To do list

Monday, December 12, 2011

Attitude makes all the difference

I like my job because....

1. They pay me for working there
2. I get to work even though there are millions of people out there who are unemployed
3. I have great working colleagues
4. I have the opportunities to make people happy and confidence
5. I infiltrate God's love from me to people
6. I get to practice my skills while at work; day by day
7. It's a very prestige company
8. The company has very good reputation
9. My clients are always so lovely, we're becoming really good friends
10. You meet people who are different and I connect with other designers ect...
11. It's right in the city and doesn't take too long to get there
12. I get my hair done for free all the time :)
13. I get to dress up every single day

to be continued....