Part 2

Don't make a permanent decision in a temporary situation.

We tend to make a story out of ONE chapter. A season does not define you and a chapter does not tell the whole storyline.

God loves you so much that he will allow adversity to come so you will be able to see what the eyes can not.



Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
The Millionaire Next Door - Thomas Stanley & William Danko
The One Minute Millionaire - Mark Victor Hansen & Robert Allen
Failing Forward - Dr. John C. Maxwell
Today Matters - Dr. John C. Maxwell
Reallionaire: Nine Steps to Becoming Rich From the Inside Out. - Farrah Gray
The E Myth - Michael Gerber
Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki
A Setback is a Setup, for a Comeback - Willie Jolley
How to Get Rich without Cutting Up Your Credit Cards - Robert Kiyosaki
The Automatic Millionaire - David Bach
The Uncommon Millionaire - Dr. Mike Murdock
The Law of Recognition - Dr. Mike Murdock
Young, Fabulous, and Broke - Susie Orman
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - Steven Covey
Why We Want You to be Rich - Donald Trump & Robert Kiyosaki
The Nine Steps to Financial Freedom - Susie Orman
Multiple Streams of Income - Robert Allen
How to Think Like a Billionaire - Donald Trump