To do list

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


How do I explain how I feel now...

not a word can explain how I feel...

It's indescribable...

It was a great connect group. God knows my heart and have blessed me over and beyond. Made it possible for me to print out the material I've prepared. I know God have helped me speak over the connect group tonight. I just hope Michael will soften his heart for Jesus.

How do I say it. Leah came to the salon today and I had another glimpse at God's goodness. Leah told Khee that his mum and him had knee pain which were true. Then told him he should pray so he can be healed, then he said that he thinks he should pray. What was more profound is how she could see through Nancy and knew that she finds her identity in men and sexual sins. I didn't know that.

It scared me. It makes me think about how much more God knows about me and my sinfulness.

She offered that I should hang out with her tomorrow but still haven't heard from her. Hopefully she will contact me.

Jesus just told me that I will influence a multitude of people around me. He put psalm 65:11 in my mind: you crown the year with your goodness..

Even though my eating habit have gone bad today, but my spirit feels a sudden shift. I feel different. I feel like God is preparing me for something greater and something more.

I'm losing passion for hair and for fame. Which is good.

I just want to pursue him alone.

I want to know his word and live for him....

So last night.. I saw him again (_____) and he's been the longest crush. When I don't see him, it's okay, but when I comes back...Just want Jesus to clarify and take that feeling away....